Intro: Strange, beautiful, deadly

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Apr 2, 2022 5:51 am
Colin will keep a discrete eye out for danger at the entrance of the alley.
Apr 2, 2022 6:05 am
Alex pipes in; "It's strange that the uh. . . Shen-sters. . . would try to shoot us down when we're literally off-worlders here to trade with them, something really dumb is afoot." Alex sighs.

He looks at the young girl and says "I'm Alex by the way. Are those three soldiers we saw there the only ones in the area? Or are there a lot more coming this way?"
Apr 4, 2022 7:35 am
"I'm Trinia" the girl answers Alex. "My guess is you were shot down because the people have been made aware and there's riots going on, so your transaction couldn't take place in secrecy. There's a lot more troops than the three you saw, but you might be lucky in that. If you're headed for the starport, perhaps security has been loosened to allow for more troops to hit the street and control the crowds."
Apr 4, 2022 8:00 am
"Can't see we have any other option than hope," Topher says with a sigh. "Thanks for warning us Trinia. Do you have some place to lay low and safe?"
Apr 7, 2022 12:19 pm
"I have my studio, but it's kinda small" she smiles. "Gonna be a bit crammed if you all pour in, but you're welcome. Heads up though, I can't put you up for the night if that's what you mean. Might not have to though, making a break for it soon during all the chaos might be your best shot."
Apr 7, 2022 12:32 pm
"I would tend to agree with the lady, less time on planet is better and once the chaos subsides, anything we do will draw attention. "

Dan'lo scans the alley way as they move along, pausing for a second to check the gauges on his suit. Well, it's not critical at the moment, but it's not improving.
Apr 7, 2022 6:33 pm
"I was thinking maybe some sort of distraction might help pull troops away from the starport. Maybe an explosion. We could set something up, or maybe this resistance has something going on we could coordinate with."
Apr 8, 2022 6:56 am
Dan'lo finds his suit still intact and good to go for another four hours or so. This also makes him realize that unless provided with a new suit or some kind of respirator, spending the night on Aphrodite Prime is most likely out of the question.

The girl looks at Killdare, her shoulders slumped in disappointment. "I'm afraid that unless you brought something like that with you, it won't be readily available. We are a culture of artists, it's not like guns and explosives could be easily found in the first place, plus Shen most likely has all that rounded up for his troops. This resistance... look, it's more of a fightback against his propaganda, calling him out on his hypocricy. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised it even got people out on the street. They have nothing but their voices, maybe sticks and stones at best."
Apr 8, 2022 8:54 am
"Some paint is flammable," Topher muses. "And there's tech here. Shouldn't be the biggest problem to turn one of the machines here to a makeshift incindary device."

He pauses before feigning innocence "Or so I've heard. Allegedly."
Apr 8, 2022 5:00 pm
Colin agrees with Topher. "And the plowshares shall turn into swords.." he quotes from the scriptures. "The Prophets never fail to provide the tools of justice to worthy hands. But, we must be clever enough to see their gifts."

Colin turns to the girl.

"Your bravery is admirable. How may we address you? It might be best not to share our real names, so feel free to use an alias. You can call me... Shepherd."

After introductions are exchanged he will ask "Do you know how to get in touch with the leaders of your resistance movement? Perhaps we can provide a distraction that aligns with their goals. An explosion that takes out a prison security fence, for example."
Last edited Apr 8, 2022 5:00 pm
Apr 9, 2022 5:13 am
"Two birds. One stone." Killdare chimes in.
Last edited Apr 9, 2022 5:22 am
Apr 18, 2022 8:04 pm
"You lot are resourceful. Maybe a bit too resourceful... I hate to agree with Shen's propaganda but I doubt anyone here would have ever throught of those items as anything else but art supplies" Trinia responds. "I don't know about leaders and resistance, but there's a friend or two I dared discuss about the risk of artistic stagnation that might come from prolonged isolation. Maybe they can point you towards the right direction?"
Apr 18, 2022 9:43 pm
"By all means, we need some good directions and I'd rather talk than be shot at... Also, our air is getting low, we're going to need a fresh supply before talking becomes difficult."
Apr 18, 2022 9:47 pm
Colin will concur with Dan'lo and while waiting for further instructions he will keep an eye on the exits.
Apr 19, 2022 2:54 am
"Shit. In all the excitement, I forgot to check my cylinder. Dan'lo is right. We need some real air. And soon."
Apr 19, 2022 10:47 am
"Would be fitting, choking to death after surviving a spaceship crash," Topher sighs. "Wouldn't want to turn art into terror. But I've been taught to use the tools at hand."
Apr 24, 2022 1:42 pm
Ben nods his agreement with seeing the artist's rebel-ish friends.
May 2, 2022 4:31 pm
"What you people need are air condensers" she says with a nod, pointing at the respiratory device over her mouth and nose. "Right now you stand out as foreigners in these suits. Follow me!"

Trinia takes the lead and guides your group through alleys and less crowded pathways, avoiding open space as much as she can. You can't help but notice that the symmetrical way in which the city has been built provides precious few of those and were it not for a full-on riot drawing the attention away from you, navigating this place undetected would have been much harder. Eventually, she gets to a wall decorated with a beautiful tiled mural and presses some sort of hidden switch that opens up a trapdoor on the ground, inviting you in with her. It's an uncomfortable crawl for a few moments, especially doing it in the hazmat suits, but once on the other side, you find yourselves in some sort of storeroom with all kinds of supplies randomly thrown about, the mess a stark contrast to the strict symmetry you've been witnessing all this time. Trinia digs through the heaps of items and pulls out a few respiration devices like the one she has on and passes them to you, when another person joins you through some kind of different hidden entrance on the wall to your right. A man in, you presume, his mid 30s, dressed in practical clothing that's still kept in great condition, complete with his own respiration device.

"Who are you... aw, damn it, Trinia, what have you gotten yourself into this time?"
May 3, 2022 11:30 am
"Hello sir, sorry to bother, hopefully Trina hasn't gotten into anything serious. We're just wandering Traders that the government took to shooting at as soon as we made orbit. Trinia here is just pointing us to the spaceport so we can secure passage back home."
Talk = 7
Last edited May 3, 2022 11:30 am


Talk - (3d6+1)

(224) + 1 = 9

May 3, 2022 4:34 pm
Killdare sheds his hazmat suit and repositions his gear on his belt, checking to make sure nothing is damaged. He dons the respirator and checks the seals twice. He doesn't like this little bunker. Only one way in and one way out. Nowhere to go if something bad happens, and something bad always happens. He continues to maintain focus on his Telekinetic Armor and Weapon, in case the aforementioned bad thing does happen. He glances around the storeroom, looking for anything that could come in useful. Perhaps something in here could be used to make a bomb, although he is no expert in explosives.
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