Character Creation

Jan 21, 2022 1:58 pm
Character Creation Process
Each Player Character (PC) in Neverland Knaves is a human teenager of typical high school age (between 13 - 18). The traditional character creation process of Cairn has been slightly modified in order to accommodate the setting and flavor. Therefore, simply follow the guide presented below to create your unique PC.

STEP 1 - Ability Scores
PCs have just three attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), and Willpower (WIL). Roll 3d6 for each ability score, in order. You may swap any two of the results.

STEP 2 - Hit Protection
Roll 1d6 to determine your PC's starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character's health or fortitude; nor do they lose it for very long (see Healing under the Game Rules thread). If an attack takes a PC's HP exactly to 0, the player must roll on the Scars Table.

STEP 3 - Name, Background & Traits
Create your PC's name, first and last. Then create, choose or roll for a background from the table below. A PC's background informs their potential knowledge and skills.

Background Table
Roll 1d10 and consult the following:
(1) Loner, (2) Thespian, (3) Jock, (4) Geek, (5) Musician, (6) Bookworm, (7) Greaser, (8) Socialite, (9) Deviant, (10) Dreamer.

Next, create and describe your character's physical appearance. Finally, create a brief summary about who your character is to those closest to them (reputation, vice, virtue, mannerisms, et cetera), effectively rounding out their traits.

Roll 1d6+12 for your PC's age.

STEP 4 - Starting Gear
All PCs begin with:
>Typical everyday set of clothes that they would wear to school that day (equipped/worn).
>Backpack/Bookbag (holds up to six slots) with some variety of school supplies.
>One hand-held sized personal trinket (Card Deck, Instrument, Whistle, Marbles, Mirror, et cetera).
Jan 22, 2022 5:36 pm
Please copy and paste this template for your PC Sheet.


General Traits
Physical Appearance:
Traits Summary:

Ability Scores

HP: ?/?

Slot 1 (Hand):
Slot 2 (Hand):
Slot 3 (Body):
Slot 4 (Body):
Slot 5 (Backpack):
Slot 6 (Backpack):
Slot 7 (Backpack):
Slot 8 (Backpack):
Slot 9 (Backpack):
Slot 10 (Backpack):


Jan 22, 2022 9:38 pm

General Traits
Name: "Tyr Bestlassen"
Age: 21
Physical Appearance: "As a specimen, yes I'm intimidating."
Background: Geek
Traits Summary:
Shiaolin Kung Fu Geek
"He is the Immortal Serpent of the Mountain"
(He is actually a clone of Odin)
He... is... very... slow...
He has a lovely singing voice.

Ability Scores
STR: 16
DEX: 8
WIL: 11

HP: 4/4

Slot 1 (Hand): Snake Scale Hand Wrap
Slot 2 (Hand): Suede Hand Wrap w/ Snake Scale
Slot 3 (Body): Bright Purple Tank Top w/ hooded sweater vest (Faded)
Slot 4 (Body): Flamingo Patterned Jogging Pants w/ steel-toe jack boots(Bloody)
Slot 5 (Backpack):
Slot 6 (Backpack):
Slot 7 (Backpack):
Slot 8 (Backpack):
Slot 9 (Backpack):
Slot 10 (Backpack):



"Of a well-assumed form
I made good use:
few things fail the wise;
for Odhrærir
is now come up
to men’s earthly dwellings

Potent songs nine
from the famed son I learned
of Bölthorn, Bestla’s sire,
and a draught obtained
of the precious mead,
drawn from Odhrærir."
Last edited Jan 23, 2022 8:01 am


Strength - (3d6)

(664) = 16

Dexterity - (3d6)

(422) = 8

Willpower - (3d6)

(353) = 11

Hit Protection - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Background - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Jan 22, 2022 9:50 pm
Jomsviking says:
Strength of 16 = Roughly the size of a Barge
LOL. That's awesome. :)
Jan 22, 2022 9:58 pm
Here's my rolls...


Stats - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (143) = 8

3d6 : (143) = 8

3d6 : (646) = 16

HP - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jan 22, 2022 10:01 pm
What's a brief definition of the stats? (ie...does Willpower cover stats like Intelligence?)
Jan 22, 2022 10:44 pm
Squadfather44 says:
What's a brief definition of the stats? (ie...does Willpower cover stats like Intelligence?)
Strength (STR): Used for saves requiring physical power, like lifting gates, bending bars, resisting poison, etc.

Dexterity (DEX): Used for saves requiring poise, speed, and reflexes like dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc.

Willpower (WIL): Used for saves to persuade, deceive, interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, manipulate spells, etc.

I think the original idea with Cairn was to not really have an "Intelligence" or "Charisma" type stat and encourage player fiat.

Actually, these design ideas might provide some insight on the game engine design:
Jan 22, 2022 11:00 pm
Here goes.


STR - (3d6)

(646) = 16

Dex - (3d6)

(543) = 12

Will - (3d6)

(265) = 13

HP - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Background - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Jan 23, 2022 1:54 am
Some good rolls in there! Nice. :)
Jan 23, 2022 1:55 am
Yeah, just not sure what to do with Greaser as a type of Knave. Aside from the movie Grease I don't really have a frame of reference.
Jan 23, 2022 2:16 am
Verrain says:
Yeah, just not sure what to do with Greaser as a type of Knave. Aside from the movie Grease I don't really have a frame of reference.
Hmmm, yeah. Well, feel free to create whatever type of Background you want. I was thinking "greaser" as a mechanical type person. . .likes fiddling with engines, mechanical bits, what have you.
Jan 23, 2022 2:20 am
What ages is everyone thinking of going with?
Jan 23, 2022 2:33 am
Squadfather44 says:
What ages is everyone thinking of going with?
I totally forgot to slap that up there. You could roll 1d6+12 for some randomness for the age or just choose. (13-18)
Jan 23, 2022 7:38 am
What do we put for Traits Summary?
Jan 23, 2022 3:21 pm
Squadfather44 says:
What do we put for Traits Summary?
Whatever you would like to include about their appearance, personality, strengths or weakness. Possibly something that is fairly common knowledge to those closest to them.
Jan 23, 2022 6:05 pm
Character submitted, all I have left is to pick my 1 hand held item. I'm also tossing around a couple ideas for traits.
Jan 24, 2022 12:53 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Character submitted, all I have left is to pick my 1 hand held item. I'm also tossing around a couple ideas for traits.
Logan has been approved and looks good. Thanks!
Jan 24, 2022 12:54 pm
Jomsviking says:

General Traits
Name: "Tyr Bestlassen"
Age: 21
Physical Appearance: "As a specimen, yes I'm intimidating."
Background: Geek
Traits Summary:
Shiaolin Kung Fu Geek
"He is the Immortal Serpent of the Mountain"
(He is actually a clone of Odin)
He... is... very... slow...
He has a lovely singing voice.

Ability Scores
STR: 16
DEX: 8
WIL: 11

HP: 4/4

Slot 1 (Hand): Snake Scale Hand Wrap
Slot 2 (Hand): Suede Hand Wrap w/ Snake Scale
Slot 3 (Body): Bright Purple Tank Top w/ hooded sweater vest (Faded)
Slot 4 (Body): Flamingo Patterned Jogging Pants w/ steel-toe jack boots(Bloody)
Slot 5 (Backpack):
Slot 6 (Backpack):
Slot 7 (Backpack):
Slot 8 (Backpack):
Slot 9 (Backpack):
Slot 10 (Backpack):



"Of a well-assumed form
I made good use:
few things fail the wise;
for Odhrærir
is now come up
to men’s earthly dwellings

Potent songs nine
from the famed son I learned
of Bölthorn, Bestla’s sire,
and a draught obtained
of the precious mead,
drawn from Odhrærir."
This should be a fun build! Hah. Go ahead and submit the character if you'd like! :)
Jan 25, 2022 10:36 pm
General Traits
Name: Danny
Age: 16
Physical Appearance: Standard biker gear: Leather jacket, jeans, leather boots, Ghost Rider T-shirt
Background: Greaser
Traits Summary: Like the Fonz but more ironic

Ability Scores
STR: 12
DEX: 16
WIL: 13

Armor: ?
HP: 6/6

Slot 1 (Hand):
Slot 2 (Hand):
Slot 3 (Body): Leather Jacket, Ghost Rider T-Shirt
Slot 4 (Body): Jeans, Leather Boots
Slot 5 (Backpack): Folder of weekly assignments/handouts
Slot 6 (Backpack): Pens/Pencils
Slot 7 (Backpack): Several notebooks
Slot 8 (Backpack): Small tool kit (auto shop class/ bike repair)
Slot 9 (Backpack):
Slot 10 (Backpack):



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