Time to get to work

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Feb 20, 2022 9:59 am
GreyWord says:
As fas as I understand I could use reaction to take no damage from fire breath
[ +- ] Shield Master
yep! How about I just keep track of the dragons hp and leave yours alone :D



Feb 21, 2022 2:03 pm
Melang's shadow blade draws a heavy wound. It slaps it wings for another wing attack and takes off, trying to get some distance from the two melee fighters.
[ +- ] Wing attack
Melang + The Dark Knigh make a DC 22 dex save, if you fail your attack of opportunity are with disadvange
[ +- ] Prone
[ +- ] Lair action
Initiative order

TDK , Zankas , Rervenn (in any order)

runekyndig sent a note to runekyndig


Wing Attack bludgeoning damage - (2d6+8)

(42) + 8 = 14

Feb 21, 2022 2:16 pm
Dex save. And then OA. let's see - I could use bardic d12 to prevent falling


Dexterity save - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Flail, +2 to hit (disadvantage) - (1d20+12, 1d20+12)

1d20+12 : (3) + 12 = 15

1d20+12 : (12) + 12 = 24

Feb 21, 2022 2:20 pm
TDK stands up (spend half movement speed) puts his weapon back on the belt and speaks: You still think gold is not ours to claim ?! Punk!
As he make the rest of 15 feet toward the dragon.

he probably don't understand meaning of the word Punk but that was the term dragon used in offensive way
BA: cast Shield of Faith
Action: Dodge Action.
[ +- ] Status
Feb 21, 2022 2:57 pm
Trying to stay on his feet, the harengon shields his eyes against the sudden wind. Watching TDK fall at his side, the wizard tries to hold him back, but the old grizzled warrior falls nontheless.

The magic that lingered of Melangs last attack hits the careless dragon and thunders through its body.
Like I rolled in the ooc thread - 11 Thunder DMG
Jumping on the flailing beast, the eldritch knight sinks his dark blade a last time between its scales and ends the beast with an evil snicker, no one would expact from some one so warm and fluffy.
AoO with War Caster and Booming Blade, AC: 24, DMG: 34

and another 3d8 if he still moves.
Last edited February 21, 2022 3:05 pm


Reflex-Save DC: 22 - (1d20+15)

(18) + 15 = 33

AoO Booming Blade - (1d20+10)

(14) + 10 = 24

DMG - (3d8+7+2d8)

(856) + (44) + 7 = 34



Feb 21, 2022 8:47 pm
Aurinax the gold dragon, protector of treasure below Waterdeeps, failed to stop the second group of intruders. These intruders are much more skilled and their magic is strong. Too strong! By the time he realises that his life might be in real danger, it is too late. As he tries to flee, steel and spells cut him down. He lands, crashes into a pile of gems and the last thing he sees is his favourite diamond, turning pink by his own blood.

The dragon fear disapates, and so does the magic of this dragon lair

End of combat

Feb 21, 2022 8:51 pm
This is the end of this vignette. I hoped you enjoyed playing in the messy high-levels. I hoped you had fun and I didn't screw up too badly. There are sooooo many things to take into account when running a legendary encounter.

I encourage you to write your own characters epilogue
Feb 22, 2022 9:01 am
Breathing hard for a few seconds, Melangs eyes come up and search for TDK's gaze. Smiling at the old human the harengon gives him a thumb up and tells him "Thanks again. This was a splendid fight." Craning his neck to see Rervenn, the wizard's eyebrow goes up, as he sees here as somekind of tree creature. "You can come out there. The beast is dead - it is save now." he teases her.

Looking at the slightly burned Zankas, Melang asks in over-played irritation: "No faerie fire? Tstststs... and I was counting on you." before winking at the bard.

Feeling some of his defensive magic coming to an end in the next few seconds and minutes — there was a tone of spells protecting the wizard — he suggests to summon a floating disk to help to get some of the stuff out. Gold, bodies, dragon trophies. There is no shortage of possibilities.

In the evening, when the sit down to enjoy a good drink, and maybe some fine company, the harengon asks delighted: "And? What's next?"
Feb 22, 2022 9:34 am
TDK search for and picks all dead party weapons he could find. I'm claiming the weapons - they could share their wearer last feelings with Raven Queen. And he looks if anyone dare to object. He is also removing a singe dragon teeth to share with her patron.

You have to excuse me nevertheless. Fiends do not sleep while we are are slaughtering beautiful creatures.
Yes you hear pity or even shame in his voice as he mention slaying evil dragon.
Lords Alliance could send workers here to deliver the wealth. I'm not a delivery boy. See you!
And of he goes
Feb 22, 2022 5:54 pm
Zankas groans as the harengon calls out the lack of faeire fire. Yes yes, it's always 'make this glow' this and 'why can't I hit the barn without your magics' that. Damn dragon sparkled well enough without my encouragement. he says with a wink as he pats out the small smoking parts of his clothing.

Choosing to accompany Melang to get a drink he laughs at the question. Perhaps something a little less scaly this time? Perhaps we can invade some rich woman's soirée and liberate a few cakes and bottles of fine wine, eh?
Feb 24, 2022 3:24 pm
Rervenn joins the others in the evening. She has asked her queen for forgiveness as she should not have been so easily scared. Even if her aim has been true, her heart has been weak and it worries her. She does not let the others know this, though. She raises her glass like they do and thinks about the next challenge.

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