[Closed] [D&D 5e] The Conyberry Ascendancy

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPublic5 / weekDramasailor
Six years have passed since the young dragon Cryovain wrought havoc on the Sword Coast. In the intervening years, several rugged merchants with an eye to make a name for themselves have gone in together to re-establish the abandoned town of Conyberry. Nestled between the mystic Neverwinter Wood to the north and the foothills of the Sword Mountains to the south, they've established a new stop between Triboar and the High Road along the Triboar Trail. This has not been an easy ask, and travellers along the Trail have brought word of Conyberry's need for assistance.

From the opportunistic goblins, marauding orcish bands, and rumors of darker magical threats from the Wood, the Mercantile Council of Conyberry has put out the call for aid. They hope that young and eager adventurers will help them in their efforts to make Conyberry a thriving trade stop, cutting travel time between Neverwinter and Triboar significantly.

Dec 17, 2021 4:45 am
The Conyberry Ascendancy - D&D 5e adventure for 4-5 1st level characters.

The Story So Far
Six years have passed since the young dragon Cryovain wrought havoc on the Sword Coast. In the intervening years, several rugged merchants with an eye to make a name for themselves have gone in together to re-establish the abandoned town of Conyberry. Nestled between the mystic Neverwinter Wood to the north and the foothills of the Sword Mountains to the south, they've established a new stop between Triboar and the High Road along the Triboar Trail. This has not been an easy ask, and travellers along the Trail have brought word of Conyberry's need for assistance.

From the opportunistic goblins, marauding orcish bands, and rumors of darker magical threats from the Wood, the Mercantile Council of Conyberry has put out the call for aid. They hope that young and eager adventurers will help them in their efforts to make Conyberry a thriving trade stop, cutting travel time between Neverwinter and Triboar significantly.

The Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms. Starting in the fields between Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains with an aim towards more sprawling play as the adventure goes on.

Gameplay Notes
-> Primarily Theater of the Mind, with battlemaps as needed/requested.
-> DM rolled initiative
-> ~1 post per day during the week.

Character Info
Summary: Starting off at first level with appropriate adventuring hooks to help secure Conyberry and the Triboar Trail for travelling merchants. Expect relatively quick leveling with a goal to have balanced amounts of social interaction, combat, and exploration. Obviously as the group goes on, these levels will adjust according to how the group prefers to play.

Generation Rules:
-> First Level
-> Any published WOTC materials (no UA to start). If you choose an outlandish race, it may have in-game implications, but isn't off the table.
-> Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) or Point Buy (27 Points)

How to Apply
Post here with a brief character concept (or 2) you'd like to play. Doesn't need extensive backstory yet, just a shell (name, race, class. Maybe Background and a sentence or two about why they're answering Conyberry's call)

I'll leave the thread up for recruitment until Tuesday, December 21 @ 1730 EST and make my decision on players at that point (and will send out invitations from there)!

21 DEC 2021 19:00 ET - Initial party has been assembled and recruitment is currently closed!
21 FEB 2022 21:00 ET - Applications re-opened for backfills!
23 FEB 2022 21:15 ET - Backfill applications closed!
Dec 17, 2021 5:09 am

How about Atticus Rohmner a human knight that is seeking fame and fortune to start his own noble house.


Elias a Human Monk that is traveling in the hopes of finding a place to call his own.
Dec 17, 2021 6:54 am
That's a great location, time period, and set up for a classic 5e adventure, Dramasailor. It's fantastic for anyone new to DnD or who wants to see the Sword Coast.

I'm not looking for another game at the moment, but if I were then this would be top of my list.
Dec 17, 2021 9:25 am
This indeed looks interesting! :)
Maara a reborn sell-sword warlock that is following her gut in an eternal search for money and power. During her previous life she was 'taken care of' due to her blackmailing too many influential people.
[ +- ] Picture
[ +- ] More about her

Lucas Mortem a dhampir (can be another race if GM prefers) military officer (echo knight). Is looking for a place to have a slow and steady lifestyle.
[ +- ] Picture
[ +- ] More about him
Last edited December 20, 2021 9:57 pm
Dec 17, 2021 12:44 pm
This sounds like so much fun! Dramasailor is a fantastic DM, folks! You'll be in excellent hands!
Dec 17, 2021 2:38 pm
Balian: Half-Elf paladin, deity: Tiamat (or other lawful evil). He must prove himself in order to give oath of conquest. Meanwhile he seeks a clue on his elf mother location which may be found in nearby Neverwinter Wood

Note: for me "evil" does not mean murderer or against community. Sure the deity want him to secure the Trail by mean of force rather than diplomacy. But it want to secure it. More over he will be against murdering goblins who are to surrender.

The Seer: Human druid. (druid of stars by lvl 2). Have "seen it in the stars" that the party hired for the task is to accomplish great deeds. He is to prove his readings and to analyse further readings.
Last edited December 17, 2021 2:54 pm
Dec 17, 2021 9:18 pm
Bhagrim Dweomerdelf: Dwarf Cleric of Helm, He Who Is Ever Watchful, He of the Unsleeping Eyes, God of Guardians. A gruff and unmovable champion of order, civilization and law. The plight of Conyberry is exactly the sort of holy duty Bhagrim seeks out for in his eyes nothing is more noble then to protect a small bastion of civilization from encroaching chaos and disorder.
[ +- ] Picture

Radiza, Mercenary of the Waning Moons: Tabaxi warlock mercenary. Actually a character I tried to play in a game that quickly perished but I'd love to give another shot. I have a lengthy background for her!
[ +- ] Picture
[ +- ] Background
Dec 17, 2021 10:16 pm
Milaki a lightfoot halfling, a mix of cuteness, craziness, kind heart, troublemaker and deadly sneaky thief rogue with two pink ponytails.
She needs to secure Neverwinter forest, because it messes up with her "business", robbing others and share the gold to the poor.


Christine, paladin aasimar (I dont mind to be human too), her teacher dies after an orc ambush into the forest, so to revenge his death, she goes to this mission to kill the monsters from Neverwinter wood.
Last edited December 17, 2021 10:38 pm
Dec 18, 2021 8:20 pm
how about Auras a human warlock who has been sent to answer the call by her patron looks to gain knowledge to become the sage of shadows.

or kyojiryo kaga a human fighter who comes looking to put her sword skills to the test.
Dec 20, 2021 9:50 pm
I've been looking for a good, fairly long term 5e game for awhile. I've also had a yearning to play one of the first characters I ever developed once again. He is a human Ranger named Paris Quicksilver. His father is a Baron with some significant landholdings and a rather expansive stable. HIs father's arms master tried to teach the young man the use of the sword but soon realized he would never be a blade master. However he did seem to have a natural affinity with the bow. As he reached his majority Paris had learned well enough to be introduced to the Duke who offered him a place in his rangers. After a season traveling with the Duke's tax collector, he was ready to take on a solo task. The Duke sent him west to the coast to guard against and chase down poachers in the forests between the manse and the coast.

Hope that's a good fit for the campaign. I suspect I will use the 27 point buy method to redo his stats.
Last edited December 21, 2021 12:20 am
Dec 21, 2021 11:55 pm
Thank you all so much for your interest! To start off our re-establishment of Conyberry, I've decided to go with the following players:


GreyWord and Aldrusian, your submissions were also wonderful! If we have a need to either expand or backfill, you'll get right of first refusal before I put anything out on the forums at large.

Invites have been sent!
Feb 22, 2022 2:12 am
Hello all!

The above adventure is in need of a few extra harrowing members of the crew! We've had some attrition and are looking to bolster the ranks.

@Aldrusian and @GreyWord - As you both showed interest in the initial posting, you are both more than welcome to ask for seats at the table, just let me know in this post if you'd like to be added.

To help combat the attrition, I'll be taking up to three new heroes into the party!

Character generation rules remain the same as the initial post. The party is currently in Conyberry, but is getting ready to head out on the first mission to help the town: hunting orcs in the foothills!

Current Party:
Fighter, Hexblade Warlock, and a Rogue.

For any interested, please post here with a character idea you'd like to play. I will leave this open until Wednesday, February 23rd at 20:00 ET, at which point I'll finalize the heroes to be added!

Thanks all!
Feb 22, 2022 3:07 am
I'd be interested in giving this a shot with either of the below concepts:

Thom Alloen, Variant Human, Courtier background, Bard. He had to leave Waterdeep in a hurry, and as a result, needs the gold to support himself.

Elluvien, Half-Elf, Hermit background, Cleric. After escaping the destruction of the small community he served, he is now looking for a new home.
Feb 22, 2022 9:08 am
Yes, I'm am still very keen to play game in region I've Dmed LMoP and my original character concepts are still appealing to me, though priorities switched.
I would however want to warn I'm not the most patient pbp player with regards to game peace. I am more than happy with "~1 post per day during the week" or even 3 per week if they each move story forward, but it sounds suspicious that you are only getting ready to head out on the first mission after 2 months since party assembled.
Feb 22, 2022 2:10 pm
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring. I'd play Barek Shieldshiver, a dwarf cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard who's come to Coynberry to help establish a dwarven presence there.
Feb 22, 2022 5:31 pm
@GreyWord - It's a fair callout. There were some struggles with pacing that we're looking to "right the ship" on, so to speak. That said, there was also a fair bit of initial party gathering work since the game kicked off where the previously unknown to one another players were learning about the town's needs, meeting some of the NPC groups they'll be competing against/allying with, generally establishing themselves in the world.
Feb 23, 2022 9:05 pm
I am new to this method of playing and would like to get more role playing experience.
An elf ranger who has heard of the problems in the area is looking for a home base from which he can protect the trade routes.
That is one idea but I am willing to try my hand at any character to gain experience.
Feb 24, 2022 12:02 am
I would be interested in joining a either a Dragonborn druid, who overheard the call to arms from chatter on the roads leading through his home forest. His interest is in hoping that by helping, he can both remove the groups currently plaguing the surrounding natural areas and help shape the new town in a way beneficial to the woods.

My other idea is playing a halfling bard with writer's block who loves to travel and can't come up with his own stories and relies on real ones to embellish for songs.

My third idea, if it fits your setting, is a half-orc artificer, looking to battle-test his crafts who figures he might as well help some people (including himself) while he's at it.
Last edited February 24, 2022 12:05 am
Feb 24, 2022 2:11 am
Hey all! Thanks very much for the interest. At this point, I'm going to extend invitations to @GreyWord, @Stampman49, and @JoshuaMabry.

Paximilian and Moridin77, you also had great concepts! You're top of the list for any future expansions or backfills. :)

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