C1NDER says:
"The Erudite Eye. Got it. I'm sure we can do that. What sort of special significance does this item have, exactly?" Tabat asks, curious.
"Does it pose any special danger we should be aware of, if we were to run into it?"OOC:
Missed that question, sorry.

"It is important to Nephthys and has immense sentimental and religious significance. It is not dangerous, no. I appreciate any help you could get. We would offer top coin for it, it means that much to us." She smiles gratefully.
When the stories break out, the other crews add in their own tales of win and woe.
Dog Soldiers, halflings with a pack of fighting dogs, say they were sent to explore a tannery, where they lost half their dogs to a gelatinous cube! Their hard drinking leader, Mad Dog, shows off a magic sword they found within the cube after they defeated it, although he is obviously broken up over losing the dogs.
"I'd sell the sword for the right coin. We need to buy more dogs."
Falto, the leader of the
Cryptfinders, says,
"We were assigned the tomb of an important government official. We defeated a mummy and let's just say while the battle was fierce, the rewards were well worth it." He nods with some self-satisfaction. Most of you can tell that he's just made up all of that and that they're drinking cheap wine.
The Daughters of the Desert offer a tale next. Sigrun Firehair has been making notes as to everyone's stories. When it is their turn, Sigrun, a born storyteller tells a stirring story of how the went to the house of a wealthy pawnbroker. Despite her zeal for story that has listeners breathless from suspense, it turns out that there were traps, but little else. As to treasure,
"We hope to do better with the next one," is all she admits.
The last table, the
Sand Scorpions are furtive and offer nothing.