1: Breaking the Surface

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Dec 19, 2021 4:56 pm
With some carbs in his stomach, Zaki is starting to feel a little more clear-headed... And then the XO walks in.

Po Erosh scavwala like Zaki could spot wa welwala like Mitchell from owbit. Station security like Mitchell take Inya scrip and then demand Belta credits fo protect Beltalowda… from station security. Zaki had heard from other Eroshwala on da Bounty that Mitchell was too violent and corrupt even for station security, and that ando showxa something. Protogen security, which Mitchell had worked for, were bad enough. But when the contract ran out and the station renegotiated the contracts, their replacements, Carne Por la Machina… well, it’s no wonder Erosh went dark if that was law and order.

Mitchell had clocked Zaki for what he was the second he stepped onto the bridge, Erosh trash, an upjumped stick jockey. Da Belta pilot had gone out of his way to avoid him since.

"Mi mali kopeng!" da XO calls out, and blocks Zaki’s way as he tries to head for the access ladder. Mitchell has a good two heads on Zaki, and is about twice as wide. Zaki feels like a noodle standing next to him. "Mi bera showxa wit Pampa Coyo. Im showxa mi ere da ice kaka."

"Ya, boring kaka felota, XO," Zaki says dryly, trying to duck around Mitchell. The man’s long, muscular arm shoots out and Zaki steps back, wondering if time has come to be put in his place, it was only a matter of time with someone like Mitchell.

"Na so boring, mali mang," Mitchell growls. "Mi pensa, sili Inyalowda pensa im so valuable, maye im wating Belta should leta-go fong imalowda."

Zaki glares at him, hoping the hatred is covering up the fear. What is Mitchell planning? To hold the captain at gunpoint take whatever kaka they’d found on the ice? Then what? Fly a pirate flag on the unarmed ice hauler? There’s the start of a dread fleet right there.

"Mi pensa im tim fo mi shift, bosmang," Zaki mutters through gritted teeth. "Deting above mi pay grade."

Mitchell moves his arm, but Zaki doesn’t make a move, not yet. "To wowk fo Inyalowda oso, mali sabaka. Mi ge im, to leta-go imalowda scrip. Amash mi pensa tolowda mowteng fo xalte ere gova. To Beltalowda... ketim da tim kom."

Zaki shoves past the XO, who scoffs behind the pilot as he starts the climb up to the command deck. He’s in no mood for Olivera’s teasing about sending messages to "im matna", and flips him off on his way to the helm. Da Belta pilot swears to himself about Mitchell as he relieves the second shift pilot, some useless Inya, and begins running through shift change protocols. Da Eartha idiot had glanced at local traffic once at the start of his shift, and then probably spent the rest of second shift playing Krystal Krashers on his handheld.

Zaki attempts to check local traffic with the shipboard sensors with a Technology (Intelligence) roll

Roll: 2 + 6 ( + 4 )

Drama die: 1 = 13
He glances through the readouts, a couple of MCRN patrol ships way off on the far side of the planet heading in the opposite direction, and another ship coming off Saturn. He doesn’t give it a second thought, but something niggles at the back of his mind. Once he’s finished confirming course and direction he pulls the readouts back up and looks to check what ship is heading in the same direction as the Bounty.

The ship hasn’t filed a flight plan with the local relay network, but the Bounty’s sensors are following its course away from Saturn, same direction. And it’s not returning a transponder signal. That could mean their transponder is broken…

Or turned off.

The hairs on the back of Zaki’s neck prickle up. He turns around and sees Pampa Coyo, the shift command officer, stepping onto the bridge.

"Pampa," Zaki calls, trying to keep his voice neutral. "Mi wanya fo show to wating."
Dec 19, 2021 10:23 pm
Lobos shook his head emphatically, not wanting to leave any doubt as to whether or not he meant it. He made hard eye contact with Saveen, a man he hardly knew - but one who had at least shown to have a servants heart. In many ways that made him the most trustworthy person on the ship - to simple to engage in intrigue or even bother with it. "Everything's copacetic chief." He said as Mitchell was leaving earshot.

He finished his sets, cleaned himself, clothed himself headed to the bridge. Lobos was boiling with anger at this point, cold fury, it gave a hardness to his normally kind eyes. Which had focused on the contact trace Zaki had been observing. He saw it immediately, a decade of hunting pirates, and a half decade of being one himself - he would have seen the trace without the help of sensors. The wake from the ships passage, undulating, coming about to the payload side.

"I see it Mister Matar." No first name, it was the first time Lobos had ever used his family name. Lobos approached the pilot's nest and leaned over the shoulder taking a closer look at its trajectory.

"Mi pensa das pirata. Na senyawu?" Confirming for himself. Lobos touched the holo, his command interface exploding the view and pulling the hologram to his extended palm. "Mister Olivera, scan that contact. I want to know why its transponder code is running dark." With a wave of his hand he turned and pointed his fingertips with a gesture that the computer recognized. Casting the relevant holo to Olivera.

Taking his hand terminal out of his flightsuit, Lobos opened the Krystal Kleer management app, and selected "official log" on the interface. "Watch Officer Logging unidentified contact, 2204hrs Zulu. Vessel has matched trajectory and moved payload side. I suspect in attempts to exploit sensor blindspot. Please advise. Message sent 2208hrs Zulu."
Last edited December 19, 2021 10:55 pm
Dec 19, 2021 11:30 pm
Olivera turns to the comms and begins keying in commands.

Olivera is going to scan the transponderless ship and see what he can learn

Roll: 3 + 3 ( +2 )

Drama die: + 1 = 9 (Failure)
The comms officer is starting to look a little nervous, but he keeps his voice low, "Sir… I’m not getting much. The ship is showing no significant damage, external or internal. If their transponder’s broken, I’m not seeing any reason why…"

Zaki’s tense in his chair, but like a predator preparing to spring. He, too, keeps his voice low, practically spitting through gritted teeth, "Imalowda ere wa direct intercept course. Even if da Bounty burn hot, maye wang, tu ora."

"Should I attempt to hail them, sir?" Olivera asks. He wipes his brow.
Dec 19, 2021 11:40 pm
"No Mister Olliver, I want you to mask our transponder code."

Lobos had ice in his veins. He knew the threat, he had been the threat so many times. Buckling himself into the command chair he flicked on the intercom. "All Hands Brace. This is not a drill. All Hands Brace." Lobos flicked the ship over to alert lighting. He was preparing to put the ship into security lockdown. Typing in his personal command code to the terminal mounted in his chair. Blue Alert state, was signified by blue lights engaging shipwide under the white and blue light everything became acidwashed - intense.

Lobos waved Saveen in the engine room. "Mister Patel, can we do anything to increase the drive output? To give us a sudden burst of acceleration?"
Last edited December 19, 2021 11:50 pm
Dec 20, 2021 4:21 am

Olivera attempts to mask the transponder code

Roll: 1 + 3 ( + 2 )

Drama die: + 4 = 10 (failure)
"I… I…" Olivera runs an automatic comms scramble, but anything more advanced than a repair skiff OS could fend off corporate cyber warfare software that’s hasn’t been updated in three decades.

"Aye! Let mi, dzhemang!" Zaki opens a blank command line interface to comms and begins keying in commands.

Roll: 3 + 5 ( + 4 )

Drama die: + 5 = 17

4 | Hack the System - While scanning the enemy ship for weaknesses, the sensors operator detects an opening in the enemy ship’s computer system. They can attempt to hack the enemy’s ship to temporarily disable one or more systems. See Electronic Warfare under Ship Maneuvers, later in this chapter for details. (Electronic Warfare Stunt from Ships of the Advance)
"Transponder mask, bosmang. Ah na," Zaki tsks cheekily, continuing to type away, "pirata tenye na update imalowda remote engine override systems ere wa teng anyiye."

Meanwhile, Saveen’s response comes back from engineering, surprised at being contacted, glancing around nervously at the blue light.

"Ke?!" Saveen rubs his forehead. "Hoo boyo… we could burn hard, go up to 3-G level speeds for a bit, bosmang. She’ll rattle, but da Bounty will hold."

That might be hard on some of the Belters, and very uncomfortable for everyone else. Anyone with a brain would be on their crash couches in blue alert.

Zaki nods at what Saveen says from the helm, continuing to type away on the command line. "Imalowda fire ere da Bounty, mi ta kang use speed fo evade. But Pampa," he says, scowling in resignation, "that na race milowda kang sémpere win. Na da Bounty."

Olivera’s voice has a panicked tone, and the nav officer is muttering a prayer. "Are you crazy?! We’re an ice hauler! We let them board and hope they just ask for protection, maybe top up their water and air! They have fucking torpedos, sir!"

"Aha!" Zaki calls out. The pirate ship starts to fall back. "Pirata engine off. Deting bera xalte imalowda fo wa wamali tim, Pampa. Wamang bera mowteng fo manually restart engine."
Dec 20, 2021 4:54 am
"That's good news Saveen, I need you to muddy the drive plume. Get her releasing as much radiation as possible."

A smuggler's trick, most sensor systems were hardened against background radiation - not a plume of alpha particles.

"I know you're a great racer, but combat flying isn't about speed, it's about moving the right way at the right time Mr. Matar. Simulate drive failure - get us listing make it look like we're coming apart at the seams if you can. Pirata gonya si busa gufovedi." Forsaking Lang Belta as it took too much time to transition between thinking and seconds counted.

"Excellent job on the Hack Zaki!"

As the option opened to him, Lobos caught the backdoor to the attack using a kitty of malware he developed back in his days hunting pirates, he began a chaffe attack on the sensor systems of the approaching vessel.

"Mr. Saveen how are we coming on that dirt bomb?"


Security Test - (2d6+3)

(44) + 3 = 11

Drama Die - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 20, 2021 2:45 pm
The Bounty’s comms array begins emitting rapid radio bursts directed at the transponderless ship, overwhelming their ship sensors, hopefully even causing an electrical fire if the system runs too hot. They’ll need to contain any damage, reroute and reboot the systems. It’ll give a few minutes of confusion as the radio bursts communicate that the Bounty is going in multiple directions simultaneously.

Zaki is confirming a cut to the engines to play dead, when Captain Reyes steps onto the deck, the XO right behind her. Reyes looks tense, and Mitchell is scowling. Lobos can easily spot the holster the XO put on earlier.

"Belay that order, Mr. Saveen," the captain snaps at the bridge crew. "Matar, give crew the warning that we’re cutting engines."

"Oh thank fuck," Olivera mutters to himself, sagging in his chair. Zaki looks furious, but he goes still and quiet the second Mitchell steps on the deck, like a cornered animal.

Reyes turns to the Lobos, the XO standing over her shoulder. She sounds both impressed and exhausted, "Thank you, Mr. Lobos, but I saw your report. This isn’t a fight we can win."
Dec 20, 2021 8:02 pm
"Cap, looks like Zaki managed to buy some time." Lobos gave full credit to Zaki as the hack was all his idea. "They'll need a full restart of their drive. That'll give us some options when it comes time to repel boarders."

Lobos nodded at Mitchell when he said this. He rose from the command chair and came to Zaki's couch offering his fist extended to bump it. "Mr. Olivera went above and beyond the call as well."

He fixed Reyes with a pleased grin. "Not bad work for a couple of rock hoppers."
Dec 20, 2021 10:14 pm
As Zaki begins the process of spooling down the engine in a cold fury, Captain Reyes strides past Lobos, shaking her head. She walks over to Olivera, looking at the information he has on his terminal, and has him open a channel to the vessel.

"Unidentified vessel, this is Captain Reyes of the ice hauler Abzu’s Bounty. It appears your transponder is inactive, please provide an explanation and transmit your flight plan immediately."

She waits about ten seconds, the bridge holding their breaths in anticipation. She looks at Olivera, but he shakes his head.

Reyes turns on Lobos, "What the hell were you thinking?! A cyber attack on an unidentified vessel? What if they’re Martian?! We just attacked them!"

Zaki shoots Lobos a scowl. He clearly thinks they were in the right.
Dec 20, 2021 11:44 pm
"I was thinking that it's against the law to fly without transponder codes. I've done the same maneuver more than one hundred times back in my time in The Corps. Knowing they sought to intercept I was certain they intended to take the ship." Still holding the ship in question in his Command Interface, Lobos cast it to Reyes' hand terminal. He made sure to include time to target information, trajectory, and course projections prior to their altered flight. "Due respect Ma'am, if it looks like a pirate, if it acts like a pirate, it's a pirate. Last projected course trajectory had them on intercept with us, burning hard to our payload side. They could only know that if they scanned us - and they'd only fly dark and scan us if they wanted to do something hostile. Like they're trying to exploit the sensor blindspot and take a shot at our drive. Olivera and Zaki were just following orders I take full responsibility for any criminal actions I have ordered and surrender myself to your justice, Captain."
Dec 21, 2021 12:20 am
Reyes opens her mouth, shuts it, opens it again and then turns in frustration back to Olivera.

"Open the channel again. Unidentified vessel, this is-–"

"Captain…" Olivera checks his screen and then leans back, wiping at his brow. "They must be jamming our transmissions, we-–"

As if in response, a transmission comes through from the unidentified vessel, a Belter woman’s voice modulated by interference. She does not sound happy. "Abzu’s Bounty, cut engines and prepare to be boarded. This is your only warning."

Olivera’s voice quavers as he says, "They have a target lock on us, Captain…"

She snaps her fingers at Zaki, who cuts the engine, and the crew suddenly feel the effects of weightlessness, the beep and clunk of a dozen pairs of mag boots connecting with the deck. The captain is bracing herself against the comms terminal, her knuckles white where she’s gripping the display. She waves her hand and a holo of the local system comes up. The transponderless vessel is on a direct intercept course.

"Fine, you want to get shot so badly?" she snaps, heading over to the command terminal where she starts keying in commands. "Lobos, Mitchell, take a couple of people authorized to use small arms to the main airlock. Defensive measures only, we just need to get this over with. Find out what they want and give it to them. No heroics."

The main airlock is on level 03, two levels down. She pulls up the personnel file and assigns Hinkley, the blond, broad-shouldered Earther and a Belter laborer named Cas to report to retrieve their weapons from the equipment room and report to the airlock immediately.

Reyes nods, watching the holo on the command terminal as the unidentified ship inches closer. "Any luck, we all get out of this alive."
Dec 21, 2021 4:31 am
As soon as Reyes gives permission to get shot, Lobos was moving. The main airlock was on level 3. Lobos took a maintenance hatch and began to pull himself through the maintenance conduit towards deck 28. He waved Zaki. "Beratna, dat welwala Mitchell leta-go du kapawu. Mi tungeting im ere de loktight in mibobo. Code 4-5-1-0-0. Prep da skiff, milowda gonya to dek 28. Pashang dem Pirata sabaka. Dem ubicha, take no prisoners, no survivors."

Hurtling himself upward with great intensity, heaving himself at breakneck speed to his armor.
Last edited December 21, 2021 4:58 am


Dexterity for Stealth - (2d6+3)

(14) + 3 = 8

Drama Die - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Dec 22, 2021 2:18 am
Instructions to retrieve his pistol and report to two commanding officers at the main airlock did not bode well for a usually quiet third shift.

Gideon and Kat had been sitting and chatting in the medical bay after her shift had finished, working through the inventory. Now that no one was floating around hunks of gigantic crystalized water there were less serious injuries to treat. The occasional rash, STI or fight-related split lip paled in comparison to treating a man suffering hypoxia from a damaged suit whose leg was attached by a couple of muscle strands and a prayer.

"Ceresh the jewel of the Belt, true," Kat explained, her inflections coloured by the cosmopolitan Ceres accent, "but Erosh the birthplace of the Belt. Of Belta culture."

Gideon shook his head as he keyed in the remaining low-grav coagulants. "I just don’t understand… what would Earth or Mars have to gain by attacking Eros? Maybe I could imagine it if one of them was occupying the station, a strategic advantage…"

Although with Ceres an open port, holding a station like Eros would be more trouble than it's worth, strategically.

Kat handed him the box of Osteo-X across the counter, giving him a sad smile, "Why did Mars destroy Phoebe? Or Earth, Deimos? When Inyalowda sense a threat it easier to shoot it than to stop and ask if it a threat in the first place. Inners don’t like Beltalowda standing up. Sometimes it as simple as that."

Gideon liked Kat. She’d already signed onto the Bounty’s next Saturn run, and he was considering partly because he enjoyed her friendship so much. She looked at life plainly, not flinching at even the hardest realities. She had friends on Eros, she’d told him, they could all be dead and she would live a lifetime without proper goodbyes. She didn’t share much about herself, but Gideon had a feeling she’d had a hard life, had been through some things, with the way she was able to speak to any crew member without judgment. It gave him some hope for a life wandering around the void, that someone could keep a little goodness and generosity alive. It gave him some hope for himself.

So the blue light was ominous. When he got the potential repel team order, Gideon told Kat she’d be the first to know what was going on as he booked it for the elevator.

Gideon attempts to move quickly in zero-G, Free Fall (Dexterity) TN 9

Roll: 3 + 1

Drama Die: 4 (failure)
"Fudge," he said, kicking off from the elevator and soaring high again. He slammed against the ceiling and had to right himself, kicking to get his mag boots anchored. He’d be strawberry jam if they’d been in some hard maneuver, get it together, Hinkley.

He met Cas, a Belter laborer who, like him, had the proper certifications for small arms handling. Meant a nice little bump on the paycheque if one agreed to offer their skills in the extremely unlikely event they were neede.

"What da hell going on?"

They keyed in their IDs on the weapons locker and he strapped on his standard UN-made light pistol to his belt.

"I have a feeling we’re not going to like the answer," Gideon replied, clapping Cas on the back. "Stay frosty."
Dec 22, 2021 2:18 am
Lobos soars through the ladder tube, occasionally reaching out and slapping a rung to give himself a boost of momentum or course correction. He could do this in his PHEG, he has, many times.

He pulls the door open and sees Hinkley and Cas, his backup, checking their pistols in the equipment room. They look up as he soars over.

"What’s going on, sir?" Hinkley asks, his face set. He’s prepared to accept orders.
Dec 22, 2021 3:19 am
Lobos didn't mean to be rude when he started stripping off his flight suit and outerwear. He was already wearing the underarmor for his suit, it looked like some heavy duty stuff, ceramics, electronics, and several embedded circuits implied this skintight unitard was much more than met the eye. The pools of shining galium within reservoirs along the abdomen and spine, held in a thin membrane of what looked to be plastic sheets - but had a reflective sheen on them that barely registered on the eye.

"Zaki told you to meet me here? Good that means he trusts you, which means I can trust you. Which means we're about to do something incredibly bad ass. Help me into this."

Pulling open the cold storage Lobos revealed the endoskeleton - the heart that made his power armor function. It looked like some kind of bizarre insect in the shape of a human body. The thorax, abdomen, arms and legs were one complete section, held together by a spinal cord made of electromagnets. This Lobos pulled into place over his shoulders, he began to attach the spinal segment, it overlayed his spine reacting and forming a skintight fit against the reservoir of gallium running the length of Lobos' back. Lobos reached for the helmet, connected the cable leads from the spine into the helmet package, it was a crystal visor extending down beneath his nose. Various readouts from a Heads Up Display shining cyan light upon the length of now black beard that jutted out from under.

The exoskeleton was a similar design, magnetized, but not powered traditionally. More like a suit of "flesh" to be pulled over the endoskeleton. Hinkley was certain Lobos hadn't put the endoskeleton on in their first outing. But once current was applied to the surprisingly elastic metal and kevlar fibers that made up the "skin" of the exoskeleton, it too pulled to a skin tight fit. Lobos had grown two inches in the process of applying the gear. "Look what the Captain said - we can't handle this fight, that's not true. We just have to get creative. I'm not asking you to come - this will be the most dangerous thing you have ever done on this tub." Lobos pointed to the EVA gear filled and outfitted, with a spare O2 tank, each outfitted with a 425litre tank of compressed oxygen. "Pirates don't leave witnesses. I plan on taking the fight to them. You two with me?" Sealed as he was within the three layers of the armor, it looked like real armor, layered like O-yoroi, but form fitting. It obscured Lobo's face with bars of cyan light and bars of an electromagnetic metal alloy. The way the bars of metal moved when Lobo's did, vaguely resembled snakeskin. Each an independent "bone" as he stood idle, the bars shifted, in concentric orbits.
Last edited December 22, 2021 3:23 am
Dec 22, 2021 6:30 pm
Cas, the Belter, shakes his head and mutters to himself as he slides his pistol into his holster. "Hazard pay na worth this kaka falota."

Hinkley takes a deep breath, exhales and then nods at Lobos. "What have you got in mind?"
Dec 22, 2021 6:30 pm
Zaki slips away from the bridge in the confusion of the pirates boarding. Captain Reyes is apoplectic. The XO goes radio silent after the pirates’ extend their docking bridge, maybe dead, and Pampa Coyo clearly has his own plans heading to the equipment room.

Despite the blue lights the service compartments are quiet, unsettlingly so. They’re even tighter than the ladder’s compartment, this is an area reserved to electricians, for emergency repairs or dockside rewiring, not for getting around. Still, the compartments are connected. Every once and awhile, as he climbs his way down, he hears distant shouts echoing off the walls, the occasional groan of metal from the ancient ice hauler.

He crawls out of the service compartment upside down above the deck of Hangar 01. The boxy little three-level repair skiff, registered as the Lahmu, is one of the four assigned to the Bounty.

Zaki glances around cautiously. Unless the pirates were doing a deck-by-deck sweep there’s no reason they’d be down here. But he’s survived most of his life on Erosh, he’s skimmed asteroids and survived a racing pinnace malfunction almost pulling him down into the poisonous atmosphere of Io. He’s not going to die on an ice hauler. Na da diye xiya.

Of course, the Lahmu is locked down with the blue alert, captain’s authorization only. Zaki kicks off the ceiling and soars over to the skiff’s airlock. He whips out a diagnostic handheld and tears the airlock control panel off, a mess of wires spilling out behind the panel. He grabs a striped wire and hardwires into the control panel with the diagnostic handheld.

Zaki attempts an emergency override of the Lahmu, Technology (Intelligence) TN 15

Roll: 6 + 5 ( + 4 )

Drama die: + 5 = 20

1+ (5 spent) | PAY DIRT - In the course of your endeavor, you win a bet, happen across a conveniently abandoned stash, or discover something valuable you can pawn to make a buck, among other possibilities. Temporarily gain +1 Income per SP spent; this increase lasts until you next fail an Income test. Instances of this stunt don’t stack; only the highest bonus applies.
There’s a chime as the airlock unseals and hisses open. Zaki sits there a few seconds, blinking, glancing down at his terminal. He has full permissions over the Lahmu, unlocking it from the blue alert and even the Bounty’s override capabilities. For all intents and purposes the repair skiff is his.

He always forgets he’s not on Erosh any more; like the Cup Noodles he’s been skimming, Inyalowda can’t imagine why anyone would want to steal an ice hauler’s rusty old repair skiff. Unless, of course, pirates are breathing down one’s neck.

"Pampa," Zaki says after opening a channel to Coyo, slamming the control panel back into the chassis. "Mi on level tuteng-et, hangar nada-wang. Mi ta ge access fo da Lahmu. Mi go ge da teráshas going."

Zaki floats into the open airlock, pulling on a VAC suit and sealing the helmet before climbing through the structure. The single airlock opens into a small, Spartan hold, little more than a couple of small-repair equipment lockers, maybe slightly larger than four square feet, tall enough for an adult to stand with a few of inches. Zaki climbs along the ceiling and hauls himself up into the two-seater cockpit directly above the hold.

Piloting / Novice/ Any vehicle under your control becomes like an extension of yourself.
NOVICE - You are quick to get things going. Starting up a vehicle is a free action for you, and you can perform Dexterity (Driving or Piloting) tests as a minor action.
Zaki’s buckles himself into the seat with one hand, his other flicking the ignition triggers and using his access to bypass hangar controls. He smiles to himself, as much of a kaka falota situation this is, the size of the repair skiff cockpit reminds him of a racer. If he’s going down today, he’ll do it in a blaze of glory, flying, right where he’s supposed to be.
Dec 22, 2021 8:07 pm
Lobos placed his hand on Cas's shoulder. "Pirata gonya take no prisoners. Safest bet wa wit me. Un de Ghost Knife of Shanxi gonya owe ya big favor."


Communication - (2d6+2)

(45) + 2 = 11

Drama Die - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Dec 22, 2021 8:13 pm
"That's excellent news Zaki!"

Lobos waited for any departures standing by the cycle control for the airlock.
Dec 22, 2021 9:45 pm
The hangar bay doors open to the void of space, distant Saturn the nearest point of reference in the star-dotted black.

The Lahmu’s thrusters nudge it out of the hangar, and Zaki maneuvers the skiff to the airlock, quickly connecting and allowing the three men to board. He uncouples the skiff and pushes off before Hinkley and Cas have found their crash seats. Lobos, in his PHEG, merely needs to magnetically brace himself between the ceiling and floor.

"Buckle up, beratnas. Lahmu thrustas only, gonya ge bumpy if imalowda spot us, but mi bring milowda in hush hush."

The pilot keeps the Bounty between the skiff and the pirate ship, speeding along the hull. He waits until the Lahmu is equidistant around the Bounty before he begins to take it around to connect with the pirate ship.

Zaki attempts to approach the pirate ship slowly and stealthily, keep sensors off them as long as possible, opposed Piloting (Dexterity) check against the sensors of the pirate ship, Technology (Intelligence)

Zaki’s Roll: 6 + 4 ( + 4 )

Drama die: 1 = 15

Pirate ship Roll: 3 + 6 ( + 0 )

Drama die: 4 = 13
The distance closes as the repair skiff skirts around the Bounty. As the skiff comes out of the shadow of the Bounty, the pirate’s modified freighter looms on the monitors ahead. The words "ANNE BONNY" are visible under display lights in large yellow letters against the black paint job.

The Anne Bonny, the ship Lobos heard was flying a pirate flag under the command of Captain Claire O’Rourke, a longtime associate and brief flame of Pampa Coyo.

Claire O’Rourke is a Belter woman from a large Ceres family who’s always been proud of their mixed Irish heritage. Claire had an Old World saying from her father, "luck fo da Irish", which defined her life. Claire’s always been the kind of person who things just seem to work out for. She got a job as a dockside inspector for the Earth-Mars Coalition Navy’s logistics division on Ceres through an uncle, a position easily exploited for someone with ties to the OPA. By the time the coalition caught on to repeated logistical diversions O’Rourke was long gone, signing on as a hired gun with a security firm escorting merchant vessels in high-piracy areas of the Outer Planets. This led to further opportunities to shake down vessels who made the mistake of not hiring their services.

She met Lobos during this period–she affectionately nicknamed him "Blue" after his military background–since her outfit increasingly turned to piracy–the lean years of Earth-Mars cooperation drove the system's fringers further outward looking for the next score. Despite… maybe because of her line of work, Lobos saw something of a kindred soul in her. She had a loose but honorable moral code, and it meant watching the backs of her crew members, and solidarity with her fellow Belters against the tyranny of the Inners. If O’Rourke lined her own pockets in the process, all the better.

They had a night on Europa where a great deal of Belter moonshine was had, a room with a view of the domed greenhouses was rented, which ended in the old "what life could be like" talk. Claire admitted she was attracted to Lobos, but that she wasn’t a settle-down type, and that settled that. He later heard rumors that she had lucked into command of her own ship and was privateering in the Outer Planets, which sounded like just the sort of thing Claire would do.

Clearly those rumors are true.

The Anne Bonny is clearly a fairly new but standard civilian-designed freighter ship. She’s boxy, the segmented engineering levels almost squat over the quad rockets, which would make her a speedy, highly maneuverable little lady. Above the two main airlocks on the ship’s midsection the Bonny tapers up to the arrays on the tip. While her original specs were for a Grendel-class freighter, about the size of a Martian or UN light frigate, she’s clearly had some work done. A standard network of PDC mounts have been installed, along with a dual torpedo tube affixed to the upper section. The black highlighted with deep, rich goldenrod paint job gives her a hornet look, aggressive, packing a sting.

Zaki hisses as the meters close to feet. "Imalowda see da Lahmu, target lock! Na, keting da--"

Lobos watches on his HUD along with Zaki on the shipboard system as the Anne Bonny finishes retracting their docking bridge and begins to push off with thrusters. The target lock holds the Lahmu for a moment, clearly scanning the repair skiff, before switching… to the Bounty. Zaki swears from above.

"What?! What’s happening?!" Hinkley calls out, terror gripping his voice.

"Zaki! Wagwan?!" Cas calls out. Zaki and Lobos already know exactly what’s about to happen.

The Bonny’s rockets light up and the ship begins to blaze away from the ice hauler. Zaki has just enough momentum to keep up for a few seconds.

"Imalowda target da Bounty! Xalte ere! Hold on!"

"Na! NA! NABI!" Cas screams as the skiff pitches to the side, throwing the men in their EVA suits hard against their restraints.

Zaki attempts to use the repair skiff’s welding tools and claws to latch onto the Bonny, Hard Piloting (Dexterity) TN 15

Roll: 5 + 6 ( + 4 )

Drama dice: + 1 = 16 (barely a success)
The Lahmu slams into the side of the pirate ship, and there’s a horrible screeching sound as the claws and welding tools dig into the hull of the moving ship; an improvised graft, and the repair skiff holds on for dear life, rattling hard against the Bonny’s hull.

Even Lobos, in his advanced armor, can feel the discomfort of a very rough acceleration to maybe two or three Gs of force, not helped at all by the Lahmu’s precarious clinging to an accelerating ship. Gideon and Cas are both gasping for breath, and Zaki cries out in pain from above in the cockpit.

Even as the G-force eases up somewhat another force rocks the ship… That wasn’t acceleration or a course adjustment, but an explosion… and an impact! That’s when Lobos hears a high-pitched roaring noise that makes his blood run cold even as a powerful wind pulls at the few loose materials in the hold. His eyes follow the paths of swirling dust and small debris visible through the suit’s HUD, towards the fist-sized hole in the bulkhead in the corner near the airlock, the atmosphere rushing out. If the Lahmu bleeds out all the atmosphere all they’ll have is the oxygen on their backs, and Zaki’s only in a light VAC suit, it's unclear exactly how much oxygen he has.

The Anne Bonny launched torpedoes at the Abzu’s Bounty to destroy it and provide some cover for their escape, but they were perilously close to the ice-hauler when it went up and some debris struck and damaged the pirate ship. That includes a fragment that holed the compartment holding the player characters in the Lahmu.

The characters have to seal the breach, or all of their air evacuates and they’ll have very little to help them survive.

Sealing the breach is a TN 12 advanced test (success threshold 10). The test must include an initial Free-fall (Dexterity) test to reach the breach and one or more Engineering (Intelligence) tests to seal it successfully. The crew has time for five Engineering tests before the air completely evacuates from the room and the damage caused by the impact mounts.

An advanced test is done in turns by the characters, with test successes adding their drama die numbers to the overall success threshold. Once the drama die add up to more than the threshold the advanced test succeeds. Failures don’t add drama die.
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