[Gameplay] 2. The House of Pentheru

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Jul 12, 2022 1:47 am
Skarab says, "the only magical aura comes from this mummified cat. Can anyone ascertain what sort of magical school it may be from?"
I guess I know where my skill points will be going in future levels (since I don’t have Knowledge arcana yet.
Jul 12, 2022 4:52 am
HeroAmongMen says:
Skarab says, "the only magical aura comes from this mummified cat. Can anyone ascertain what sort of magical school it may be from?"
I guess I know where my skill points will be going in future levels (since I don’t have Knowledge arcana yet.
Do you have Spellcraft? You can identify it with a Spellcraft check (probably around DC 17ish) even if you dont have Kn: Arcana
Jul 12, 2022 8:45 am
"An astute translation. My commendations, Iseret" remarks Archibald once Iseret finishes translating the Ancient Osiriani hieroglyphs. He immediately begins searcing for relics once the sarcophagus is opened, and he casts Detect Magic and examines the mummified cat with interest once Skarab mentions it radiates magic.
Take 10 on knowledge arcana check for a total of 17.


Will save - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Jul 12, 2022 3:02 pm
Archibald detects a faint aura of necromancy on the object.
You would need an 18 on Spellcraft to identify this item's properties.
Jul 12, 2022 3:33 pm
After detecting necromantic magic within the mummified cat, Archibald tries to discern its properties.


Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Jul 12, 2022 4:22 pm
Ah, spellcraft! I do have that. I still don't have the finer points of Pathfinder knowledge in my brain yet.


Spellcraft check - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Jul 12, 2022 10:11 pm
Seeing the puzzled looks on both Skarab and Archibald's faces, Tabat pats the men fascinated with the mummified feline heartily on the shoulders, maybe a little too hard for Archibald's frame but not for lack of friendliness. "Don't you worry, friend! We'll find someone in town who can take a look over it - we at least know there's more than meets the eye here. We'll get a proper ID before we sell it...or use it, depending, I suppose."
Jul 13, 2022 11:53 pm
guys and gals, i am so sorry i wasnt much use and actually was quite shit. I appreciate you sticking with me. I also apologize for being absent of late. I was in the middle of a stressful move then i fell and still am in a deep dark depression. The kind of depression where youre not sure if you can breath one more minute. Where death seems the only relief. I came here more out of obligation than fun. I feel a kinship to you all.
Jul 14, 2022 2:47 am
You return to the city, with your collection of loot and your drawings. Giving your reports to the church officials, they congratulate you on your successful exploration. After that, you return to the Tooth and Hookah.

Congratulations, you advance to Level 3!
Jul 14, 2022 8:41 am
Once back in the city, prior to going to the Tooth and Hookah, Tabat takes the box with the old, fragile dress and looks for someone that might be able to use magic to fix it up.


Diplomacy (Gather Information) - (1d20+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Time for Gathering Information (1d4 hours) - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Jul 14, 2022 8:52 am
"Hold on Master Tabat!" rushes Archibald after Tabat Menes. "I believe the dress from the tomb is in your possession. I just had to take a look through my notes, and I should be able to fix it now.". He casts Mending on the fragile dress, observing if there is any improvement to its condition.

Once he is back in his room, prior to heading down to the Tooth and Hookah, he excitedly casts Scrivener's Chant to make a copy of his notes in a sturdy book which he keeps in his room.
Just noticed this tidbit: At 2nd level, an archivist gains a bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify magic items or decipher scrolls equal to half his bard level and may take 10 on such checks. I can now take 10 to reach 18 on a spellcraft check. I don't know the rules for retrying checks, but would this help in identifying the mummified cat? Also, I remember there were some scrolls that I had cast Read Magic on, was I able to identify those?
Jul 14, 2022 8:57 am
Tabat pauses as he begins to split from the group. "Oh! Master Archibald, of course - please do." He opens the box and watches as the man casts his magic over the fragile fabric.

"I believe you may have just saved me quite a bit of time. Have I mentioned how glad I am to have you aboard?"
Last edited Jul 14, 2022 8:58 am
Jul 14, 2022 2:57 pm
[ +- ] Mummified Guardian
I'll look up what those scrolls were later.
Jul 14, 2022 8:02 pm
"Why, Master Tabat, thank you, I assure you the feeling is mutual. Your bravery and prowess our vanguard against the undead horrors that permiates these ancient vaults and tomes" replies Archibald affably. He then informs the group about the properties of the mummified cat.

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