Quests for kids? (No Thank You Evil)

Jun 14, 2016 4:46 pm
I got a coworker back into RPGs by introducing him to No Thank You Evil a few months ago (by which I mean I told him about it); he purchased the book for his son's birthday, and they played this last weekend. Both had a great time, and my coworker had a blast as his first time as GM. He's looking for advice on places where he can get prewritten quests for kids (even if not NTYE, he thinks he can modify based on a framework) or other resources to running games for kids.

Jun 14, 2016 5:06 pm
I'd look at Hero Kids adventures at drivethrurpg. Could even have him use your referral link!
Jun 14, 2016 6:09 pm
I tend to home brew things. For example, in Tiny Horsies, I ran an adventure based on season 1 of The Walking Dead. I replaced gruesome zombies with pajama wearing, sleepwalking ponies. They shambles about moaning "manes!" and converted healthy horsies buy grabbing their manes.

Games like NTYE are ripe for such ad hoc adlibbing adventures, IMHO.

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