Hinkley turns to grab Cas, but the Belter spins around and attacks one of their pirate escorts, bare handed. The Belter is in a frenzy, snarling like an animal and the pirate simply has to hold up his arm to fend off the attack, fumbling for his own weapon.
"Oh crap," Hinkley mutters as the pirate Cas is attacking swears in surprise. His training kicks in and he drops low, rushing towards Cas to try and pull him off and take cover. "Lobos! Behind you!"
Gideon attempts a Stunt Attack to try and grab and protect Cas.
Roll: 3 + 6 ( + 1 )
Drama die: 1 = 11 (Success, 1 SP Generated from Stunt Attack)
1 | GUARDIAN ANGEL: Choose an ally within 5 meters of you. If they would take damage before your next turn, 1 damage point per SP spent transfers to you instead as you interpose yourself in front of the attack.
Then things explode into utter chaos.
The ambushers appear at the mouth of the darkened hallway to the west, opening fire, a spray of small arm fire. They sail silently down the dark hall and take positions in the tunnel mouth, magnetizing themselves to the metal grating laid down over the ice and rock. Lobos’ HUD reads five attackers, well outfitted in flat-black security armor VAC suits, with thrusters, like him. These are clearly professionals. Two in front with standard zero-G assault rifles acting as their spear, three behind them laying down suppressing pistol fire.
Ambusher 1 (with rifle) fires at Lobos and Hector, Ambusher 2 (with rifle) fires at Claire, both taking the Aim minor action first, other three Ambushers (pistols) firing at the other pirates and PCs at random, taking a +1 Guard Up minor action first.
Ambusher 1: 18 to hit against Lobos, 14 damage negated by PHEG, tears through Hector
Ambusher 2: 12 to hit against Claire, 10 damage -1 Toughness, spends 9 Fortune to negate damage
Ambusher 3: 9 to hit against
Bonny backup 1, misses
Ambusher 4: 12 to hit against Hinkley, 8 damage -1 Toughness, spends 8 Fortune points to negate damage
Ambusher 5: 16 against OPA thug, 9 damage -2 Toughness, takes Injury
Lobos feels stinging pops against his armor as the PHEG registers rifle fire coming from behind him, down the west tunnel. Hector falls limp crushed against him, small globules of blood leaking from fresh holes in his torso and legs, torn up by the rifle fire meant for the power-armored man. Lobos hears Claire cry out as a bullet wings her, but she’s still up and moving, no sign of injury. Luck of the Irish. Hinkley as well, rushing over to Cas, gets nicked in the calf, but doesn’t seem injured. One of the OPA thugs, however, is not so lucky, blood blossoming out from a hip wound.
"Hector det!" one of the pirates cries out, barely audible over the noise.
"Pashang!" Claire cries, ducking behind a wall with Sharma and drawing her pistol. "Kill imalowda!"
Claire fires at the ambushers, aiming for one of the attackers with a rifle, while her backup follows suit. The man being attacked by Cas draws his pistol and attempts to clock the Belter across the face as Hinkley tries to wrestle Cas away to safety.
Hector’s OPA crew, on the other hand, have drawn their pistols and are firing indiscriminately, trying to take down anyone in sight, crying to one another that they’ve been set up.
Claire: 12 against Ambusher 1, 5 damage -4 Toughness, spends 1 Fortune to negate
Bonny backup 1: 16 against Ambusher 2, 11 damage -4 Toughness, spends 7 Fortune to negate
Bonny backup 2: 15 against Cas, 5 damage -1 for Hinkley’s Guardian Angel stunt negated by Fortune point, Cas takes Injury
OPA thug 1: 11 against
Bonny backup 1, 9 damage -2 Toughness, spends 7 Fortune to negate
OPA thug 2: 11 against Lobos, misses
OPA thug 3: 11 against Claire, 7 damage -1 Toughness, spends 6 Fortune to negate
OPA thug 4: 13 against Ambusher 4, 9 damage -4 Toughness, spends 5 Fortune to negate
OPA thug 5: 16 against Ambusher 5, 8 damage -4 Toughness, spends 4 Fortune to negate
The tunnels echo with the exchange of small arm fire, utter chaos. Claire and Sharma are pinned down in a small nook in the ice wall, Claire attempting to return fire against the ambushers, while the other pirates, both on her side and the OPA, seem to shoot at whoever they can see. Cas gets hit with the butt of the
Bonny pirate’s pistol, a sickening crunch as his nose is bloodied and he stumbles away, although Hinkley manages to fend off some the attack as the pirate tries to batter his attacker. Small spheres of blood start to fill the hall, splattering on the walls in every direction.
Top of Round 2: Bullets fly in the tunnels of Prometheus. The ambushers are hunkered down in the west tunnel, the late Hector’s OPA toughs in the north, Sharma, Hinkley, Cas, Claire and her pirates in the south. Lobos stands in the middle of the crossway with Hector’s body floating limp held in his power-suit arm.
Combatant status:
Ambusher 1: 1 Fortune spent
Ambusher 2: 7 Fortune spent
Ambusher 3:
Ambusher 4:
Ambusher 5:
Claire: 15 Fortune spent
Hinkley: 9 Fortune spent
Cas: Injury
Bonny backup 1:
Bonny backup 2:
OPA thug 1: Injury
OPA thug 2:
OPA thug 3:
OPA thug 4: 5 Fortune spent
OPA thug 5: 4 Fortune spent
All Zaki can see from the security feed are small pops of light and a mad scramble of figures. The audio has gone fuzzy with the sound of weapons fire and screaming.
Anne Bonny,
Anne Bonny,
Lahmu xiya, ground team under attack," Zaki’s flipping through the security feeds, checking the station’s airlock logs. He can see which airlock the ambushers entered through, but all he can see outside it is the dusty surface of Prometheus.
"Pashang!" he growls through gritted teeth. "
Anne Bonny,
Anne Bonny, ground team under attack, respond fodagut!"
What can he do? He feels helpless just sitting there. Maybe he can give them a couple of extra minutes to get out of there, at least. He pulls up a feed to station security, glancing at a map of the tunnels. "Xep! Under attack ere tunnel faf! Xep! Fodagut!"
Zaki attempts a Deception (Communication) roll against station security to misdirect them.
Roll: 4 + 4 ( + 3 )
Drama die: 1 = 12 (Beats station security Intuition roll, 4 SP generated)
4 | FROM THE HEART: You believe wholeheartedly in what you say. Choose one Willpower focus. If you don’t have it already, gain it for the rest of the encounter. If you do, it adds +3 instead of +2 to rolls you make with it. (Zaki chooses Courage)
Zaki’s voice cracks, he feels desperate, and station security’s confirmation means they believe him. Good, security is probably already on their way and, that’d give everyone an extra couple of minutes with the misdirection, and put security behind the ambushers. Zaki doesn’t want to get innocent Belters killed, even if they are bullying other Belters for an Earth corp, but he needs to give the others a fighting chance.
Sharma hunkers down besides Claire, glancing out around the corner. She draws a hefty combat knife from her boot, feels the weight in her hand, and whips it expertly at one of the rifle-wielding ambushers.
Sharma: 12 to hit, 4 damage, negated by Toughness
Sharma watches the dagger stick into the shoulder pad of the attacker and wobble impotently, stopped by the armor.
"Fuck," she mutters as Claire reloads her pistol and prepares to fire.