Ask Me Anything: KCC

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Dec 18, 2021 12:04 pm
funfungiguy says:
1) Do you enjoy Korean food, in general?
2) Do you know what the snotty eels actually are, and do they actually eat them alive, and have you ever eaten them, and did you enjoy them?
3) If you carried a single polyhedral die in your pocket every day to make important life choices with, which die would it be, and is that your favorite die or just the one you think is most convenient for making important life choices with?
1) I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of the food. The basics aren’t too bad, but so often it goes a step further than I’m willing to try.

2) Prime example: those eels you mentioned. My only knowledge of eel eating here is when they are tipped out onto the hot plate, alive. And then they kind of… burst open in front of you and then you eat them. I’ve never eaten eel like that. I’ve eaten prepared, packaged eel before, of course, but I didn’t care for the taste myself.

3) My dice rolls are always bad, no matter the game I play. Roll low? I roll high. Roll high? I roll low. If I left my life in the hands of the dice, I fear to see where I’d end up.

But I do like a good d20. It has a nice feel to it. It rolls around in your hand nicely. That said, i haven’t done terribly bad when it comes to d6 systems. So perhaps I’d leave my life to be decided on a d6. Or maybe 2d6+Stat


Dec 18, 2021 12:07 pm
Qralloq says:
Favourite Korean MMO?
Haha, unfortunately, I’ve never played any. At least not to my knowledge. But I did play in a regular group with a man who worked in the company that made one of the bigger ones.

So I’ll choose (insert name of that game here)!

bowlofspinach says:
Since you like CoC, the thought of becoming a cultist must have crossed your mind before. Which Old God would you devote yourself to?
My first few years in Korea it was harder not to be a cultist than it was to be one. I got offers on the daily. Ask me about "God of the Mother".

But, as I’m sure you’re aware, my heart belongs to the King in Yellow.
Dec 18, 2021 12:34 pm
An Irishman supporting the monarchy. Curious
Dec 18, 2021 2:39 pm
KCC says:

5) My Tales crew feel like characters independent of a DM. Like I could come back in ten years and they’d still be there, living life and getting into trouble. I love them.
Awww! Now get back to rolling.
Joking aside, to what extent can you get attached to a character (either be PC or NPC) and how do you feel about it?
Dec 18, 2021 3:24 pm
KCC says:
Harrigan says:

- Just how much do you hate your Tales from the Loop group who, um, don't color inside the lines very well?

5) My Tales crew feel like characters independent of a DM. Like I could come back in ten years and they’d still be there, living life and getting into trouble. I love them.
Dec 19, 2021 2:49 am
What albums can you recommend that are all hits? No skips.


Dec 19, 2021 9:48 am
Antiproduct says:
Awww! Now get back to rolling.
Joking aside, to what extent can you get attached to a character (either be PC or NPC) and how do you feel about it?
I have heard that some long time players will find a character that they like to play, and reincarnate them across several games, adventures, settings or genres. I’ve found maybe 2 or 3 characters on this site that I would say are "my" characters that I would like to explore in other adventures. I just enjoy the idea of those characters.

I’m usually a player that doesn’t mind death, and really loves character creation. So I always want to try the new combination out. But these few characters? I always pray to the dice gods before I roll; save them!
crazybirdman says:
What albums can you recommend that are all hits? No skips.
Dec 21, 2021 12:59 am
- Do you write outside of roleplaying? Or roleplay without a system?
- If you ever had to draw a picture of one of your character, which one you'd draw (whether because it's easier or because it'll net funnier result)?
- Favorite video game? Have you tried playing tabletop games via video games (Tabletop Simulator, etc.)? Or video game versions of board games? If yes, how did you like it?
- Since there are so many questions about food: spicy or sweet? Or both? :D
- Do you think avatars add a lot to PbP roleplaying? Would it be fun if theoretically everyone had avatars with different emotions for their characters and could switch between them for each post? (Sort of like character ask blogs, if you're familiar.)
- Is your nickname an abbreviation?


Dec 22, 2021 8:25 am
FlyingSucculent says:
- Do you write outside of roleplaying? Or roleplay without a system?
- If you ever had to draw a picture of one of your character, which one you'd draw (whether because it's easier or because it'll net funnier result)?
- Favorite video game? Have you tried playing tabletop games via video games (Tabletop Simulator, etc.)? Or video game versions of board games? If yes, how did you like it?
- Since there are so many questions about food: spicy or sweet? Or both? :D
- Do you think avatars add a lot to PbP roleplaying? Would it be fun if theoretically everyone had avatars with different emotions for their characters and could switch between them for each post? (Sort of like character ask blogs, if you're familiar.)
- Is your nickname an abbreviation?
1) No I’ve never written anything outside of roleplay. Of course I have notions of sitting down and trying to get something into a Zine or some such. But never have the time or energy to actually make a start!

2) I have a character called Bobby Green in Harrigan’s Zombie Apocalypse game that has had some fun moments. Stepping on a zombie with his bladed leg (amputee) and planting an ax into a zombie’s head. Or crossing a room firing a pistol to bring down a giant zombie that had battered down the door. He’s been a lot of fun and could be great to draw some dynamic art. I’m afraid I haven’t the skill for that. But my wife certainly does…

3) Being a dad of two, I’ve shifted over to games that I can jump in and out of quickly, in case something happens with the kids unexpectedly. At the same time I’ve grown weary of yearly released games and don’t buy them.

I’ve had fun with Helldivers, Chivalry 2 and, my GOAT, Vermintide 2. It’s just good fun!

4) I have a sweet tooth, but I prefer candy from back home. I still eat the candy here, but it’s kind of… too sweet. Lots of things are. Sweet, sugary garlic bread. Sweet sandwiches etc etc.

I love a bit of spicy food. Something that just warms the throat however and rests nicely on it. Nothing that makes me pant like a tired dog. :D

5) Avatars are one of, if not THE most important part of character making for me. I would petition we make the avatars as big as they used to be on mobile because they’re that big for me. If I can’t find the art I like, the whole character creation process comes to a halt. I need to see the character as a first step. I’ll look for days if needs be.

6) It is. Years ago I changed my name, and debated even changing my middle name for personal reasons. I didn’t end up doing it, but liked the way KCC sounded so I stuck with it for some stuff.

I, maybe famously, don’t like my tag though. I just can’t think of anything cooler to change it to. Like Flying Succulent. It’s evocative. KCC? Nothing.
Dec 22, 2021 8:48 am
KCC says:

5) I would petition we make the avatars as big as they used to be on mobile because they’re that big for me.
You kinda just did. Poll here.

I suppose another question might be. Is there anything you wish was easier, better, cooler on GP?
Dec 22, 2021 3:24 pm
I note that 1969 was the last year that the Kansas City Chiefs were in the AFL (joining the NFL in 1970), which seems like just the kind of thing a select group of people would memorialize for obscure reasons.

If you could describe the feeling that your hypothetical username would evoke, what would that be?


Dec 22, 2021 5:58 pm
KCC says:
Ask me about "God of the Mother".
What is "God of the Mother?" 😁


Dec 23, 2021 12:28 pm
Adam says:
I suppose another question might be. Is there anything you wish was easier, better, cooler on GP?
Hmmm… I’m painfully bad at utilizing anything techy. I’m sure I underutilize the site already. Even pondering how to do that NPC thingy is enough for me: :D

Easier? Hmmm… perhaps an X on notifications. I seem to have one permanently stuck up there. Is there a way to move it? 🧐
Dec 23, 2021 12:36 pm
KCC says:
Adam says:
I suppose another question might be. Is there anything you wish was easier, better, cooler on GP?
Hmmm… I’m painfully bad at utilizing anything techy. I’m sure I underutilize the site already. Even pondering how to do that NPC thingy is enough for me: :D

Easier? Hmmm… perhaps an X on notifications. I seem to have one permanently stuck up there. Is there a way to move it? 🧐
Does it tell you that you have an open game?


Dec 23, 2021 12:41 pm
Qralloq says:
If you could describe the feeling that your hypothetical username would evoke, what would that be?
Im going for one of two things.

A) Dang, I wish I’d thought of that.


[ +- ] Tag Desires
Really, I just beat myself up over my lack of imagination. Perhaps I should have a sit down over Xmas. Or am I too far gone now? The eternal debate.
Len says:
What is "God of the Mother?" 😁

It’s your fairly standard big business cult. I lived near the base of operations. It’s one of the biggest, if not the biggest cult in Korea. And cults have been a particular problem here during Covid actually.

In any case, these people tend of pick up foreigners on the street. Lonely and they try to determine if you’re new to Korea. Then they lure you in with a cultural exchange type thing.
Dec 29, 2021 9:04 am
Since we're asking extra questions... >:D

-What plant is the most eye-catching in the area you live in? Like a bush or a tree or a flower you always notice when passing by?
- Did you ever play a character who is very out of the realm of your knowledge? Like playing a profession you have no connection with and no idea how it actually works?
- You mentioned a zombie apocalypse game - do you like this setting? Have you watched any movies/series about it? Any recommendations? Oh, maybe you watched Train To Busan or Kingdom? :0

PS: my nickname exists because I often use plants + random adjectives, but your comment earlier made me imagine what exactly it evokes. And now I'm thinking of thrown succulent pots... Still better than NeedleWhirlwind I had at some point, that would be painful. XD
Dec 30, 2021 12:23 pm
FlyingSucculent says:
I'm thinking of thrown succulent pots...
[ +- ] And now I’m thinking …


Dec 31, 2021 5:09 am
FlyingSucculent says:

-What plant is the most eye-catching in the area you live in? Like a bush or a tree or a flower you always notice when passing by?
- Did you ever play a character who is very out of the realm of your knowledge? Like playing a profession you have no connection with and no idea how it actually works?
- You mentioned a zombie apocalypse game - do you like this setting? Have you watched any movies/series about it? Any recommendations? Oh, maybe you watched Train To Busan or Kingdom?
1) Unfortunately, I find Korea very much lacking in beautiful shared spaces. There’s no real community spirit here to make your home area look nice. They have very beautiful public parks, for sure. But in residential areas, it’s very much "if it’s outside my front door, I don’t care about it." And so you end up with very uninspired areas. Plus… trash collection takes the form of great heaping piles of garbage on the sidewalk. It’s not pretty. Unfortunately, this has been true for all the areas I’ve lived in here. I’ve seen people throw old mattresses on top of the only flowers around because… well, I don’t know why.

@nezzeraj might have different experiences. The Cherry Blossom festival period can be nice though!

2) I actually can’t recall specifically. I do vaguely recall a few instances of OOC saying "And my character does the thing." So I suppose I must have dipped my toes into unfamiliar waters once or twice. :D

3) I do like the setting. It’s very only been one or two set pieces for setting, but it’s been very evocative indeed. Very easy to visualize.

I’m a big zombie fan. Ever since I was a young fella. Dawn of the Dead back in ‘03 (I think) was an eye opener. I’m not one for horror at all, but I’ll give any old zombie thing a chance, because I’m easily satisfied. I did enjoy the walking dead for a while but dropped it eventually, like most people, I hear.

Kingdom has been excellent. And Train to Busan. I think Korean movie makers have been trying to recapture that magic ever since, to varying degrees of success. Penninsula wasn’t great, and #alive was… okay. Like I said, I’m easily pleased.
Dec 31, 2021 7:31 am
KCC says:
I’m a big zombie fan. Ever since I was a young fella. Dawn of the Dead back in ‘03 (I think) was an eye opener. I’m not one for horror at all, but I’ll give any old zombie thing a chance, because I’m easily satisfied. I did enjoy the walking dead for a while but dropped it eventually, like most people, I hear.

Kingdom has been excellent. And Train to Busan. I think Korean movie makers have been trying to recapture that magic ever since, to varying degrees of success. Penninsula wasn’t great, and #alive was… okay. Like I said, I’m easily pleased.
Train to Busan was really special. It did so many things right.

Since I'm posting, I guess here's my question - if you were in South Korea during a zombie outbreak, where would you go for the best chance at surviving?
Dec 31, 2021 10:13 am
KCC says:

@nezzeraj might have different experiences. The Cherry Blossom festival period can be nice though!
My experiences are the same. Some of the temples and national parks have some nice areas, but Korea isn't a very...flowerful country. Lots of nice mountains and trees and rivers, but flowers are not so common naturally.
C1NDER says:

Since I'm posting, I guess here's my question - if you were in South Korea during a zombie outbreak, where would you go for the best chance at surviving?
Not KCC, but I think islands are usually safest so I'd say Jeju probably. If there was an outbreak there, Lotte World Tower.
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