Jan 7, 2022 4:54 pm
Candlekeep Mysteries - Chapter 4
* This is a drop-in-for-a-chapter-drop-out game and not a campaign.
* Although this is chapter four from the WoTC Candlekeep Mysteries book, these are episodic one-shots you don't need to know anything about previous chapters.
*You'll be starting at level 4.
* The first two chapters each took about 30 days to complete, so I'd imagine this would take about a month too but that'll depend on posting rates.
You are a member of The Marginalia, a group of adventurers loosely connected to Candlekeep. The scholars find it handy to keep adventuring types on hand because although the pen is undoubtedly mightier than the sword, it doesn't deal 1d8 slashing damage.
Your patron, and head of The Marginalia, is an undead elf and scholar of popular bardic melodies. He probably had some horribly unpronounceable elvish name in his previous life, one with far too many vowels - now everyone calls him 'Elfis' on account of his ridiculous quiff.
In return for helping out the Avowed scholars, they can usually accommodate you in The House of Rest; also, being a Marginalia member is generally good for a few pints in The Hearth.
As a DM:
* I'm fairly rules-light (lazy);
* I'm happy to suspend rules-as-written to move the story along;
* I generally don't include slices-of-life, inter-character conflict, or romance;
* My games don't take themselves too seriously;
* PG-13.
If you're looking for an emotional and poignant game or a tactical RAW DnD experience, then you really wouldn't enjoy my games.
I run casual 5e games that might get a bit silly sometimes. They're like bad action movies that are full of plot holes and clichéd characters.
* I'll prioritize new players.
* Posting once per day(ish).
* No experience with D&D 5e is needed, and help will be given to new players.
* This is a drop-in-for-a-chapter-drop-out game and not a campaign.
* Although this is chapter four from the WoTC Candlekeep Mysteries book, these are episodic one-shots you don't need to know anything about previous chapters.
*You'll be starting at level 4.
* The first two chapters each took about 30 days to complete, so I'd imagine this would take about a month too but that'll depend on posting rates.
You are a member of The Marginalia, a group of adventurers loosely connected to Candlekeep. The scholars find it handy to keep adventuring types on hand because although the pen is undoubtedly mightier than the sword, it doesn't deal 1d8 slashing damage.
Your patron, and head of The Marginalia, is an undead elf and scholar of popular bardic melodies. He probably had some horribly unpronounceable elvish name in his previous life, one with far too many vowels - now everyone calls him 'Elfis' on account of his ridiculous quiff.
In return for helping out the Avowed scholars, they can usually accommodate you in The House of Rest; also, being a Marginalia member is generally good for a few pints in The Hearth.
As a DM:
* I'm fairly rules-light (lazy);
* I'm happy to suspend rules-as-written to move the story along;
* I generally don't include slices-of-life, inter-character conflict, or romance;
* My games don't take themselves too seriously;
* PG-13.
If you're looking for an emotional and poignant game or a tactical RAW DnD experience, then you really wouldn't enjoy my games.
I run casual 5e games that might get a bit silly sometimes. They're like bad action movies that are full of plot holes and clichéd characters.
* I'll prioritize new players.
* Posting once per day(ish).
* No experience with D&D 5e is needed, and help will be given to new players.

Last edited January 10, 2022 8:26 am