Session 0

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Feb 16, 2022 11:15 pm
ireneofunyes says:
Firstly I want to thank Harrigan for letting us know beforehand he will not be participating for some time. Although we haven't technically started the campaign, Session 0 still counts as game and I would like everybody to participate regularly, or if they won't be able to, inform us that they won't. It's been more than two weeks and we haven't even sketched out all the characters, let alone starting the game. I hope you don't have some personal issues and everybody is okay. If that's the case, please work a little bit more to develop the story and characters.
If Fate has a weakness, it's that it can be slow to start when you're using a wide-open launch point. But not leveraged enough is that what you actually need to start is a thumbnail of the setting (which we have), an opening scene (which we have), and for each PC to have a High Concept, Trouble, and apex Skill. That's it. The rest can be filled in as we go -- provided our GM is comfortable with that.

I hope to brew up my PC tonight. We have a neurotic xenobiologist, a nerdy and maybe a little obsessive engineer, and a security specialist who is former military, is that right?
Feb 16, 2022 11:17 pm
Sorry for the barrage of posts. Things are occurring to me. I have PC thoughts to jot down, but of course I'm at the office and it's snowing like mad. Need to get out of here before the roads get too bad.

Question: @ireneofunyes, can you please re-state our opener? We're waking up somewhere without memory of what happened, was that it?
Feb 17, 2022 7:27 am
I guess when you edit a post, if you uncheck "this is a minor edit" thingy we see a notification, even if we have read the post before.

Yes, you were on your way to the planet, on your ship. The next moment you find yourself in a small room with no memory of how you got there.
Feb 17, 2022 10:06 pm
Looks like we're pretty ready to jump in? *rubs hands eagerly*
Feb 18, 2022 1:50 am
I have submitted my sheet. I didn't include stunts yet as it sounds like I can figure those out during play. Let me know if anything needs changing.
Feb 18, 2022 2:02 am
Naelick hasn't logged in for 13 days so we may have lost them.
Feb 18, 2022 7:14 am
Windyridge says:
I have submitted my sheet. I didn't include stunts yet as it sounds like I can figure those out during play. Let me know if anything needs changing.
I don’t see your submission. Could you remove and submit again?
Windyridge says:
Naelick hasn't logged in for 13 days so we may have lost them.
I’m afraid so. At this point we have three options:

1- Wait a few more days for them to join.
2- Start the game with three people.
3- Recruit one more person.

Personally I’l wait a few more days but after that, it’s up to you. Would you definitely like to be four people in the game or is it okay if you are three?
Feb 18, 2022 3:59 pm
Having not played Fate before I can't really offer an opinion on optimal player numbers.

I have submitted my sheet. I think I forgot a key step in the process and that was to press the submit button. 😒
Feb 18, 2022 7:39 pm
I remembered something that I should've mentioned earlier. In GP we are using Fate Core sheets but we're actually playing Fate Condensed, so we need to modify physical and mental stress slots. So @Windyridge, since your Physique is 0 and Will is +2, you'll have three phsyical stress slots and four mental stress slots. Also one of your skills is 0, it should have been +1 I guess.

For the missing player, I've decided to open a thread to recruit one more player. If naelick decides to come back, we can add them into the story later on and continue with 5 people. That shouldn't be a problem.
Feb 18, 2022 7:57 pm
Yes that sounds right. I'm not sure how to modify a sheet that isn't custom though.
Feb 18, 2022 8:18 pm
When you enter you character, at the top right there is an edit button. In the edit mode, there should be pluses and minuses on stress tracks. You can add it like that.
Feb 18, 2022 10:43 pm
Thanks for the invite, I'll catch up in the next few hours.
Feb 19, 2022 2:31 am
Harrigan says:
I hope to brew up my PC tonight. We have a neurotic xenobiologist, a nerdy and maybe a little obsessive engineer, and a security specialist who is former military, is that right?
Harrigan says:
PC-wise, yeah, I'll go with a face-type leader / pilot.
I'm thrilled by the world building you have all snuck in so far as part of this process. The black box screams intrigue and my instinct tells me to make a traitor, but I have awful instincts. Instead of traitor, how about a woman who is being blackmailed into a kind of corporate espionage. Threat to her family kind of thing. Background like that is tricky in a memory loss game, so I'll look to develop that through aspects if/when we get memories back.

Now, Naelick was playing the Xenobiologist, and if he's out, then I think we do need a similar role filled. Instead of a biologist/doctor, how about a xenoanthropologist? Focuses on cultures and contact protocols.
Feb 19, 2022 7:09 am
I’m totally up for adding some drama to the game. You’re free to expand on this forced espionage story and xenoanthropologist seems a fantastic idea! It would make your job easier if you encounter with any alien as well.

I’m currently developing the character for AI, deciding its aspects etc.
Feb 19, 2022 12:50 pm
Name: Dr. Cassiopeia Canon ("CC")
High Concept: Celebrity Xenoanthroplogist
Trouble: Blackmailed by the Startel -- the star cartel is a criminal org looking to gain an inside track on new first contact situations. They will use any means to get their foot in the door first.
Aspect: Not That Kind of Doctor -- "goddamnit, I'm an academic, not a doctor, Jim"; Ugh, she doesn't do icky biology stuff so Stop Asking, but if you need an academic, she's your gal

Draft skills:
+ 4 Academics
+ 3 Athletics, Rapport
+ 2 Empathy, Notice, Contacts
+ 1 Shoot, Stealth, Investigate, Burglary
Feb 19, 2022 1:12 pm
Okay, this PC seems good enough for a draft, but let me ask you a question about your aspect. I can see how it can be compelled, like you may get angry when you're asked to do the "icky biology stuff" but I don't see how it can bu used positively. Or, in general, your high concept already includes everything your aspect has to say. For example, without refering to your aspect, you can say "because I'm a celebrity xenoanthropologist, I should know bla bla". Your aspect would give you more or less the same power in the story. I hope I made my case clear, sometimes not being a native English speaker makes it hard to appropriately convey my thoughts.
Feb 19, 2022 2:32 pm
You're right, of course. I just really liked the phrase, haha. I'll think on that and may scratch it to broaden her scope.

Another problematic phrase-as-aspect I'm toying with is:
-- "This One Time, At Macha Pichu" to flesh out a more physical side to her. Not sure how that has a bad side, other than tapped for old injuries

So switching to something else, here's:

Self-Righteous: CC is driven by a belief that she's the hero of her own story. Does that make her hard headed and stubborn? Maybe.
Last edited Feb 19, 2022 3:26 pm
Feb 19, 2022 4:38 pm
Self-righteous can work actually. She can pursue something she deems "the right thing to do" even though nobody agrees with her. This is a dual-sided aspect as the same stubbornness can be a positive or a negative thing depending on the context.
Feb 19, 2022 4:50 pm
I've submitted Dr. CC. I'll edit as we go, including writing out some of her background.
Feb 19, 2022 4:54 pm
Great! Be sure to add one more stress box each, both your physical stress and mental stress should have three slots. Also, remember to think about your stunts. You still have time, you can at least add one stunt before we start.

That leaves only @Harrigan. He mentioned his job being overly time consuming, so I guess we can wait a few more days. As soon as he submits his character, I'll start the Session 1.
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