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Jan 20, 2022 2:47 am
vagueGM says:
Many find it helps to put the game out there for others to read. It does not matter if anyone actually does read it, but the need to make it polished enough to be read helps many.
I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I love to journal my games, so I think it's a great fit.
vagueGM says:
What tools do you use to aid your effort? I tried some a long time ago, but never had great success. Mythic GM Emulator was about the best, but it was not till I found Ironsworn that things really clicked. Ironworn is its own game, so will need a bit of work to play DnD modules, but soloing it can teach a lot of tricks that help with other solo games and with GMing in general.
I've used DM Yourself to help figure out how to play through published adventures. There's some great tips on how to approach the module.
Windyridge says:
There is actually a solo game you can join here which is basically a collection of other players' solo write-ups.
I was looking at that last night, but couldn't figure out how to join. I'll have to play around more tonight.
Jan 20, 2022 2:56 am
@McButterpants, I invited you to the solo game. The invite will be in your email. Once you accept, you will be in. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
Jan 20, 2022 2:58 am
McButterpants says:
I love to journal my games, so I think it's a great fit.
Definitions vary, but many have found that 'journaling' tends to encourage summaries, which result in lackluster (or just completely lacking) descriptions, which results in loss of focus or motivation. Pretending that one is writing for others results in more detailed descriptions and can make things feel more like playing with other people, where those details are needed do get everyone on the same page.

But that means these solo games run at similar speeds to group games. Which can be a burden of its own.

Some find it works to just envision the details in detail. But that takes a lot of discipline.
Jan 20, 2022 3:54 am
McButterpants says:
Thank you very much for highlighting this site. I'm excited to get started. I just need to get my bearings. I was searching around until 1 AM last night.
Do check the guides and videos and such folks link above -- very helpful. Also, just feel free to ask questions, and there's also the Discord for that that bowlofspinach links above. Her beginner Tales from the Loopgame also gets lots of accolades from those who play it... highly recommended!
Mar 14, 2022 3:45 am
Hey Nelson. Good to see a familiar face.


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