Jan 21, 2022 1:58 pm
Character Creation Process
Each Player Character (PC) in Neverland Knaves is a human teenager of typical high school age (between 13 - 18). The traditional character creation process of Cairn has been slightly modified in order to accommodate the setting and flavor. Therefore, simply follow the guide presented below to create your unique PC.
STEP 1 - Ability Scores
PCs have just three attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), and Willpower (WIL). Roll 3d6 for each ability score, in order. You may swap any two of the results.
STEP 2 - Hit Protection
Roll 1d6 to determine your PC's starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character's health or fortitude; nor do they lose it for very long (see Healing under the Game Rules thread). If an attack takes a PC's HP exactly to 0, the player must roll on the Scars Table.
STEP 3 - Name, Background & Traits
Create your PC's name, first and last. Then create, choose or roll for a background from the table below. A PC's background informs their potential knowledge and skills.
Background Table
Roll 1d10 and consult the following:
(1) Loner, (2) Thespian, (3) Jock, (4) Geek, (5) Musician, (6) Bookworm, (7) Greaser, (8) Socialite, (9) Deviant, (10) Dreamer.
Next, create and describe your character's physical appearance. Finally, create a brief summary about who your character is to those closest to them (reputation, vice, virtue, mannerisms, et cetera), effectively rounding out their traits.
Roll 1d6+12 for your PC's age.
STEP 4 - Starting Gear
All PCs begin with:
>Typical everyday set of clothes that they would wear to school that day (equipped/worn).
>Backpack/Bookbag (holds up to six slots) with some variety of school supplies.
>One hand-held sized personal trinket (Card Deck, Instrument, Whistle, Marbles, Mirror, et cetera).
Each Player Character (PC) in Neverland Knaves is a human teenager of typical high school age (between 13 - 18). The traditional character creation process of Cairn has been slightly modified in order to accommodate the setting and flavor. Therefore, simply follow the guide presented below to create your unique PC.
STEP 1 - Ability Scores
PCs have just three attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), and Willpower (WIL). Roll 3d6 for each ability score, in order. You may swap any two of the results.
STEP 2 - Hit Protection
Roll 1d6 to determine your PC's starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character's health or fortitude; nor do they lose it for very long (see Healing under the Game Rules thread). If an attack takes a PC's HP exactly to 0, the player must roll on the Scars Table.
STEP 3 - Name, Background & Traits
Create your PC's name, first and last. Then create, choose or roll for a background from the table below. A PC's background informs their potential knowledge and skills.
Background Table
Roll 1d10 and consult the following:
(1) Loner, (2) Thespian, (3) Jock, (4) Geek, (5) Musician, (6) Bookworm, (7) Greaser, (8) Socialite, (9) Deviant, (10) Dreamer.
Next, create and describe your character's physical appearance. Finally, create a brief summary about who your character is to those closest to them (reputation, vice, virtue, mannerisms, et cetera), effectively rounding out their traits.
Roll 1d6+12 for your PC's age.
STEP 4 - Starting Gear
All PCs begin with:
>Typical everyday set of clothes that they would wear to school that day (equipped/worn).
>Backpack/Bookbag (holds up to six slots) with some variety of school supplies.
>One hand-held sized personal trinket (Card Deck, Instrument, Whistle, Marbles, Mirror, et cetera).