Day - Something Strange Is Going On [IC]


Ganesh Inactive for 29 days

Feb 1, 2022 3:16 am
Cryptid Con '21 was still going to happen despite the threat of the SARS-COV-2 virus.

Wagner Bradley, like many others attending the convention, knew the whole COVID thing was blown way out of proportion and was likely a cash-grab by the HCIC (the health-care-industrial complex). They didn't want the con to happen, because they didn't want anyone talking about the Truth: that secret experiments by the HCIC are responsible for at least 50% of all cryptids.

Javier Ramirez, on the other hand, is happy to finally be getting out again. The con is just an excuse to meet new people. Well that, and network with a few of the other "Whities" (people dedicated to uncovering the truth behind cryptids of the northern snows like himself).

Sammy Balentine was going, "just because". Being that the convention was in town, it was pretty convenient. He didn't expect much but Wagner had told him he would be going and that there was someone he wanted Sammy to meet. A fellow cryptid hunter who went by the handle RendezvousWithRami. Apparently "Rami" wasn't convinced Wagner and Sammy were the real deal, and he wanted Sammy to tell this new guy his story in person. Turns out this new guy lived in the city too, so why not?

Wagner had arranged a little get-together at a coffee shop in the evening of the last day of the con.
Feb 1, 2022 9:07 am
Wagner looked less out conspicuous than usual at Cryptid Con. His old, almost threadbare grey suit failed to give him the dignity he wished, but he looked no worse than half of the other weirdos. Still, the Con was a splendid source to see what lies were gaining tractions in the public, and what fragments of truths could be still salvaged.

He hung out in a corner of the coffee shop, two tables down from the agreed meeting spot, fully intentioned to check out RendezvousWithRami and murderofghouls before approaching them. Perhaps one of them had been compromised and wearing a wire? This would be a great occasion for them to get Wagner on tape… and they were not below blackmailing his fellow redditors.

Sipping a coffee in the corner, he glanced at the agreed-upon table, ready to scan whoever sat down first.
Feb 1, 2022 12:01 pm
Javi enters the cafe, glad to get out of the busy convention. His leg hurts after so much moving around the conference centre, and his head is spinning for the many notions learned in the various seminars, talks and events. He is glad for the respite this cafe meeting will grant, and curious about the encounter.

He spots the convened table, a little disappointed at seeing it empty. Oh well, he'll have to be first in. Maybe the paranoid types will appreciate an opening move from me, he thinks, limping to the table and sitting down.

He looks around. He has sent his photograph to the fellow cryptid buffs, as he doesn't have anything in particular to hide. He'll only share his nickname Javi with them, though - normal 'meeting strangers' precaution. Guess I'll just sit here with my leg stretched and pose as the friendly geek...

He orders some black coffee with plenty of sugar to the passing waiter. Then he puts his hands in sight on the table, and waits.
Last edited February 5, 2022 8:37 pm
Feb 1, 2022 3:55 pm
Sammy walks into the coffee shop and makes a bee-line for the counter. "Large, triple-shot almond milk vanilla latte extra hot, no foam - one shot of caramel, an extra shot of vanilla, with caramel drizzle on the bottom of the cup. Oh, and double cup it." He looks around the coffee shop, casing the location. He notes the door to the back room - most likely at least one exit that way. There's always the drive-thru window if things get tough. He hears the cash register ring and unconsciously checks the till - the bills are light.

It's going to be a bit of a wait for the coffee, so Sammy has a look around at the patrons. There's an old homeless guy off to the side trying to hide his interest. He isn't sure what to make of the guy. Is he undercover? Probably just crazy. Sammy decides to keep him in his field of vision and scans the rest of the store. There's not many here for coffee this late in the day.

He checks the agreed upon table. It's not a great spot for a get-away, but he figures the seat on the left is the best option - good view of the place and quick getaway over the counter and into the back. He notes that Rami is already sitting there. No sign of OutThere43. Maybe he chickened out at the last minute.

"Large, triple-shot ..." Sammy grabs the coffee before the barista can finish and heads to the table. He hears the sarcastic 'Your welcome, asshole.' the barista whispers, but ignores it. "So, you Rami?" Sammy calls out as he moves towards the table.
Feb 1, 2022 6:16 pm
He half-stands to offer his hand, then remembers the pandemic and sits down again.

He smiles at the newcomer. "That's me indeed. And, are you... OutThere or murderofghouls?" He hears his own voice, and realizes it is the first time ever he says those two nicks out loud. They sound strange, outside the setting of the forum.

"Take a seat."


Ganesh Inactive for 29 days

Feb 1, 2022 7:14 pm
The coffee shop is empty except for the three patrons and the barista. It is probably why Wagner picked it. He was definitely the paranoid type. All his posts tended to drift into rambling at the end, but both Javi and Sammy knew that underneath all that was a keen, insightful mind at work you just had to wade through all the rest. The barista was a thin older woman with her brown hair up in a bun. She had the worn leathery skin of those who have spent too long in the sun, like many in the city. She barely paid the three any attention. She delivers Sammy's coffee and asks Javi a perfunctory "What can I get you hun?"

As the three sit wary of each other, a group of sirens can be heard coming down the street. A few moments later as the sound rises and falls, three police cars pass by the coffee shop, their lights momentarily bathing the coffee shop in red and blue light.
"Must be a sale on donuts" the barista quips under her breath, and looks back at Javi.
Feb 1, 2022 7:22 pm
Wagner casually walks to the wastebin to throw in a kleenex, and as he passes by the table with his two acquaintances he presses a button on weird plastic device in his pocket.
The Hidden Wire Detector bought on eBay last month fails to reveal any circuitry on either of them, so he decides to sit down coming back from the bin.

He tall figure creeps up to the table, beginning to talk with little regard for any conversation already going on "Hey. You guys Rami and ghouls, that's true? I'm OutThere. How do you do?"
Last edited February 1, 2022 7:30 pm
Feb 1, 2022 7:50 pm
He looks at the barista, "black coffee for me, and plenty of sugar, please. It's to keep my shape nice and round, you see... " he jokes.

As the woman leaves them, he follows with interest the manoeuvre of the newcomer, then smiles at him. "Hey. Nice to put a face to a... Nickname. Javi. I'm the rendezvous guy. "
Last edited February 5, 2022 8:38 pm
Feb 2, 2022 10:48 pm
"Jeez, you're tall..." he adds, looking up at Wagner. "Sit down, you'll give me a stiff neck."
Feb 3, 2022 3:39 am
"Oh, man! I thought you were an undercover cop. Don't scare a guy like that! Why the hell were you sitting over there by yourself?" Sammy eases a bit and leans back in his chair. He was so close to jumping the counter and bolting. He takes a small sip of his coffee - hot and sweet, just like he likes it.

"Well, it's good to finally meet you. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself in to. Hopefully, you're not as crazy as the nutjobs at the con this afternoon. Man, there were some real weirdos out today. I can't believe that's the crowd I run with now." He shakes his head and looks out into the empty coffee shop. "A year ago, you wouldn't have caught me dead at a thing like that. But, after what I saw ..." Sammy grows silent and stares off into space; his eye twitching ever-so-slightly.


Ganesh Inactive for 29 days

Feb 3, 2022 5:45 am
Ganesh sent a note to McButterpants
Feb 3, 2022 5:56 am
"Holy Shit! Did you see that?" Sammy jumps from his seat and rushes to the window. He peers through the glass and down the street, trying to get a view of the figure that passed. "Dammit! Where the hell did it go?" He runs across the coffee shop and out the front door into the street. He doesn't stray far, but peers into the mouth of the alley trying to see where it went. After a few seconds, he walks back into the café and crosses to the table at the back. "Didn't either of you see that? It looked exactly like the thing that killed my partner."


Ganesh Inactive for 29 days

Feb 3, 2022 6:43 am
Ganesh sent a note to McButterpants
Feb 3, 2022 12:36 pm
Wagner looks a bit uncomfortable by the torrent of words ghouls is vomiting on him. He usually is the logorrheic one at any given table, but this guy…
"Cops are here, who knows if they’re legit or on someone’s tab…" he is cut short by the man leaving abruptly. While ghouls is gone, he whispers to Rami "You know, that guys knows a lot, that’s true. Hard to pin down, that’s a good sign, you know they can’t get him so easily."
Once the man comes back, Wagner looks at him with an unsettling, asymmetrical gaze "What, you think there’s something here? In this place?" he shakes his head "Sounds fishy to me. Could be a plant, something fake the government or whatnot puts out as bait for the hunters. So they can keep tab on us. Better be careful." he instinctively lowers his head into his shoulders, trying to look less conspicuous.
Feb 3, 2022 12:54 pm
"You know, that guys knows a lot, that’s true. Hard to pin down, that’s a good sign, you know they can’t get him so easily."
He nods at Wagner, more to humor him than out of conviction. Jeez, he really IS another level of paranoid, he thinks.
"Didn't either of you see that? It looked exactly like the thing that killed my partner."
Startled by Sammy's sudden action, Javi shakes his head. "What thing?? You sure it wasn't some cosplayer guy in costume?" he asks looking around at the other patrons to see if anyone spotted anything, "I mean, it's a cryptid Con, and there are plenty of weirdos attending..." he adds, immediately regretting it, hoping the man doesn't interpret this comment as directed to him.

He stands up helping himself with the crutch.
is the diner/cafe place within the Convention centre, or outside it?
Last edited February 5, 2022 8:38 pm
Feb 3, 2022 3:05 pm
I pictured the coffee shop down the road from the con. I figured we'd pick one out of the way on a quiet street so we can talk undisturbed.
"What thing?? You sure it wasn't some cosplayer guy in costume?"
"No way. I'll never forget what those things look like. That shit is burned into my brain."
"Cops are here, who knows if they’re legit or on someone’s tab…"
Sammy turns to OutThere and stares at him for a few seconds, brows furrowed. His eyes go wide. "Nah man. I bet you one of those things attacked someone. We should go check it out. This could be a major find and we're sitting here drinking coffee."


Ganesh Inactive for 29 days

Feb 3, 2022 4:51 pm
Dr_B says:
is the diner/cafe place within the Convention centre, or outside it?
Wagner picked an out of the way place for security.
Feb 3, 2022 5:33 pm
"OK, sure. No harm in taking a look, I guess." He says putting sufficient money for the coffee on the table, plus tip.

"Where did you see it go?" He adds, following where Sammy leads, while thinking, is he under the influence? stoned? Dangerous??
He decides to keep his eyes open.


Ganesh Inactive for 29 days

Feb 4, 2022 3:32 am
The trio exit the coffee shop and make their way across the street and into the alley. The light from the street only penetrates a few feet down and then fades to nearly pitch black.
Feb 4, 2022 8:55 am
"Alright, pals. Whatever is in that alley, it's best to find out with some light..." he says.

He takes his smartphone from a pocket and switches the flashlight function on. It's not a powerful beam, but better than nothing.
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