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Dec 30, 2021 10:51 pm
Chalrytharendir says:
I'm playing around on the staging site (
Thank you. It's annoying when people point out problems AFTER they've been released.
Chalrytharendir says:
The "Characters" subforum description "Concept Discussion, Stat Rolling, Sheet Creation, Advancement, and Secret Info" gets really jammed up. I think the subforum names are enough to navigate.
Of course, you're right. This has been changed and staging updated.
Dec 30, 2021 11:09 pm
But now we have lost access to the threads in the subforums. :(
Is that the correct fix for 'long thread names look too crowded'? Maybe some form of spacing (-1), or some form of shortening (+1)?

It is nice to be able to get to the subforums, but we really do want to get to their threads instead.

The menu item is missing while not in a thread. Seems like it could be useful (even if just for uniformity) to have it when we are looking at the thread list in a forum or subforum.
Dec 30, 2021 11:17 pm
I think I was perhaps misunderstood. I meant keep the deeper thread menu, but lose the subforums' "descriptions". If the names of forums/threads are long they would still be shown. I just don't think we need the descriptions for quick navigation.
Last edited December 30, 2021 11:31 pm
Dec 30, 2021 11:36 pm
Agreed. The descriptions need not be on that menu.
Dec 31, 2021 2:02 pm
Adam says:
[ +- ] tweak/user_activity_chart
This has a substantial minority of people against it.

We want to avoid the tyranny of the majority that often comes from voting - where a majority of people slightly care for a feature but a significant minority really hate it or are damaged by it.

If you voted no and would like to give feedback about your decision then I'd be interested in hearing it. You can PM me if you don't feel comfortable saying why publicly.
I voted against it because it is a that I simply do not care for this feature. Though, I must admit that @Dramasailor and @runekyndig both make good points I had not thought about. Also looking at @Windyridge's post, I think I can make another case of what happens to a player who was temporarily forced to quit GP for real-life issues and now GMs are reticent to accept them in their games because of this unexplained hole in their posting history (not everyone thinks of communicating)...
Last edited December 31, 2021 2:02 pm
Dec 31, 2021 3:14 pm
I would always PM a player or GM before making any assumptions on post count though and would hope others would do the same.
Dec 31, 2021 4:19 pm
Windyridge says:
I would always PM a player or GM before making any assumptions on post count though and would hope others would do the same.
As a DM, I don't think I'd send a PM to ask about post count. I can't think of when I would care about the post count, so I definitely don't care about its distribution in time.

My process is usually:
* Has the user uploaded an avatar?
* Have they made at least one post (an introduction)?
* Are they in fewer than three active games?

As a tie-breaker, I'd take people who are new to the site (as they might be impatient to get a game) - but that's the joining date, not the post count.

Although different GMs have different criteria and strategies for selecting players, and that's a good thing. It'd be awful if we all made our decisions the same way.
But selecting players is not what the feature was created for. The feature was born of a single, off-handed comment by @skeptical_stun in his interview.

skeptical_stun says:
I wish I could see a line graph or something from the number of posts that I've gone for from last year to the number I've got now.
@skeptical_stun - I think it's fair to say that your comment wasn't intended to be taken as a must have requirement for GP, right?
Dec 31, 2021 5:13 pm
I wouldn't be that tactless. xD. I would try and get to know the person a little better. Oh and the avatar, or lack thereof is a pretty consistent indicator in my experience.
Last edited December 31, 2021 5:15 pm
Jan 3, 2022 4:03 pm
I'll leave it another week for feedback, but at the moment I think merge requests will be made for these (basically not online indicators, typing indicators, game snoozing, and posting charts):
[ +- ] feature/discord_integration
[ +- ] feature/comment_on_public_games
[ +- ] feature/zoommap
[ +- ] feature/open_polls
[ +- ] tweak/custom_dice_content
[ +- ] tweak/starwars_sheet_integration
[ +- ] tweaks/savage_worlds_rollers
[ +- ] tweak/starwars_ffg_dice
[ +- ] tweak/mention_menu
[ +- ] tweak/advanced_post_preview
[ +- ] tweak/table_formats
[ +- ] tweak/backfill_advanced
[ +- ] tweak/mobile_markitup_menus
[ +- ] tweak/game_menu_character_names
[ +- ] tweak/keep_characters_together_in_menu
[ +- ] tweak/forum_rules_mobile_footer
[ +- ] tweak/bottom_breadcrumb
[ +- ] tweak/Game_link_to_tavern
[ +- ] tweak/mobile_avatar_styling
[ +- ] tweak/character_game_menu
[ +- ] tweak/deeper_threads_menu
[ +- ] tweak/removed_open_games_notification
[ +- ] tweak/tavern_thread_badges
[ +- ] tweak/gamers_list_sort
[ +- ] tweak/styling_improvements
Jan 4, 2022 1:42 am
At least one person, in addition to Adam himself, has tested each new feature/tweak/bug!

1) bug/spycraft_display
2) bug/manage_subscriptions_duplicates

If anyone is familiar with either of these bugs then please help us test them before release. Thanks!

Of course, more testing of any feature is valuable before release because many have still only been tested by one person other than Adam. The more people who test before the release, the more likely we'll catch any bugs. So please see the original post (under "Access Staging") for details about how to test out any features you think you will use.

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