Day - Something Strange Is Going On [IC]

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Feb 4, 2022 5:27 pm
Wagner grins at Rami’s phone "You, know, they can track you through that. I can hook you up with a clean one. Besides, we don’t really need it…" he opens his jacket and takes out a long and heavy watchman’s flashlight, the kind that can break a hand in addition to making light. Under the same armpit, you can see he also has a holster.

"Heh" he looks proud of his preparedness "now we can see much better." he points the beam at the darkness in the alley. "Be ready! If we make a discovery, we need to be able to defend it against those that wish to silence us!"



Feb 4, 2022 6:28 pm
Wagner snaps on the flashlight and sweeps the beam across the alley. The wall of the restaurant on the left is adobe stonework, a large trash bin with the lid closed sits outside the backdoor to the restaurant next door. The cement wall on the right sports graffiti proclaiming "VIVA LA RAZA!". A common sight around town. It means "Long live the race!" a rallying cry of Chicanos everywhere.

As you make your way down the alley, the beam from the flashlight comes to rest on the back wall of the alley and you can make out what appears to be a huge wolf-snouted creature with a maw full of sharp teeth lurking in the shadows. Its eyes are two balls of fire and its teeth drip with blood.
Wagner make an Act Under Pressure roll
First roll of the game!
[ +- ] What You See
Feb 4, 2022 7:20 pm
Wagner fumbles a bit with his hands, but manages to get his gun out from the holster "Get back! There's something!" he stumbles the best he can behind a dumpster, the beam from the flashlight waving all over the place and the gun held in a not-so-firm grip.
Ganesh, given that this is your first time GMing a PbtA: usually the GM calls for amove after theplayer describes what he wants to do. I understand in PbP this is somewhat harder to do, but I dont really know what I am rolling for here.


act under pressure - (2d6+1)

(24) + 1 = 7



Feb 4, 2022 8:15 pm
OK. Thanks. Like I said, this is just as much about me figuring out how to run this game. :)
In this case, your roll is about your reaction to the sight of this thing, since you are the first to see it, and how well you handle it.

Since you rolled a Partial Success you fail at one of the following:
1) Holding onto the gun
2) Holding onto the flashlight
3) Getting behind the dumpster

What do Sammy and Javi do?

Also nice to see the dice roll highlighting working!
Feb 4, 2022 9:31 pm
Javi watches the thing, jaw-dropped. "Freaking hell... that's no cosplayer," is all he manages to whisper.

His pulse increases, he starts looking around the alleyway for an escape route, knowing that with his clumsy leg he can't possibly run away from that beast, should it decide to charge him.
tries to assess the intentions of the creature, its behaviour. Is it aggressive, scared, feeding, cowering...?
Leaving a Read a Bad Situation roll if needed.
Last edited February 5, 2022 11:27 am


SHARP - (2d6+1)

(52) + 1 = 8



Feb 4, 2022 9:52 pm
As Wagner scrambles to the dumpster, the flashlight is no longer pointed right at the creature and it is impossible to see in the moment.

Rami tries to assess the threat level of the creature he saw and the "battleground" of the alley. There is only one way in and one way out. Only two real options.. flee or fight, but fleeing looks destined to fail with his bum leg.

Rami, with your Read a Bad Situation you can ask one question about this situation:

What’s my best way in?
What’s my best way out?
Are there any dangers we haven’t noticed?
What’s the biggest threat?
What’s most vulnerable to me?
What’s the best way to protect the victims?

Some of these may not apply particularly well to the current situation and thus would not provide very useful information.
Feb 4, 2022 9:54 pm
it's got to be What’s my best way out?



Feb 4, 2022 11:57 pm
Javi looks around. Can't go forward, can't go back.. the door to the restaurant!
He used to work in a kitchen. Fire code requires all doors to remain unlocked during business hours!
Javi heads for the door.
Feb 5, 2022 11:00 am
"Let's get out of here! It's dangerous!" he calls the others, going for the door.
Feb 5, 2022 9:51 pm
His beam no longer able to find the beast and stumbling, Wagner realizes he can't get behind the dumpster in time. With his almost seventy years old knees he hurries the best he can behind Javi, hoping he can get the door open.

Both the gun's barrell and the torch's light shake as the old man can barely hold on to them.

Once near the door, Wagner tries the best he can to get back in position, both gun and torch aimed where he hopes the beast is staying still.
Last edited February 5, 2022 9:59 pm
Feb 6, 2022 6:04 am
Sammy runs for the door. He didn't see what the old man was yelling about, but that gun shaking around was all he needed. He races to the door of the restaurant, almost slamming into it when he gets there. He grabs the handle and pulls. The door swings open, and without even thinking about what is on the other side, he rushes into the room.
Last edited February 6, 2022 6:04 am



Feb 6, 2022 6:15 am
Rami and Sammy rush through the door and into the kitchen of a Mexican restaurant. All the staff turn and look, surprised by the sudden intrusion.

Meanwhile, Wagner steadies himself and refocuses his flashlight down the alley. The monster hasn't moved yet...
Ganesh sent a note to Aironfabio
Feb 6, 2022 7:59 pm
Javi tells the staff "Excuse the intrusion folks... some... rabid dogs scared us out there - don't go out for a while!"

He stops to look outside, keeping the back kitchen door ajar. He calls out to Wagner "Hey! OutThere! This way!" In different circumstances, he would have chuckled at how appropriate Wagner's nick is, here. But he's too tense for chuckles.
are there windows facing the alley where the beast is?
Feb 6, 2022 8:20 pm
Aaaaagh… shame hits Wagner, the same shame when he can’t properly argue his positions against the man. "Wait… wait!" he yells at the restaurant door and his companions "Its is.." he waves once again the flashlight around, scouting the whole alley, then comes back to the wolf to make sure it still didn’t move.

"It… is… just a mural, guys. Just a mural and a trick of light." he sighs once he is sure "It is… it must have been those chemicals they punt in the tap water. They obfuscate our senses… make us more susceptible to illusions and manipulations and hoaxes. That’s why we fell for it. No other reason."

He takes a couple of steps towards the alley again "Come… come on, nothing to fear I guess… but for out own brains being rotted by the deep state." he frowns in revulsion.
Last edited February 6, 2022 8:20 pm



Feb 6, 2022 8:44 pm
The cooks and dishwashers in the kitchen get agitated, and some of them grab various cooking utensils, brandishing them threateningly.
"Sal de aquí! You not supposed to be back here!"
There are no windows on the alley side.
Feb 6, 2022 8:49 pm
He glances back at the agitated kitchen staff and raises an apologetic hand. "Sorry... sorry."

Then he looks at Wagner hesitantly. "Are.. are you sure?..." He follows him back in the alley to check with his own eyes.



Feb 7, 2022 5:37 am
Javi looks and is a little embarrassed that Wagner is right. The monster is a giant mural on the wall at the end of the alley.
Feb 7, 2022 7:25 am
He sighs in relief, then bursts out in a nervous laugh. "Oh, man! Some cryptid Hunters we are..."

He turns to Sammy, "You must have seen someone else running here, pal. "

He steps closer to examine the mural.
does it look like the 'Viva la Raza!' lettering is by the same hand who made the monster mural? Style/colour, etc.



Feb 7, 2022 6:28 pm
Javi examines the mural and then makes his way over to the sidewall with the "VIVA LA RAZA!". He's no art expert but he doesn't think they were done by the same artist. The "VIVA" is in a bold brightly colored graffiti style, while the wolf mural is more detailed red and black piece of art. The mural also appears to be much newer, but upon inspection, Javi sees a couple of brand new vertical scratches or marks in the mural, that have scratched away the paint down to the stone below.
Feb 8, 2022 5:33 am
Sammy walks out into the alley and takes a look at the mural. He curses at himself for getting freaked out so easily. Still, the guy was waiving a gun around. I don't stick around and ask questions when someone pulls a pistol. "I am sure I saw something. It didn't move like no regular person. I'm ... I think ... man, I don't know anymore. Still, I think we should have a look around." Sammy pulls out his phone and clicks on the flashlight. He walks up the alley a ways and scans the area looking for something ... anything.
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