Explore the Uncharted Continent -Interst/Recruitme

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Dec 12, 2021 12:26 pm
An unexplored continent. The happenchance discovery of a strange metallic element imbued with strong magical energies. Unworkable by forge and fire. Only malleable by wizardry. It has quickly become the most valuable commodity in the Known Realms. The rush has began. As people flock across the sea to Uncharted Continent to brave strange dangers and pierce its dense trackless jungles to try and find that mythic element..mythite. Tales abound of wild and savage mechanical men, tall primative masked natives, carnivorous flora, and forgotten temples and fortresses. Will you survive to make your fortune on...mythite

The Crunchy Stuff

Ok this is a d&d 5e. I am looking for 4 players all 18+...preferable 30+ that would be much closer to my own age 43. Things may get a little adult, crude, raunchy, gross, or stupid at times so better safe than sorry.
This is a developing setting of dangerous exploration and treasure hunting. I am not a serious, no nonesense DM, so expect this setting to be some mix of gritty and humorous. We will find out together what that will end up making.
So frequency will be 1 post a day...cuz life. I dont need a full character when applying just a good character idea..that os always more important to me than numbers so telle about your character and why they are going to the Uncharted Continent and looking for...mythite. So speaking of characters...

Character Creation

All characters are 1st level...thats right starting at the bottom. Characters can only be made from the Players Handbook...no other official source material or homebrew. All characters arrive in Seeker's Bay aboard the same vessel. Where you come from in the Known Realms is not that important. The important thing is why and how you got here. To make things more interesting all players will have to roll for their starting wealth...there is not any equipment earned by class or background. Once you have rolled you must purchase your passage to the Uncharted Continent and then equipment.
Alternately you may opt to contract with a patron wizard to fund your passage. This, in spirit, is like a warlocks pact. Your PC is contractually bonded magically to a wizard to fulfill their desire for ...mythite. The terms vary from contract to contract some are just and fair others not so much. If a player opts for a contract they may use their rolled wealth as they like and a roll will be made to determine the type of contract they have. More about that if that piques interest.

And speaking of piqueing intrest. If anyone shows interest in this game idea I will create the game
Last edited Dec 12, 2021 1:00 pm
Dec 12, 2021 1:07 pm
I am very much interested. However I like to make character in a discussion with DM, not on my own. I have lately figure out that to have fun playing DnD I need my character motivation and goals to perfectly fit the settings and the team gaol. So I would like to know at leat this:
How desperate should one be to travel to Uncharted Continent ? Does any humanoid not satisfied with it's current income level willing to go there, or is the risk really high? Perhaps it is just recently discovered and people can't yet assess risks and the chances of earning?
I will want to understand what would be reasonable motivation for unexperienced adventurer to start the journey and attempt a competition with more experienced adventurers (I would like to believe that other personas from the Seeker's Bay and even all around the world would also be interested seeking the valuable commodity and they have better chances to survive).

In other words the question is: would a young character who is simply looking to prove himself be willing to undertake it, or would it rather be a desperate person, such as one trying to escape prosecution, debt collectors or gang revenge... Does my PC need to be willing to return back as soon as possible but with enough mythite or happy to stay one the new continent and live life there?
Dec 12, 2021 1:48 pm
storyweaver says:
Character Creation

All characters are 1st level...thats right starting at the bottom. Characters can only be made from the Players Handbook...no other official source material or homebrew.
While I understand the reluctance for homebrew, I'm curious why you won't accept other published sources
Dec 12, 2021 2:44 pm
Hi Grey Word. The simple answer is why people go is greed and hope. Many adventures are motivated by treasure..rumors of untold wealth drove many to the Americas. As well many came seeking escape from persecution and debt..so where sent to the Americas to pay off debt.
As to making a character I am always open to discussing character ideas. I am very much in agreement that the better a character fits into a setting the more enjoyable ot is for me as well.

For runekyndig..
The short answer is I only have the 5e PHB,DMG, and MM. It makes it simplier than having to track down information players want to incorporate or take their word for it
Last edited Dec 12, 2021 2:45 pm
Dec 12, 2021 3:50 pm
Are the party going to be just one of the many concurrent adventurers and have the biggest problem - concurrent teams (and some of them more powerful and better equipped than we). Or are we one of the very first adventurers to travel to "America" after Columbus?
P.S. I am very into idea to limit to PHB only, would like to clarify if it limit everything: races, classes, spells, backgrounds, languages, etc. ?
Last edited Dec 12, 2021 3:51 pm
Dec 12, 2021 4:36 pm
With the setting there are only 3 "ports" that serve as starting points. While each functions as sort of a town...mechanically I needed a way to resupply PCs. The part is not alone. In all I wpuld say any given time there are are around 10 to 15 thousamd Known Realmers. Many are adventurers..some are failed adventures, some are there in support roles..trying to make money OFF the adventures.. And another minority is there for other reasons complete...for instance spiritual conversion of the natives, seeking a new life maybe.

PHB only does mean only races, classes, spells.equpment, etc found in the PHB are allowed. I plan to add things(eventually) specific only to this setting.
Last edited Dec 12, 2021 4:37 pm
Dec 12, 2021 4:44 pm
..the vast majority of the Continent is unexplored. The coastline isn't mappwd yet. Aside from the three settlements(none controlled by any Known Realms government) much is unknown beyond a few miles of the shore in the area of the settlements. A river or two provides the largest inroads but the jungles are dense and vast
Dec 12, 2021 11:04 pm
Not in the market for a new game and don't normally play 5e, but I love the setup here, and limiting options to just the PHB. Pains me to not help explore the new continent...
Dec 13, 2021 12:22 am
I'm always up for a good explore. I'm thinking of a young orphan child who was saved from slavery by a wizened old wizard. As a youth he did fetch and carry. As a teenager he did a lot of prep work eventually becoming the old man's apprentice. The kid loved the old man enough to do anything for him so when news of the uncharted continent and mythite reached them the old man's eyes lit up. He had gone on adventures as a much younger man but his age just stood in the way of this one. His young apprentice agreed to go on the adventure after his master agreed to pay all his expenses. Does that work for you?

I do have some questions though. What you had described indicated a very difficult campaign fraught with extreme danger. Can we expect our characters to regularly level up during the quest? Since I've been playing this game as long as you've been alive I have a pretty good idea of what it takes to accomplish certain tasks. To reach the kind of goal that you're promising would take characters of at least 7th or 8th level.
Dec 13, 2021 2:03 am
The character is interesting. He would need some sort of twist to it. My idea for the patronage was in the theme of indentured servitude and is designed to not be as kind as you described. It was intended to cause players to make the choice of gear or basically selling their soul. Characters with torment can add different dynamics. If a player found that idea intriguing it gives them an easy way to have it.

As to leveling. It is a dangerous setting and PC turn over may be high so levelling up regular may or may not be possible. I dunno. I have not set any solid goals aside from a exploration theme and I hope a good story in that
Dec 13, 2021 8:44 am
I like the idea of a character "selling their soul". How would that work in the game mechanically? Would PC simply loose some of my earned wealth during the campaign or at the end? Or would this instead mean that PC will have story influencing interactions with the wizard (such as through sending spell)? Would he need to do thing that are not in the best interest of the rest of the team?
storyweaver says:
I have not set any solid goals aside from a exploration theme and I hope a good story in that
They say "Three pillars of adventuring make up the D&D game: exploration, social interaction, and combat." Do you imply to use one of the 3 pillars much more heavy than the other two?
Also - what is your definition of a good story? Do you agree with definition in DMG chapter 3 "Elements of a Great Adventure" ? Do you aim to fulfil all 7 of them?
Dec 13, 2021 11:22 am
Passage to the Uncharted Continent one way costs 50gp...alot from starting funds...some classes outright cant pay it a few of rolls are lucky can.
So in this setting some smart and aged wizards began offering patronage. Wizards only do this because they have a means of enforcing it. What does a piece of paper mean when the contractee os thousands of miles away?? Comtractee wear a unremovable bracer that keeps their patron in the know on their activities. Sprt of like a familiar. The patron cannot not tell what the contractee is thinking. If the patron believes the contracted is not working to fulfill the contract they can remind the contracted of their obligations and motivate them with the braver. The bracer may glow as a genetle reminder..however of that is insufficient it can cause alot nof discomfort sickness, pain, and even paralysis till contracted complies. It cannot kill the contractee but can leave them in way where they could be killed.

The idea is the PC who opts for this patronage makes a charisma check. When creating their character after the roll for starting wealth but before spending it. If the roll is successful you get a patron who offers a "fair and standard" contract. If the roll fails the player rolls to see what the terms their contract has.

Right now this is a mechanic still being worked out. I have playable basics but this will be fleshed out more. I hope this works out in all kinds of ways. Making the contractee work agaonst the party. Have them make major decisions that may affect story with that contract looming over them...I can envision many instances. Some I don't want to give away yet.
GreyWord says:

They say "Three pillars of adventuring make up the D&D game: exploration, social interaction, and combat." Do you imply to use one of the 3 pillars much more heavy than the other two?
Also - what is your definition of a good story? Do you agree with definition in DMG chapter 3 "Elements of a Great Adventure" ? Do you aim to fulfil all 7 of them?
That is the very definition of a good story to me. Mixing those three up in everchanging doses
I feel what I have in mind lones up with the DMG elements pretty well
Dec 13, 2021 1:32 pm
By the way, what is the reason for the patronage mechanics? I feel like I am missing the reason why it should add any fun to the game.
Or probably I have it figured out - you want 30+ to avoid envy and conflict designed by poor wealth/charisma rolls to outgrow prom character level to players level. We will need to have fun as players in game where several characters are forced to behave evil.
Dec 13, 2021 7:13 pm
Sounds like what you're doing is enslaving the characters. I'm not really interested in trying to break the bonds of slavery while I'm trying to solve mysteries, avoid traps and avoid/fight savage monsters. I will look elsewhere for a game.
Last edited Dec 13, 2021 7:13 pm
Dec 13, 2021 7:57 pm
No thats not what I am doing it is merely a storytelling option one could choose.
Patronage is not the only option for a character
I decided to edit this post to address what came across as a snarky response from a member that does not like the game as presented. While I do understand differing styles of gaming it is my opinion that if yours does differ it does not garner you the right to disparage what you do not agree with. My advice to ANY person is to form your response to some one with politeness and civility. To be clear to bluntly state what amounts to ones own perception of some elses creation or intent is neither polite or civil.
Last edited Dec 13, 2021 8:07 pm
Dec 13, 2021 9:16 pm
Hey Storyweaver! I'm in the market for a second game and as I like things to be simpler I'm all in for a PHB-only game. I'm 39 years old so I'm old young enough. I like the premise and I'm thinking of a character concept. How about a knight sent by his/her noble family to carve out a claim in the land to secure a new source of income for the House? Could be a human or elf fighter. The character on one end hates being there (MOSQUITOES EVERYWHERE!), but feels bound by duty to complete the task.
Last edited Dec 13, 2021 9:16 pm
Dec 13, 2021 9:33 pm
I like it. It could work well tropical heat and stubborn armor clad warriors sounds intriguing.

I will get the game set up for those interested
Dec 13, 2021 10:18 pm
storyweaver, I'm sorry if my last comment upset you or anyone in any way. I think you are doing good job trying to invent new mechanics to an old game, but I suggest that even a short explanation of your reason for the homebrew mechanics could avoid further conflicts.
Sorry, I. don't have my character concept yet, still trying figure team tolerance .
Dec 13, 2021 10:55 pm
Hi Grey Word I have sent you a PM.
You are correct and I happy to try to explain more about thos vague concept.
First my motives. I truly enjoy exploring ideas in role-playing. Not just rolling dice and killing dragons...that is fun in its own right. But I really like getting into a theme, emotion, setting, etc. So I GM that way as well. I like to challenge players...either through storytelling or mechanics with themes, emotions, amd settings.. Many times with all of those. This setting is one. A basic theme of many colonizations is hardship and ambition. You are far from home, in a unfamiiar setting, resources one is used to are either unavailable or extremely limited. Colonizers/explorers had to be ingenious, frugal, wary, and often brutal. I want to reflect all of this in the game. So challenging players with limits helps to reflect that as well.
Dec 14, 2021 9:28 am
OK, I see. One more question - are you used to have personal gaols set for your player characters rooted deeply in the main story? Let me know if that is not how you are used to DM and I will figure out something else, but this is what I would really like to have

I would like to play a character who has goal beyond earning wealth, though I like the idea that fixing PC financial issues is a prerequisite to implement his primary goal. I would be happy to play Cleric or Paladin that has player goal set by his deity. An achievable goal defined by DM and implemented into the story (Should it be a spirit that we have to free up, relic we need to find or monster(s) that the party will have to kill for me to make a ritual with the dead body). Once it is achieved we could work out the next.
I would make character around the goal - for example, should the goal be to kill monsters desecrated ancient temple of my deity - the choice is obviously a paladin who will take Oath of Vengeance at lvl 3.
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