Dec 14, 2021 2:20 am
1-3 | (CORE) PARRY: Your opponent suffers −1 to Defense per SP spent until your next turn, as you guide their limb or weapon off-center, throwing off their balance.
1+ | (CORE) FOOTWORK: You maneuver effortlessly. Gain +1 per SP spent to one combat-related test of your choice before the end of your next turn.
1 | FEINT: Reduce your target’s initiative by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the rest of the encounter.
2 | DISARM: You and your target make opposed melee attack rolls; if you win, knock your enemy’s weapon 1d6 + Strength meters away in a direction of your choice.
3 | HAMSTRING: Cumulatively reduce your target’s Speed by 3 for the rest of the encounter. If it’s reduced to 0, they become restrained for the rest of the encounter and cannot move.
3 | BIND WEAPON: You and your opponent make opposed melee attack rolls; if you win, your opponent’s next melee attack against you automatically misses.
4 | ARMOR CRUSH: Convert up to 3 points of damage you would inflict on your foe with this attack into a penalty to their worn armor instead, based on the type of damage you dealt. This penalty lasts for 1d6 rounds or until they take a major action to readjust their armor, whichever comes first.
5 | BREAK WEAPON: You and your opponent make opposed melee attack rolls; if you win, your destroy your opponent’s weapon, rendering it unusable.
1-3 |SYSTEM DAMAGE: Your attack damages the vehicle’s Handling, Sensors, or Weapons. Impose a –1 penalty per SP spent to the damaged ability (up to 3). Handling imposes a modifier on tests to operate the vehicle. This penalty remains until the vehicle is repaired. Damage control with a TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering) test can negate (but not remove) the penalty for rounds equal to the Drama Die result. If the ability is reduced below –2, the vehicle automatically fails tests calling for it. If Handling is reduced below –2, the vehicle is out of control and helpless.
1+ | PENETRATE HULL: Your attack overcomes the vehicle’s resistance to damage. If a vehicle has a Hull rating, you must spend SP equal to it on this stunt before spending SP on other stunts.
2 | OFF-COURSE: The vehicle is thrown off-course and the operator must make a TN 15 test to maintain control. A new test can be made each round to regain control if it is lost.
2 | SCUTTLE: Your attack destroys the target vehicle. This stunt is only available against a helpless vehicle.
2+ | SHRAPNEL: The attack causes a damaging explosion in the vehicle’s interior. The operator and all passengers in the same compartment suffer 1d6 damage for 2 SP or 2d6 damage for 4 SP.
3+ | HULL BREACH: You inflict significant damage to the vehicle, reducing its Hull rating by 1 per 3 SP spent. The loss of Hull rating lasts until repaired.
4 | DISABLE DRIVE: Your attack disables the vehicle’s propulsion. The operator must make a TN 15 test to maintain control and, even if they succeed, must deal with a vehicle that can no longer move or maneuver under its own power. The vehicle is helpless. Damage control with a TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering) test can restore the vehicle’s propulsion for rounds equal to the Drama Die result.
4+ | SKEWER: Your attack is in just the right place to do serious damage inside the vehicle: One character suffers 4d6 damage for 4 SP, or for 6 SP, 6d6 damage or the full damage of your weapon +2d6, whichever is less.
5 | RUPTURE: Your attack ruptures a fuel line or power conduit, causing an internal explosion. This deals 3d6 penetrating damage to everyone in a compartment of the vehicle and also causes the effects of either a System Damage (3 SP) or Slowdown stunt.
6 | DISABLE ENGINE: Your attack disables the vehicle’s engine or main power, such as a ship’s reactor, causing the effect of a Disable Drive stunt and leaving the vehicle completely without power other than emergency back-ups and essentially helpless. Damage control with a TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering) test can restore power for rounds equal to the Drama Die result. Otherwise the power remains offline until repaired.
1-3 | (CORE) WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER: You reveal this test was part of your plan all along, granting a bonus equal to the SP spent on one ally’s next test during the same encounter to accomplish the same goal. If desired, you can split the bonus among multiple allies, giving each a minimum +1. You must make this decision before any ally rolls.
1+ | A STITCH IN TIME: You put in the effort to do it right the first time, setting yourself up for greater success later. Gain +1 per SP spent on your next test related to this one during this encounter, as long as this roll was part of an advanced test.
1+ | PAY DIRT: In the course of your endeavor, you win a bet, happen across a conveniently abandoned stash, or discover something valuable you can pawn to make a buck, among other possibilities. Temporarily gain +1 Income per SP spent; this increase lasts until you next fail an Income test. Instances of this stunt don’t stack; only the highest bonus applies.
2 | JURY RIG: You find or improvise a piece of equipment you need to be more effective. Negate any situational penalties you would suffer for lacking proper equipment on tests appropriate to the improvisation, for the rest of the encounter.
2 | SPEED DEMON: You complete your test in half the time it would otherwise take.
3 | THE UPPER HAND: If your success leads to combat within the encounter, you receive a +3 on your initiative roll.
4 | WITH A FLOURISH: You impress everyone who watches you with your ability. Gain a +1 to opposed tests against them for the rest of the encounter.
5 | FRUGAL: You use only what you must to get the job done, saving resources for a rainy day. This Income test doesn’t deplete your Income even if it normally would.
1+ | (CORE) JUST A SHADOW: Gain +1 per SP spent to your next test during this encounter as long as you remain unnoticed.
1. | (CORE) GOOD INSTINCTS: Make a Perception test using an appropriate focus (GM’s choice) with the same TN as the test you just made to learn the most likely immediate consequence of the action you just performed.
1+ | CALMING THE WATERS: Reduce the current Churn Pool by the SP spent. See The Churn in Chapter 12 for details.
1 | BRAVERY: Your success bolsters your courage, granting you 1d6 extra Toughness against the next damaging hazard you face in this encounter.
2. | OVER HERE!: Your flashy action makes you the center of attention. Each of your allies gains +1 to their next test to hide or pass scrutiny in this encounter, such as Dexterity (Legerdemain or Stealth) or Communication (Disguise). Any action an opponent takes until then automatically targets you.
2 | TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM: When you successfully avoid damage from a hazard but an ally doesn’t, you may take the damage for that ally while they remain unaffected.
3. | COVER YOUR TRACKS: Whether you’re hacking into a network, evading the cops, or infiltrating a military base, you impose a −2 on all future rolls to follow your trail related to this test.
3. | HIGH TECH HUSTLE: With an injection of technobabble or a quick mod to a device, you sidestep one minor complication impeding your current goal, or give yourself the ability to perform one task you otherwise couldn’t in the current situation, at the GM’s discretion.
4. | IT WASN’T ME: You leave evidence another character is responsible for the results of your test, such as breaking and entering, cheating at cards, or uploading a computer virus. All failed tests to investigate the truth reveal that person as the culprit, and such tests suffer a −2 penalty.
5. | FANCY MEETING YOU HERE: Choose a focus or talent your character doesn’t possess. An NPC of the GM’s choice with that focus or talent appears in the scene within a few minutes, or a few rounds if your action leads directly to action time. This doesn’t dictate anything about their situation, attitude, or identity; these are all up to the GM.
1-3 | (CORE) A-HA!: The GM reveals an additional useful fact about the object of your test per SP spent (Simple); gain +1 per SP spent to your next test following up on the lead you just unlocked (Detailed).
1 | FLASHBACK: This test reminds you of something important you forgot. The GM reveals the identity or existence of another source of information you didn’t know about (Simple); treat one of your tangential focuses as a primary one on the next test you make to unlock a lead related to this test (Detailed).
2 | INTUITION: The GM reveals a fact about the object of your test you could not have noticed or deduced simply by interacting with it (Simple); when you uncover a clue, you gain two new leads instead of one, making the path branch (Detailed).
3 | LUCKY BREAK (DETAILED): This test’s result leads fortuitously to putting two and two together later. Treat one irrelevant focus as a tangential one on the next test you make to unlock a lead related to this test.
4 | DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (DETAILED): If this test led to a reveal, the GM also provides a brand new lead about a new subject that will lead to greater rewards.
5 | BREAKTHROUGH: You gain not only information but some form of incontrovertible proof (Simple); reduce the total number of leads on the path by one, jumping to a further point in the investigation immediately (Detailed).
1-3 | (CORE) MAKING AN OFFER: Your test implies a promise or olive branch, temporarily shifting the target’s Attitude toward you up by one per SP spent (even if this test already shifted it); it shifts back by the same amount as soon as you fail a social test against them. Inapplicable when performing a grand gesture.
1 | READ THE ROOM: The GM reveals the current Attitude, or an intention or mood indicator, for one character present of your choice, in reaction to your test. You can choose this stunt multiple times per roll. Characters with either the Communication (Deception) or Willpower (Self-Discipline) focus may roll vs. your Perception (Empathy) to avoid this.
2 | ON THE FENCE: Choose a character you didn’t target who’s Standoffish, Neutral, or Open toward you. They’re convinced to take your side in the conflict, as long as they don’t already oppose you (Simple); shift their Attitude toward you up by one for the rest of the encounter (Detailed).
3 | BAD FORM: Immediately regain the SP you spent on this stunt, plus 1 more. Then choose any character present; they now consider you a rival, threat, or enemy, shifting their Attitude to Hostile if it was Standoffish or Neutral, or shifting it to its negative variation if it was more positive. Inapplicable if all NPCs present are already Hostile toward you.
3 | CAST OUT: Your action shames or embarrasses another character present, imposing a −2 penalty on their next social roll against anyone but you in this encounter (Simple) or worsening the Attitude of one other character present toward them by one shift (Detailed).
4 | RISKY BUSINESS: Your action reveals a secret or contains a significant lie, shifting your target’s Attitude toward another character in the scene from Neutral or worse to Very Hostile; it also worsens your target’s Attitude toward you by one shift, as they’re inclined to shoot the messenger. If you lied and the target later finds out, their Attitude toward you shifts to Very Hostile as well.
5 | MEDDLE: Your action brings others together or drives a wedge between them. Choose two other characters present and shift their Attitudes toward each other up or down by one (both in the same direction).
1 | (CORE) BON MOT: You tag the perfect witty remark onto the end of your action. If you can’t think of one, let the group brainstorm and pick one among their ideas. Gain a temporary honorific you can use for passive Reputation only, for the rest of the session.
1 |STICK YOUR NECK OUT: Your test puts your own Reputation in jeopardy to help someone else. An ally of your choice gains a +2 bonus to their next social test in this encounter; if they fail, you lose all Reputation bonuses from one honorific for the rest of the session.
2 | IN GOOD STANDING: When targeting a member of an organization in which you have Membership, treat your rank as one higher for the purpose of gaining access to resources for the rest of this encounter.
3 | BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT: Your action impresses or charms any one character present. Roll Communication (Persuasion) vs. Willpower (Self-Discipline) to affect someone with an Attitude of Hostile or worse; no roll is necessary for others. Increase all relevant Membership and Reputation bonuses by +1 while interacting with that character for the rest of the session; this may improve their Attitude toward you, at the GM’s discretion.
3 | GO VIRAL: Whether via you or others sharing a video or audio recording, news gets out quickly about what you’ve just done. For the rest of the session, the honorific most related to this test applies even in situations where it seems unrelated.
4 | OOZING CONFIDENCE: Your action impresses or fools all the right people. Gain one temporary Reputation honorific or rank of Membership for the rest of the session, or until you next fail a test relevant to this influence, whichever comes first.
5 |NAME-DROPPING: Your action displays your affiliation with someone whose Membership rank is higher than yours in an organization to which you belong, or who has a relevant honorific you don’t. You may use their Reputation or Membership benefits with that honorific or organization as your own for the rest of the session; if they find out and disapprove, worsen their Attitude toward you by one shift.
1 | CARDS ON THE TABLE: If you were completely honest when making this test, your target must be completely honest in the next social test they make against you during this encounter. This doesn’t stop either character from omitting information or offering misleading truths.
1 | MAKING AN ENTRANCE: If this is your first action of the encounter, gain +1 to your next opposed roll against one character who witnessed it. You can choose this stunt multiple times per roll.
2 | AND ANOTHER THING: Make a second, related test as part of your action, before anyone else has a chance to respond or make any tests of their own.
2 | HIDDEN MESSAGE: Your words convey a different message to one person than to everyone else who hears them; the character you choose is the only one who can decipher your true meaning.
2 | SWAY THE CROWD: Your words affect one additional person of your choice. You may choose this stunt multiple times per roll, but if someone opposed your test, you can’t expand the effect to anyone with a higher ability + focus total than the original target.
3 | GOOD COP/BAD COP: Choose an ally to immediately make a test in seeming opposition to the one you just made, with the same target. If they succeed, rather than garnering the usual results, they prompt the target to give up a secret you didn’t already know.
3 | LET’S MAKE A DEAL: Your action turns out to benefit a character you didn’t target, who now owes you a favor, however grudgingly.
3 | OBJECTION!: You step in on someone else’s behalf. Another character in the scene may use your ability + focus score instead of their own next time they oppose a test during this encounter.
4 | CLASS CLOWN: Your words lighten the mood, imposing a –2 penalty to all enemies’ initiative rolls if a fight breaks out during this encounter.
4 | FLIRT: Roll Communication (Seduction) vs. your target’s Willpower (Self-Discipline) as a simple social roll against a character whose Attitude toward you is Open or better, with a positive bent; if you win, they become enamored with your character, opening the door to future romance or intimacy. How this proceeds is up to you and the GM to work out together.
4 | FROM THE HEART: You believe wholeheartedly in what you say. Choose one Willpower focus. If you don’t have it already, gain it for the rest of the encounter. If you do, it adds +3 instead of +2 to rolls you make with it.
4 | SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN: Applies to a test targeting someone you have a negative Relationship with, or who has harmed someone you have a Relationship with. The next attack you make against that target in this session is automatically a surprise attack, as long as they weren’t already in combat.
5 | ENRAGE: Choose one character present whose Attitude toward you is Neutral or worse, or a negative variant of a more positive Attitude. They must immediately either attack you or storm out of the scene. If they attack, it needn’t be deadly, though it can be.
5 | PATTER: Your rapid-fire words confuse your target, who must succeed at a Perception (Empathy) roll vs. your Communication (Deception), or automatically fail their next non-attack test against you.
7 | MY WORD IS MY BOND: Applies to a test relevant to completing a task you’ve promised someone you have a Relationship with you’ll perform. Gain +2 to tests directly related to completing this task until the end of the session. This stunt requires bonus SP available from a Relationship in order to meet the necessary cost.
1-3 | (CORE) PARRY: Your opponent suffers −1 to Defense per SP spent until your next turn, as you guide their limb or weapon off-center, throwing off their balance.
1+ | (CORE) FOOTWORK: You maneuver effortlessly. Gain +1 per SP spent to one combat-related test of your choice before the end of your next turn.
1 | FEINT: Reduce your target’s initiative by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the rest of the encounter.
2 | DISARM: You and your target make opposed melee attack rolls; if you win, knock your enemy’s weapon 1d6 + Strength meters away in a direction of your choice.
3 | HAMSTRING: Cumulatively reduce your target’s Speed by 3 for the rest of the encounter. If it’s reduced to 0, they become restrained for the rest of the encounter and cannot move.
3 | BIND WEAPON: You and your opponent make opposed melee attack rolls; if you win, your opponent’s next melee attack against you automatically misses.
4 | ARMOR CRUSH: Convert up to 3 points of damage you would inflict on your foe with this attack into a penalty to their worn armor instead, based on the type of damage you dealt. This penalty lasts for 1d6 rounds or until they take a major action to readjust their armor, whichever comes first.
5 | BREAK WEAPON: You and your opponent make opposed melee attack rolls; if you win, your destroy your opponent’s weapon, rendering it unusable.
1-3 |SYSTEM DAMAGE: Your attack damages the vehicle’s Handling, Sensors, or Weapons. Impose a –1 penalty per SP spent to the damaged ability (up to 3). Handling imposes a modifier on tests to operate the vehicle. This penalty remains until the vehicle is repaired. Damage control with a TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering) test can negate (but not remove) the penalty for rounds equal to the Drama Die result. If the ability is reduced below –2, the vehicle automatically fails tests calling for it. If Handling is reduced below –2, the vehicle is out of control and helpless.
1+ | PENETRATE HULL: Your attack overcomes the vehicle’s resistance to damage. If a vehicle has a Hull rating, you must spend SP equal to it on this stunt before spending SP on other stunts.
2 | OFF-COURSE: The vehicle is thrown off-course and the operator must make a TN 15 test to maintain control. A new test can be made each round to regain control if it is lost.
2 | SCUTTLE: Your attack destroys the target vehicle. This stunt is only available against a helpless vehicle.
2+ | SHRAPNEL: The attack causes a damaging explosion in the vehicle’s interior. The operator and all passengers in the same compartment suffer 1d6 damage for 2 SP or 2d6 damage for 4 SP.
3+ | HULL BREACH: You inflict significant damage to the vehicle, reducing its Hull rating by 1 per 3 SP spent. The loss of Hull rating lasts until repaired.
4 | DISABLE DRIVE: Your attack disables the vehicle’s propulsion. The operator must make a TN 15 test to maintain control and, even if they succeed, must deal with a vehicle that can no longer move or maneuver under its own power. The vehicle is helpless. Damage control with a TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering) test can restore the vehicle’s propulsion for rounds equal to the Drama Die result.
4+ | SKEWER: Your attack is in just the right place to do serious damage inside the vehicle: One character suffers 4d6 damage for 4 SP, or for 6 SP, 6d6 damage or the full damage of your weapon +2d6, whichever is less.
5 | RUPTURE: Your attack ruptures a fuel line or power conduit, causing an internal explosion. This deals 3d6 penetrating damage to everyone in a compartment of the vehicle and also causes the effects of either a System Damage (3 SP) or Slowdown stunt.
6 | DISABLE ENGINE: Your attack disables the vehicle’s engine or main power, such as a ship’s reactor, causing the effect of a Disable Drive stunt and leaving the vehicle completely without power other than emergency back-ups and essentially helpless. Damage control with a TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering) test can restore power for rounds equal to the Drama Die result. Otherwise the power remains offline until repaired.
1-3 | (CORE) WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER: You reveal this test was part of your plan all along, granting a bonus equal to the SP spent on one ally’s next test during the same encounter to accomplish the same goal. If desired, you can split the bonus among multiple allies, giving each a minimum +1. You must make this decision before any ally rolls.
1+ | A STITCH IN TIME: You put in the effort to do it right the first time, setting yourself up for greater success later. Gain +1 per SP spent on your next test related to this one during this encounter, as long as this roll was part of an advanced test.
1+ | PAY DIRT: In the course of your endeavor, you win a bet, happen across a conveniently abandoned stash, or discover something valuable you can pawn to make a buck, among other possibilities. Temporarily gain +1 Income per SP spent; this increase lasts until you next fail an Income test. Instances of this stunt don’t stack; only the highest bonus applies.
2 | JURY RIG: You find or improvise a piece of equipment you need to be more effective. Negate any situational penalties you would suffer for lacking proper equipment on tests appropriate to the improvisation, for the rest of the encounter.
2 | SPEED DEMON: You complete your test in half the time it would otherwise take.
3 | THE UPPER HAND: If your success leads to combat within the encounter, you receive a +3 on your initiative roll.
4 | WITH A FLOURISH: You impress everyone who watches you with your ability. Gain a +1 to opposed tests against them for the rest of the encounter.
5 | FRUGAL: You use only what you must to get the job done, saving resources for a rainy day. This Income test doesn’t deplete your Income even if it normally would.
1+ | (CORE) JUST A SHADOW: Gain +1 per SP spent to your next test during this encounter as long as you remain unnoticed.
1. | (CORE) GOOD INSTINCTS: Make a Perception test using an appropriate focus (GM’s choice) with the same TN as the test you just made to learn the most likely immediate consequence of the action you just performed.
1+ | CALMING THE WATERS: Reduce the current Churn Pool by the SP spent. See The Churn in Chapter 12 for details.
1 | BRAVERY: Your success bolsters your courage, granting you 1d6 extra Toughness against the next damaging hazard you face in this encounter.
2. | OVER HERE!: Your flashy action makes you the center of attention. Each of your allies gains +1 to their next test to hide or pass scrutiny in this encounter, such as Dexterity (Legerdemain or Stealth) or Communication (Disguise). Any action an opponent takes until then automatically targets you.
2 | TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM: When you successfully avoid damage from a hazard but an ally doesn’t, you may take the damage for that ally while they remain unaffected.
3. | COVER YOUR TRACKS: Whether you’re hacking into a network, evading the cops, or infiltrating a military base, you impose a −2 on all future rolls to follow your trail related to this test.
3. | HIGH TECH HUSTLE: With an injection of technobabble or a quick mod to a device, you sidestep one minor complication impeding your current goal, or give yourself the ability to perform one task you otherwise couldn’t in the current situation, at the GM’s discretion.
4. | IT WASN’T ME: You leave evidence another character is responsible for the results of your test, such as breaking and entering, cheating at cards, or uploading a computer virus. All failed tests to investigate the truth reveal that person as the culprit, and such tests suffer a −2 penalty.
5. | FANCY MEETING YOU HERE: Choose a focus or talent your character doesn’t possess. An NPC of the GM’s choice with that focus or talent appears in the scene within a few minutes, or a few rounds if your action leads directly to action time. This doesn’t dictate anything about their situation, attitude, or identity; these are all up to the GM.
1-3 | (CORE) A-HA!: The GM reveals an additional useful fact about the object of your test per SP spent (Simple); gain +1 per SP spent to your next test following up on the lead you just unlocked (Detailed).
1 | FLASHBACK: This test reminds you of something important you forgot. The GM reveals the identity or existence of another source of information you didn’t know about (Simple); treat one of your tangential focuses as a primary one on the next test you make to unlock a lead related to this test (Detailed).
2 | INTUITION: The GM reveals a fact about the object of your test you could not have noticed or deduced simply by interacting with it (Simple); when you uncover a clue, you gain two new leads instead of one, making the path branch (Detailed).
3 | LUCKY BREAK (DETAILED): This test’s result leads fortuitously to putting two and two together later. Treat one irrelevant focus as a tangential one on the next test you make to unlock a lead related to this test.
4 | DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (DETAILED): If this test led to a reveal, the GM also provides a brand new lead about a new subject that will lead to greater rewards.
5 | BREAKTHROUGH: You gain not only information but some form of incontrovertible proof (Simple); reduce the total number of leads on the path by one, jumping to a further point in the investigation immediately (Detailed).
1-3 | (CORE) MAKING AN OFFER: Your test implies a promise or olive branch, temporarily shifting the target’s Attitude toward you up by one per SP spent (even if this test already shifted it); it shifts back by the same amount as soon as you fail a social test against them. Inapplicable when performing a grand gesture.
1 | READ THE ROOM: The GM reveals the current Attitude, or an intention or mood indicator, for one character present of your choice, in reaction to your test. You can choose this stunt multiple times per roll. Characters with either the Communication (Deception) or Willpower (Self-Discipline) focus may roll vs. your Perception (Empathy) to avoid this.
2 | ON THE FENCE: Choose a character you didn’t target who’s Standoffish, Neutral, or Open toward you. They’re convinced to take your side in the conflict, as long as they don’t already oppose you (Simple); shift their Attitude toward you up by one for the rest of the encounter (Detailed).
3 | BAD FORM: Immediately regain the SP you spent on this stunt, plus 1 more. Then choose any character present; they now consider you a rival, threat, or enemy, shifting their Attitude to Hostile if it was Standoffish or Neutral, or shifting it to its negative variation if it was more positive. Inapplicable if all NPCs present are already Hostile toward you.
3 | CAST OUT: Your action shames or embarrasses another character present, imposing a −2 penalty on their next social roll against anyone but you in this encounter (Simple) or worsening the Attitude of one other character present toward them by one shift (Detailed).
4 | RISKY BUSINESS: Your action reveals a secret or contains a significant lie, shifting your target’s Attitude toward another character in the scene from Neutral or worse to Very Hostile; it also worsens your target’s Attitude toward you by one shift, as they’re inclined to shoot the messenger. If you lied and the target later finds out, their Attitude toward you shifts to Very Hostile as well.
5 | MEDDLE: Your action brings others together or drives a wedge between them. Choose two other characters present and shift their Attitudes toward each other up or down by one (both in the same direction).
1 | (CORE) BON MOT: You tag the perfect witty remark onto the end of your action. If you can’t think of one, let the group brainstorm and pick one among their ideas. Gain a temporary honorific you can use for passive Reputation only, for the rest of the session.
1 |STICK YOUR NECK OUT: Your test puts your own Reputation in jeopardy to help someone else. An ally of your choice gains a +2 bonus to their next social test in this encounter; if they fail, you lose all Reputation bonuses from one honorific for the rest of the session.
2 | IN GOOD STANDING: When targeting a member of an organization in which you have Membership, treat your rank as one higher for the purpose of gaining access to resources for the rest of this encounter.
3 | BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT: Your action impresses or charms any one character present. Roll Communication (Persuasion) vs. Willpower (Self-Discipline) to affect someone with an Attitude of Hostile or worse; no roll is necessary for others. Increase all relevant Membership and Reputation bonuses by +1 while interacting with that character for the rest of the session; this may improve their Attitude toward you, at the GM’s discretion.
3 | GO VIRAL: Whether via you or others sharing a video or audio recording, news gets out quickly about what you’ve just done. For the rest of the session, the honorific most related to this test applies even in situations where it seems unrelated.
4 | OOZING CONFIDENCE: Your action impresses or fools all the right people. Gain one temporary Reputation honorific or rank of Membership for the rest of the session, or until you next fail a test relevant to this influence, whichever comes first.
5 |NAME-DROPPING: Your action displays your affiliation with someone whose Membership rank is higher than yours in an organization to which you belong, or who has a relevant honorific you don’t. You may use their Reputation or Membership benefits with that honorific or organization as your own for the rest of the session; if they find out and disapprove, worsen their Attitude toward you by one shift.
1 | CARDS ON THE TABLE: If you were completely honest when making this test, your target must be completely honest in the next social test they make against you during this encounter. This doesn’t stop either character from omitting information or offering misleading truths.
1 | MAKING AN ENTRANCE: If this is your first action of the encounter, gain +1 to your next opposed roll against one character who witnessed it. You can choose this stunt multiple times per roll.
2 | AND ANOTHER THING: Make a second, related test as part of your action, before anyone else has a chance to respond or make any tests of their own.
2 | HIDDEN MESSAGE: Your words convey a different message to one person than to everyone else who hears them; the character you choose is the only one who can decipher your true meaning.
2 | SWAY THE CROWD: Your words affect one additional person of your choice. You may choose this stunt multiple times per roll, but if someone opposed your test, you can’t expand the effect to anyone with a higher ability + focus total than the original target.
3 | GOOD COP/BAD COP: Choose an ally to immediately make a test in seeming opposition to the one you just made, with the same target. If they succeed, rather than garnering the usual results, they prompt the target to give up a secret you didn’t already know.
3 | LET’S MAKE A DEAL: Your action turns out to benefit a character you didn’t target, who now owes you a favor, however grudgingly.
3 | OBJECTION!: You step in on someone else’s behalf. Another character in the scene may use your ability + focus score instead of their own next time they oppose a test during this encounter.
4 | CLASS CLOWN: Your words lighten the mood, imposing a –2 penalty to all enemies’ initiative rolls if a fight breaks out during this encounter.
4 | FLIRT: Roll Communication (Seduction) vs. your target’s Willpower (Self-Discipline) as a simple social roll against a character whose Attitude toward you is Open or better, with a positive bent; if you win, they become enamored with your character, opening the door to future romance or intimacy. How this proceeds is up to you and the GM to work out together.
4 | FROM THE HEART: You believe wholeheartedly in what you say. Choose one Willpower focus. If you don’t have it already, gain it for the rest of the encounter. If you do, it adds +3 instead of +2 to rolls you make with it.
4 | SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN: Applies to a test targeting someone you have a negative Relationship with, or who has harmed someone you have a Relationship with. The next attack you make against that target in this session is automatically a surprise attack, as long as they weren’t already in combat.
5 | ENRAGE: Choose one character present whose Attitude toward you is Neutral or worse, or a negative variant of a more positive Attitude. They must immediately either attack you or storm out of the scene. If they attack, it needn’t be deadly, though it can be.
5 | PATTER: Your rapid-fire words confuse your target, who must succeed at a Perception (Empathy) roll vs. your Communication (Deception), or automatically fail their next non-attack test against you.
7 | MY WORD IS MY BOND: Applies to a test relevant to completing a task you’ve promised someone you have a Relationship with you’ll perform. Gain +2 to tests directly related to completing this task until the end of the session. This stunt requires bonus SP available from a Relationship in order to meet the necessary cost.