I looks like there is much interest in a SWADE game and I will run one. The games I tend to run tend to be episodic than a long term campaign. My PBP games are much more narrative driven and skills focused with combat taking a back seat to everything else.
I am going to take into consideration what some of the most requested games were. I will narrow this down to a single game or a choice of a few games I would run. What I am already looking at:
-ETU (love horror, my reservation is feeling constrained by the college setting).
-Savaged version of Beyond the Supernatural (Horror, X-files vibe, the compromise for the ETU setting, my reservation may be initially time consuming converting it for PC creation).
-Cyber Punk game set in RIFTS Chi-Town (I've run RIFTS for a little over a year, very familiar with the setting and lore. My reservations: RIFTS has a lot of PC & NPC complexity (may not be such an issue in my PBP games). RIFTS also does not seemed to be a preferred game on this thread)
-Supers (love super hero genre, reservation not sure a single poster mentioned it on this thread!)
decisions, decisions...
Last edited January 22, 2022 6:56 pm