Games in other languages

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Aug 2, 2022 5:44 pm
Hi Gnomius,
I'd totally join a Spanish DnD 5e game!

So, if Akorn, Bowlofspinach, CESN, and Raven are still interested in playing a PC, you probably have enough for a nice party. And the observers could join in later whenever they feel confident. Are you still up to DM us?
Aug 2, 2022 5:46 pm
Wait, did I write something about Spanish in here? I don't even know enough to say that I don't know enough Spanish to play 😄
Aug 2, 2022 6:43 pm
Are you still up to DM us?
Hmmm... No, not really, sorry. As I was saying in the thread you started in the Tavern, I'm afraid I have my plate quite full at the moment. Maybe in a near future, guys.
Aug 19, 2022 8:28 am
Awesome! It's not for me unfortunately but I'm glad to see things like this

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