There had been some confusion about the letter that had been handed to Thyssk B'Krr, mightiest of mighty kobold warriors. Mostly in that said champion of koboldkind had little idea on what a messenger was before the man hastily explained it to him whilst the kobold was demanding all his valuables. Then there was further confusion as Thyssk B'Krr, mightiest of of mighty kobold warriors, turned out to be illiterate and had very little ideas on what to do with the symbol-dotted parchment he was handed. A concession of sorts was made when the messenger read out the message to his would-be mugger and made his hasty escape whilst the kobold mulled over the promise of a great deal of shiny coins for simply showing up for a meeting with the Sorcerer-King.
Now, whilst illiterate, Thyssk was no fool. Many had sought to take his great wealth (by kobold standards) from him. Trickery and deception was an often-used tool, for none could best the little terror in battle or running to small hidey-holes. He knew of the Sorcerer-King's madness. But then again.... it was a great deal of coin that was promised, and the Sorcerer-King had little reason to rob Thyssk. Or kill him. At least, Thyssk could think of no reason. As far as he was aware, none of his recent victims had been related to the Lord of Khazat-Hal. Perhaps the mad dwarf
did need a failed-experiment-hunter. And Thyssk
was quite apt at battle (being the mightiest of mighty kobold warriors, as many knew). Maybe, just
maybe, this message was real and Zharakh Daemonhammer did want Thyssk to do his dirty work. And Thyssk did like doing dirty work for mad tyrant-sorcerer-overlords. They paid really well when they weren't trying to kill you to avoid paying you.
Thus, he had set out. He first went to collect his partner in crime, the big lizard magicky-magick aptly named Clickclack, who demonstrated how dumb he was by picking a name so the big pink ones could speak it. Thyssk would never do such a thing. After all, if they couldn't speak his name, the pinkskins couldn't steal it! Forevermore kobolds would name their hatchlings in his honor, and no fat ugly pink baby would ever bring shame to it. Thyssk made sure he told Clickclack of this brilliant notion again as he did on every occasion the thought came to mind, which for regular bystanders was an unfortunately regular occurrence.
Thankfully for his large lizard companion, Thyssk currently was preoccupied with exploring what the stronghold city had on offer. Beggars left him alone, knowing full well that reaching out a hand for alms might lead to a loss of fingers from sudden biting. Thyssk did like impromptu snacks. That left three meat pie vendors in a good mood, for Thyssk had a certain addiction for the savory dish. Especially the ones in the further back alleys who Thyssk was sure added such delicious prime ingredients such as rat or cat.
Thus, near the gate of the fortress, Thyssk caught up with Clickclack, trying to wolf down the third pie and finding that his stomach would accept no further additives. Wondering what to do with the pie that could not be eaten, the kobold looked up at his rather poorly named companion, and offered up the partly chewed treat.
Last edited December 9, 2021 7:59 pm