Intro: Strange, beautiful, deadly

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Feb 13, 2022 6:56 pm
"Let's be careful," Killdare repeats. He's never served with these men and they definitely don't look like soldiers, and maybe that's a good thing in this situation. No one likes a bunch of ground-pounders showing up on their doorstep.
Killdare was hardly the best choice for a "first contact" situation either, so he was going to have to hope these two were better suited for the task. He slowed his pace and lagged slightly behind the other two, instinctively looking for cover in case the shooting starts.
Last edited Feb 13, 2022 7:05 pm
Feb 15, 2022 3:02 am
Ben curses a blue streak when he takes in all of the survey data. "Not even enough left to jury rig something. If this planet doesn't have full spaceport facilities we just became residents."
Feb 16, 2022 12:59 am
Colin concurs with Ben.

"I wonder if the pirates are waiting for us to starve to death before they come and claim the ship. I heard stories from a man from my order about an operation that would down freighters on a hostile environment planet. They'd give them 2 weeks for their air cycles to run out and then go in, uncontested. The cowardice of some astounds me."

"If this is how they are operating, at least it buys us time. I will do a tally of food, water, and oxygen reserves on the ship so we can ration accordingly."
Colin will survey their resources as described. How long can we hold out?
Feb 16, 2022 1:31 am
"Those were planetary defense missiles. If its piracy, its official piracy." Ben observes.
Feb 16, 2022 1:16 pm
"Most official pirates have the common decency to do it via taxes," Topher's voice comes from under one of the consoles. "Though in my experience, officals ain't always too careful when it comes to where their missiles and such end up."
Feb 18, 2022 8:48 pm
"Ben, I appreciate this information. I wasn't on the bridge when everything started, and since we've been busy with repairs I am still catching up. If it is the will of this planet's leadership to down our craft, we are in a much different situation."

"This is we know for certain: the ship is not going anywhere. Once we've inventoried our supplies and estimated how long we can hold out, we can formulate a plan. In the meantime I recommend we shut down as many systems as possible to preserve resources and to limit our EM and heat signature to make it as hard as possible to detect our exact location."

The Narrator


Feb 21, 2022 9:59 am
The Narrator
Alex, Dan'lo and Killdare
You hear a soft pulsing hum, which you trace to a soft vibration in the ground, or perhaps the boulder in front of you. Seconds later, a soft voice seamlessly blends into the tones. "We do not want any trouble. Please leave, offworlders".

Ben, Colin and Topher
The ship has enough food to last for about a month, while the water could only hold on for a couple of days. The problem is that the former requires the ship to be operational in order to be maintained from going bad, while the latter is a similar case as it largely depends on systems that recycle and filter water. Since they've checked out that the fuel for the backup combustion generator is going to last for a day or two, that's pretty much when the water and air supply run out, whereas the food could be maintained for a few more days before it's spoiled.
Feb 21, 2022 2:06 pm
"Hello and thank you for that greeting. We, too, do not want any trouble. If you could kindly direct us toward a town or whatever passes for the like here, we'd be happy to be on our way. We'd hate to be standing here if your government decided to launch more missiles at us."
Talk check

12 :)
Last edited Feb 21, 2022 2:06 pm


I'm talking here - (3d6+2)

(446) + 2 = 16

The Narrator


Feb 22, 2022 11:07 am
The Narrator
"Oh they'll hunt you down. Us too, and anyone else who helps you, so don't expect much. Off-worlders only bring war and disease and destruction. Look what you did to our crops. Our finely arranged crops. If I were you, I'd hunker down forever or find a way off the planet on my own. As soon as possible."
Feb 22, 2022 11:57 am
Alex sighs. "These people don't seem to be the helpful type, Dan'lo." Alex goes to an elevated place to search the area with his binoculars, looking for any sign of a town or city.


Looking for town or city. NOTICE+1 - (2D6+1)

(26) + 1 = 9

Feb 22, 2022 12:30 pm
"Ah, so this is one of those worlds. Nice, if they didn't want us here, they could have said so before shooting us down. Tell you what, we'll make camp here until you tell me the direction of the closest settlement. "

Then, if it helps, we can blow up your little rock to prove you didn't help us..., keeping thoughts to self.
Feb 22, 2022 5:38 pm
Killdare looks around a bit nervously and then says to Dan'lo quietly.
"I don't think we should be sitting here in the open. They don't seem too friendly, and if they summon some sort of constabulary we could get picked up and arrested. I think we might want to head back to the ship and warn the others we aren't getting a brass band reception. Plus maybe get some more muscle in case things take a turn."

The Narrator


Feb 25, 2022 1:58 pm
The Narrator
Alex scans the surrounding area and sure enough, spots some sort of settlement in the distance. From afar, it looks unwalled and built in some extremely symmetrical fashion, slightly reminiscent of the crop circles the Aurora landed on. It should be a few hours of walking to get there, assuming there's nothing to slow the group down. It also means if there's anything coming in from there to follow up the missile strikes, it should be here soon, especially if it's using some faster form of transportation than walking.
For clarification, I'm not saying the settlement is the same shape as the crop circles, just that it's built in an equally orderly fashion.
Feb 26, 2022 3:05 am
"I found some sort of town in the distance." Alex puts away his binoculars as he's saying this. "Could be our next destination, though they're probably not the friendly sort. Especially if guys like our talking rock here are trying to hide from them." Alex reports what he finds(spotting a settlement, the direction and estimated distance) to the rest of the team via radio.
Feb 26, 2022 5:15 am
"Let's rendezvous with the others before we check it out. Safety in numbers and all that."
Feb 26, 2022 6:20 am
Colin will exit the ship (properly suited up in his vac suit) and explore the immediate crash site and explore how much of a mess their ship caused. He's wondering how exposed the ship is from the air, and if it would be worth it to try to cover it up.
Looking at the crash site, is there an obvious visual, like a skid mark through the vegetation, where we went down? How big a job would the be to try to cover it up from aerial observation by, say, cutting down plants and layering them on the ship and surrounding crash site? Would it be more like a few hours, a day, or more?
Last edited Feb 26, 2022 2:53 pm
Feb 26, 2022 2:51 pm
"Good eyes Alex. Mark the bearing and let's head back to the others. Johns right, we'll need to stick together if this place is as hospitable as the rock says."
Feb 26, 2022 10:18 pm
Len says:
Looking at the crash site, is there an obvious visual, like a skid mark through the vegetation, where we went down? How big a job would the be to try to cover it up from aerial observation by, say, cutting down plants and layering them on the ship and surrounding crash site? Would it be more like a few hours, a day, or more?
There is, indeed, a skid mark. Covering the Aurora from aerial observation though is practically impossible, as besides the skid mark itself, there's also the perfectly grown crop circles you messed up during the landing, giving your presence and location away.
Mar 3, 2022 12:57 pm
Dan'lo and the others trudge back into the fields following the newly minted, rural landing strip towards the downed ship. Approaching the ramp, he comms the others.

"Hey guys, we're back. We spotted a settlement and the farmers don't seem all that friendly. The settlement seems a little far for us to be split up, in case we find help or not..."
Mar 3, 2022 9:07 pm
Colin responds:

"Friendly or not, we will need their help. The ship is going nowhere without proper repair facilities."

"Captain, how do you feel about trading the cargo to pay for repair fees? We could negotiate a fair price on your behalf. A complete cargo manifest would be helpful."
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