Act I-I: The Village of Mayfield

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Feb 15, 2022 8:17 pm
I allow DM to decide if my PC goes before or after enemy in initiative, but just to speed things up I describe my action as it is regardless of initiative - as a goblin I can take disengage as BA so
Prusx moves 30 feet away from the sheep obviously not liking them and takes here new acquired spell casting focus to cast
[ +- ] Summon Beast at 4th level
As she is saying magic rods and interacting with the gilded acorn and you see a bat-like creature appear in the space where Prusx were at the beginning of her turn and the bat fly attacking two of the sheep ending it's turn some 15 feel in the air.
Attack undead sheep ! But stay in the air she command.
I'm summoning air creature which has Flyby (Air Only) and fly speed 60 ft. and due to lvl 4 spell slot has two attacks:


Bestial Spirit attack1 to hit - (1d20+9)

(18) + 9 = 27

Bestial Spirit attack2 to hit - (1d20+9)

(20) + 9 = 29

Possible piercing damage 1 - (1d8+8)

(3) + 8 = 11

Possible piercing damage 2 - (1d8+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

Feb 15, 2022 8:45 pm
@KirinOfDarkness that is a crit, that is an extra die, an extra 1d6 damage
Feb 15, 2022 11:24 pm
runekyndig says:
@KirinOfDarkness that is a crit, that is an extra die, an extra 1d6 damage
5. Crits
Whenever you land a crit, instead of simply doubling the damage rolled, max out the first set and then roll for additional damage. (Ex. 2d10+2 on a crit would be 20+2d10+2)
Feb 15, 2022 11:43 pm
Varn takes aim with their crossbow at the feeble sheep that G'nark maimed horribly. With absolute precision, the bolt embeddeds itself smack dab in the center of its cranium, right between the eyes! The sheep slumps down, still in death as nature would have it.
With a threat downed, the youthful appearing Sentinel moves forth and unleashes a chill blast of glacial wind! Of the 18 that surround the building ahead, now seeming to be a tavern or inn, six are caught in the cone of frigid frost, while the others on the sides continue butting heads upon the wood and stone. Three of the sheep are hit by the spell and are frozen stiff! They make no noise any longer as they expired, but the other three that were caught in range merely have some of their woolen coat covered in frost and rime, the damage done. The front windows of the tavern frost up from the after-effects.
Prusx calls forth a nocturnal ally to attack the remaining enemy on the front side. The bat does exceptionally well, as two of the three that survived the frost perish from the creature's flyby attacks!
13 sheep remain, continuing to butt the walls, trying to break in to the tavern. However, with the coming of noise, their attention is pulled to the new source of potential meals!
The sheep that remains covered in frost turns feebly and starts approaching Judea, as well as another two! Upon reaching the living construct, they attempt to chomp down on her legs! One of them manages to bypass her plating and deals 15 piercing damage!
The others hobble and wobble past them to feast on the others of the party and potentially those in the wagon.

Round 2 - Start!
Thank you, Certain. Yeah, if a crit pops up, just add on the max die damage to the roll.


Zombie Sheep's 1-3 bite attack - (1d20+6, 1d20+6, 1d20+6)

1d20+6 : (3) + 6 = 9

1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21

1d20+6 : (3) + 6 = 9

Potential Bite Damage - (3d4+9, 3d4+9, 3d4+9)

3d4+9 : (432) + 9 = 18

3d4+9 : (321) + 9 = 15

3d4+9 : (312) + 9 = 15

Feb 16, 2022 1:40 am
G'nark takes a step back to make sure all of his friends and the bat are in sight and calls out to the Weavess in a voice loud and strong. Instantly the air around him is filed with tiny angelic figures swooping into to attack the undead sheep. G'nark positions himself to keep as many of the sheep in the radius of his spell as possible.
Spirit Guardians at 3rd level, all PCs, the bat, and any of the caravan that I can see are unaffected by the spell 3d8 radiant damage when creature enters area or starts turn there, Wis save for half damage


Spirit Guardians Damage - (3d8)

(678) = 21

Feb 16, 2022 3:11 am
Talyn's eyes went wide at the viciousness of the undead sheep's assault on Judea but the grave cleric's angelic light calmed him. Cherubs weren't really Talyn's style but he appreciated the protection nonetheless.

"Thank you, G'nark. You keep them away while I corral as many as I can."

He pointed his warlock's rod at the densest part of the zombie flock, made a small circle with its tip, and intoned, "Fetear reibe!"

A circular wall of fire surrounded the sheep and blocked them from sight! The warlock focused all of the wall's heat inside its boundary, and any sheep unlucky enough to be caught in the wall itself or merely encircled by it were roasted unalive! Talyn smiled and awaited the sweet smell of sizzling lamb.
Action: Casting
[ +- ] Wall of Fire! Dex save DC 16!
Bonus Action: None.
Move: Stand next to but one step behind G'nark.
Pathetic damage. :(
Last edited Feb 16, 2022 3:12 am


Wall of Fire damage - (5d8+4)

(42431) + 4 = 18

Feb 16, 2022 7:05 am
The undead sheep teath are just about to tear into Judeas leg as it is stopped by a magical shield
[ +- ] 2p(P): Shield
She lashes out with her glowing sword and delivers 3 cuts against each sheep and dances away from the incoming threat and towards the wall of fire. Two of the sheeps are surounded by a magical field that would be painfull to break through.
She moveds about 50 feet away from the attacking sheeps. If they follow they take extra damage, I'll roll that in advance
[ +- ] Extra Attack
[ +- ] Feat: Mobile
[ +- ] Metamagic: Twinned Spell
[ +- ] 0: Booming Blade

AC 16 / 20 when in bladesong
HP: 50/ 0 points of damage
HitDie: 8/8
Bladesong 2/3LR ongoing bladesong
Arcane Recovery 1/1LR (8 spellpoints)
Sorcery points 1/2LR for meta magic
Movement: 40 / 50 when in bladesong
Spellpoints: 39/44
Sheep 1: AC 25 8 damage + 7 if move
Sheep 2: AC 11 7 damage
Sheep 3: AC 23 7 damage + 10 if move
Last edited Feb 16, 2022 7:14 am


Moon-touched Rapier w/booming blade to hit - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Moon-touched Rapier w/booming blade damage - (1d8+3+1d8)

(4) + (1) + 3 = 8

Moon-touched Rapier to hit - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Moon-touched Rapier damage - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Moon-touched Rapier w/booming blade to hit (twinned) - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Moon-touched Rapier w/booming blade damage - (1d8+3+1d8)

(3) + (1) + 3 = 7

Boomingblade moved damage - (2d8)

(43) = 7

Boomingblade moved damage - (2d8)

(46) = 10

Feb 16, 2022 3:30 pm
we posting ignoring initiative, right? So here is my action though I'm last of PCs
Prusx repeat the same command to the spirit "Attack undead sheep ! Stay in the air" and seeing good progress moves
While waving her hand to cast "Mold Earth" targetting area between her and sheeps, i.e. 30 feet away from her.
If the area qualify as "loose earth" Prusx excavate 5 feet cube hoping some zombies will fall into, if id doesn't - well oblin just failed her spell that's what goblins tend to do.
[ +- ] Mold Earth


Bestial Spirit attack1 to hit - (1d20+9)

(17) + 9 = 26

Bestial Spirit attack2 to hit - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Possible piercing damage 1 - (1d8+8)

(3) + 8 = 11

Possible piercing damage 2 - (1d8+8)

(7) + 8 = 15

Feb 17, 2022 6:17 pm
Having slain one sheep already, Varn continues his onslaught with his bow and targets the next closest sheep to him.


Shortbow Hit - (1d20+8)

(14) + 8 = 22

Shortbow Damage - (1d6+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Feb 21, 2022 4:58 am
Like a maelstrom of focused fury, the party makes quick work of the undead ewes and rams. G'nark's guardian spirits shred a majority of them. Talyn crisped perhaps three or four of them in a tall line of flames. Judea, in an awe-inspiring dance with their blade, slashes and pierces the three around her - with one that was slain by a concussive boom as it attempted to move away. Varn with great accuracy pins a sheep that barely left the tavern to its wooden exterior. Prusx's familiar, keeping to the air above the sheep, proceeds to finish off the remaining sheep, leaving them in disheveled piles.

After the dust had settled, the villagers from the caravan start to creep in behind, as well as the tavern's door creaking open. The face that pokes out is that of an aged male, his hair thinning on the top, his face showing that he has seen things in his past. With the door open and the man standing outside, looking around, a few others follow him. Those that look around, on both sides, are utterly shocked and dismayed - some even break out into tears.
The man from the tavern approaches the party, his face sullen and worn. He nurses a bandaged arm that hangs in a makeshift sling.
"Thank the gods... Had you not come with our other kin, I doubt much good would have befallen our fair Mayfield... Me and a few others tried to fend them off, but we overwhelmed as more came. Luckily, our village's priest is an adept in healing. But where are my manners? My name's Peculiar: most just call me Ol' Peculiar. I'm the owner of The Skeletal Arms Tavern, where we took refuge. We don't have much to offer as thanks, but I'd like to offer you all to stay in my establishment as long as you're here."
Feb 21, 2022 7:15 am
Prusx speak not looking the men, but looking around (watching for movement)
Ol' Peculiar, which way did that other group go?
Huh ?

She is inpatient and ready to go looking for the rest of undead immediately no matter if any human here could give her direction or not.
Feb 21, 2022 12:45 pm
Even though one eyebrow involuntarily rose at 'The Skeletal Arms Tavern', the warlock knew other things were currently more pressing.

Talyn enjoyed the smell of cooked lamb for a bit before he said lackadaisically, "The fire and light of my Empyrean lord, Tantalus Hyperuranus, have come to your aide. Remember that name when you and your people pray to your gods, Ol' Peculiar."

With the obligatory out of the way, Talyn added with far more emotion, "Undead sheep? Have you had any other zombie problems? When did they first attack?"
Last edited Feb 21, 2022 12:48 pm
Feb 21, 2022 9:18 pm
Skeletal army tavern? Is it just a conincidense or does this city have a history with necromancy?

Judea examines some of the sheep. Where they raised by magic, is it a disease that caused the flesh to act in this strange way.


Arcana - (1d20+7)

(19) + 7 = 26

Feb 21, 2022 10:07 pm
After inspecting the remains of the now dead sheep, Judea comes to the conclusion that these sheep were magically cursed and raised! However, it seems that they may have been able to inflict their curse unto others, but the extent is not known as to whether or not anything outside of animals are vulnerable to it. Additionally, something just seems off about them. The undead aura, the faint energies that permeate the air about them, is fairly weak. One might hypothesize that whomever did this was either very inexperienced or did this by some strange accident. She relates this to everyone after all is inspected.

"The Skeletal ARMS, lass," Peculiar corrects Judea. "I used to be an adventurer like yourselves. I've had to fight plenty of skeletons in a tomb once - that's where the name, and plenty of my scars, come from."

His attention turns next to Talyn and Prusx.
"R-right, we'll try our best to remember," he says a bit perplexed. "And no, this is the first we've ever seen any undead here in Mayfield. We rarely have to deal with raiding bandits. As far as when they first attacked, I'd say... Since the very early morning, maybe? All I can recall through the haze of panic in the village was that people were clambering inside my tavern since about 8 in the morn. It seems to have started after a strange courier came through. He purchased a room, but he hasn't been seen since the panic broke out.
"They went back off into the fields, that's perhaps the best I can tell, miss goblin. If I had to guess where, for some strange reason, I'd have to fathom the thought of maybe the Timberashe farm."
Feb 21, 2022 11:41 pm
Timberashe? That may be all that's left when I'm done with it, Talyn thought.

"I'm not one to blame mysterious strangers for bad happenings but you'd better get him out of his room and watch him, Ol' Peculiar."

Morden, fly across the fields and get me eyes on any rampaging rams, the warlock thought to his imp in its raven form circling above.

"I have an associate who can see what's happening at the Timberashe farm... but why do you think that would be their destination?"
Last edited Feb 21, 2022 11:41 pm
Feb 22, 2022 1:22 am
"Like I said, no one's seen him since the fracas began," Peculiar sighs heavily, the stress wearing on him like sacks of sand. "I checked every room I've got and everyone was accounted for aside from him. It's like he barely stayed in there.
"As for the Timberashes, they're the only ones with a farm out that way. These sheep came from their property, as no one else around in the village. So something I'll must be happening there..."

AbbyssalChimera sent a note to annex
Feb 22, 2022 1:41 am
"If the carrier... ahem.. courier has fled, the room he was in should be thoroughly searched. As for the Timberashes, I believe they're surrounded in their barn by the wee beasties."

Talyn turned to the others and asked, "After we settle these poor people in and secure the caravan, anyone care to shear a few more sheep into the great beyond?"
Feb 22, 2022 7:21 am
You talk much while people could be in danger all over the city, not just Timberashe. Which way Timberashe, how far?

She is goblin and do not care for human lives, but she knows humans usually does, so she add ask that last question quickly to see if human will take opportunity to ignore the comment and just show the way to the farm or be somehow interested in ensuring population safety.
That's an insight roll, right? Or probably I auto succeed with +8.


Insight - (1d20+8)

(13) + 8 = 21

Feb 22, 2022 1:04 pm
A black crow lands on Judea's porcelain arm. She looks into its red eyes for a moment, and then send it flying.

I have asked it to circle the area, looking for other undead or sheeps
Feb 23, 2022 4:12 am
Peculiar looks betrayed by himself, realizing that he had grabbed on for long enough.
"By the gods! My age is truly wearing on my mind! Please, you must help the Timberashes - I'll tend to the others that you travelled with!"
He points in the general direction of the farm, urging great haste. He cannot lead the party directly after a battle injury from years long since passed.
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