[Gameplay] 2. The House of Pentheru

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May 23, 2022 2:48 am
"That is strange," Tabat says carefully approaching the body but stopping to stand a safe distance from it, his khopesh drawn and in hand, "this body is much fresher than many we've come across. One of the heads that attacked us below, you think?"
May 23, 2022 6:15 am
'Unfortunatly I think you are right... We should be careful. He was probably a tomb raider or similar... Brave to come this deep into the city.'
May 23, 2022 3:35 pm

The roving priests stop in front of an ancient mansion. "The House of Pentheru. The Destined Delvers should be within. I'd be wary, however, as there are many hazards in these old places. From the undead to nesting vermin, not to mention traps laid by the former occupants. Be careful, and may Pharasma watch over you both, Archibald Delaney and Skarab." They depart, on their patrol to make sure that the necropolis explorers are behaving appropriately.

Archibald and Skarab stands before the gates.

A furtive yet adventurous man waves you over. "You're Archibald, right? I'm Abenor. I'm going to catch up with those priests, but the Delvers are on the upper floor, top of the stairs. The first floor is mostly clear, but go in, take a right, and up the stairs. Also, watch out for the haunts at the front gates here, and inside the foyer. They're annoying but mostly harmless." The rogue runs off to catch up with the Pharasmites.
May 24, 2022 9:54 am
"Pleasure to meet you too Abenor!" shouts Archibald behind Abenor's back. He wonders what the youth's hurry and agitation was about. "Youth these days..." he mutters to Skarab. Nevertheless, he is relieved that he has managed to find another adventuring group to navigate the tombs and unearth their secrets, after the utter failure of his original group, that had travelled all the way from Andoran. Unlike his colleagues, Archibald valued ancient knowledge too much to run away at the first sight of the undead, and would not return to his university empty handed. Heeding the warnings of the priests, he unsheathed his rapier, donned his buckler tightened his gripped on the staff which hosted the Almas University banner, and prepared to set upon the direction young Abenor had provided. "Ready when you are, Skarab."
Last edited May 24, 2022 2:09 pm
May 24, 2022 3:58 pm
Skarab is kneeling nearby, looking down at his hand, cupped and holding some sand. He allows the sand to sift through his fingers as he brings it to his nose and sniffs. He rubs his fingertips, and then at the hearing of his name, he stands awkwardly, and says, "Yes, Archy; ready as I'll ever be."

His skin is more pale gray than it is green, and he has a scar on his face. Despite the intense heat of the environment, he wears layers of clothing. And despite all of that, the most noticeable feature he has are his tusks; not for their size, but for their shine. They glisten in the sunlight, and seem to catch the eyes of those observing.

He mutters some quiet words, and his skin becomes tan, much like a human's skin color.
He just cast Chameleon Skin to make his skin tone more homogenous with the general population.
He then stands behind Archibald, following him closely.
May 26, 2022 12:42 am
When Skarab and Archibald enter the front door, the haunt plays again, retelling the story of some dire day when the residents of the house fled an angry mob.
The PCs upstairs will automatically hear that ruckus.
May 27, 2022 12:39 pm
Startled by the sudden appearance of the spectral figures trying to defend the House of Pentreru, Archibald tries to move toward the nearest wall to seek cover and tries to understand if he's in any danger.
I checked the previous posts to see what exactly is the haunt. Arcana or Religion check ( both is 7 ) is for trying to understand what's going on.


Will Save ( flagbrearer +1 ) - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Knowledge Arcana or Religion - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

May 27, 2022 2:22 pm
As the noises start up Khadi's head will snap up from her customary rites over the body. 'Speaking of thieves.. No-one would be silly enough to try and sneak in surfing the lottery when they could just take part right?...' She looks to the others briefly before heading toward the noises, slowly enough that someone else, preferable someone hardier, can get in front, taking care to avoid the other haunt.

As she approaches, hopefully with others, she looks at the three making their way in the courtyard and waves, stopping outside the haunt area.

'Are you three okay? Lost?' Her first thoughts are it's another group getting the wrong site before she looks closer. 'Oh wait I remember you guys..'
May 27, 2022 4:16 pm
Sneakily, and quickly, Drak'wa Trreezuurbef, eleven rogue pulls the scarf covering his face and stares at the person approaching. "Lost? Why i havent been lost a day in my life," he spits. "This place was practically my playground when I was a sprite, that is until Master Trreezuurbef..." Drak'wa fades off into silence and speech is slowed. He remembers he has an issue with over sharing, especially to strangers. He looks around to the other. "Names? What are you lot doing here," he asks indignantly.
Last edited May 27, 2022 4:17 pm
May 27, 2022 5:22 pm
Tabat follows back to safety along with Khadi and the others. He stands tall, strong, stoic next to the cleric, but the paladin realizes he also recognizes the newcomers. "We are the Destined Delvers," he announces, "We're designated to be here by the lottery. I remember you lot from the tavern, don't I? You decided to join us after all?"
May 27, 2022 6:18 pm
Iseret looks the newcomers over with a critical eye. "I'm Iseret," she says, extending a hand.
May 27, 2022 6:32 pm
"hmm...the Destined Delvers, yes I've heard the name around town. Heard a couple folks mention the name but pardon me for not being privy to your accomplishments," Drak'wa extends his hand to Iseret.
May 27, 2022 9:37 pm
Archibald, relieved that they managed to meet with the Destined Delvers without much difficulty, shakes Iseret's hand and salutes the rest of the group. "Well met, Destined Delvers, yes, we had met at the Tooth and Hookah. Me and my colleagues from Almas University, along with some hired muscle, were exploring the tombs together, but my colleagues no longer have... the enthusiasm they had when we left Andoran. I would be glad to lend my aid in uncovering the mysteries of Ancient Osirion if you would have me."
May 27, 2022 10:12 pm
The duskwalker narrows her eyes at the one talking about the Necropolis being his playground. Her hand slowly goes to her symbol, suspecting a tomb robber before the others step in, and she lowers it again, but watches him warily. The second the older man speaks her face shifts into a grin. 'Yes I remember now. We're down an old man, poor guy got cursed. I would be happy to have you along as long as you are respectful of the tombs, and the others agree of course. Turns out this experience wasn't for some of our own members either.'

Her eyes flick back to the other two. The wariness is back in regards to the first one. 'I'm Khadi, guided by Khepri' She taps the scarab beetle around her neck. ' I take it you two were also looking for an alliance? Or do you have other motives being here.'
May 27, 2022 10:21 pm
"I'm sure you're all more than capable, but before we wade into danger, what can we expect in your contributions to our efforts here? It'll be important to know so we can strategize." He gestures around to the Delvers, starting with himself. "I'm Tabat, Paladin of Horus. I let things hit me, so they don't hit you. Occasionally I hit things back." Moving down the line - "That's Jaware, he shoots things with arrows and magic. Khadi, already introduced, but she wrecks undead and heals us up. And of course Iseret, trap-finder and infiltrator extraordinaire."
Figured this gives you guys an opportunity to specifically introduce your characters and lay out your class specifics.
Last edited May 27, 2022 10:22 pm
May 28, 2022 12:54 pm
The tall Elven man steps forward, confident yet cautious. "I am Drak'waTrreezuurbef. I am a trapsmith by trade, antiquities smuggler by lineage, and museum currator by adoption. I am trained in several skills. I no longer wish to steal for my pocket, but to bring glory to Osirion. The artifacts found here belong in a museum!" Drak'wa finishes with a pretentious bow, but uses this opportunity to take stock of the new people he has met. From the hats on their heads, to the weapons they carry, to the grime on the tops or their boots.
May 29, 2022 9:23 am
Archibald composes himself and tightens his grip on the flag. "Right, apologies, I am called Archibald. I can show you a few tips and tricks that should aid yourselves in defending against the various undead that seem to populate this place. I should hopefully hold my own in melee should it come to it, I dabble a bit in magic, I understand how traps work, and finally, I can replace this Almas University flag with something we design together so that I can become the group's standard bearer."
May 30, 2022 11:30 am
Skarab says, "I am Skarab. I was raised to revere the desert, and I have a knack for finding, buying, and selling wares."
May 30, 2022 2:06 pm
"Hah! A worthy bunch of tomb explorers, if I've ever seen one! I look forward to fighting by your side and hope to always shield you from harm. Now here, we were clearing the upper floor of this sand-swept estate. What say you join us in that task?"

Assuming the newcomers agree, Tabat leads the group back to the upper floor to the room with the headless body.
May 30, 2022 2:33 pm
Jaware slaps his forehead with his hand and makes a surprised expression. He then says:

"I almost forgot about the headless body. Surely it must be the source of one of the floating skulls we faced downstair. The fact that the body is fresh means that the necromantic power that created the undeads is still active in this house."
Last edited May 30, 2022 7:10 pm
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