Chapter Four: The Manifest of the Harikan Squall
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Felor, Leth, Mordred, it's your turns.
Perception - (1d20+5)
(18) + 5 = 23
Felor, Leth, Mordred, it's your turns.
As he does so, however, he points towards Darux. "We've done nothing wrong and will cooperate. But he is slaying bystanders! These are dangerous men who are lying to your face! You must stop them before they hurt more people!"
29/37 HP
Felor and Mordred, you're up!
Gripping his spear, and holding it aloft, Felor calls upon Fjorgyn again: "Great Fjorgyn, restrain this evil cultist so that justice may be served!"
Case Hold Person on Adan.
HP 15/32
Mordred is at 8/23 HP.

Edit: "Call not upon your heathen gods!" the priestess roars, but Adan appears to be unaffected regardless. In the silence that follows the priestess' rebuke of Felor's unanswered prayer, there is no warning of what comes next.
Six shards of radiant green light descend from the sky like shooting stars, falling upon the two guards.
Adan WIS saving throw - (1d20+3)
(17) + 3 = 20
Magic Missile damage to guard - (3d4+3)
(113) + 3 = 8
Magic Missile damage to charmed guard - (3d4+3)
(113) + 3 = 8
It's a man in a long, silky black cloak, perhaps forty years old, with long brown hair parted down the middle and large, intense blue eyes under a heavy brow. He glances down at the fallen guards, then over at the party.
"Adan, Adan. Why do you get us into such messes?" he asks.
Edit: Party members, any of you may take an action now. Please note that if you attack the flying man, you do so at Disadvantage.
Flying Man initiative - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Club vs Adan, Damage - (1d20+6, 1d4+4)
1d20+6 : (5) + 6 = 11
1d4+4 : (4) + 4 = 8
Handaxe vs Adan, Damage - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)
1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23
1d6+4 : (5) + 4 = 9
"Mordred my friend, it looks like you could use some help." Touching his hand to Mordred's brow, Felor mumbles a healing incantation. Turning to face the interloper, Felor reaches the same hand out and says "And I smite thee, demon!".
Cast Cure Wounds on Mordred using a level 2 spell slot.
Cast Sacred Flame (cantrip) at the dracula (target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage).
Cure Wounds (lvl 2 slot) - (2d8+5)
(18) + 5 = 14
Sacred Flame damage (radiant) if applicable - (1d8)
(4) = 4
Edit: The black-cloaked man's shoulder suddenly bursts into flame. He gives it a quizzical look. "I don't like these people, Adan. Best to fly. We have what we need; the greater work beckons." He pats the flame down. Adan lets go of the catchpole with one hand and starts to make little gestures with it as he mutters something through bloodied lips.
"What is this!? What is this!? Stop, please! This violence must end!" the priestess begs you all. Her cry goes unheard by the angry mob descending upon Darux.
Edit 2: Darux manages to give most of them the slip, but one wiry young beggar tackles him at the waist, bringing both of them crashing to the ground. An older woman with a missing tooth rushes up to Domarc-as-Zora, clutching her by the upper arm. "Are you hurt, my dear? Are you--" She breaks off, seeming to realize the incongruity of the way the arm looks and the way it feels under her touch.
Domarc, Leth, Mordred, you're up.
Secret roll - (1d8+3)
Flying Man DEX save - (1d20+2)
(5) + 2 = 7
Flying Man DEX save, advantage - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Angry mob attack vs Darux - (5d20)
(1894412) = 47
Domarc takes the Dodge action.
Edit - sorry, didn't refresh the thread before posting. I'll make another post if I can