Feb 14, 2022 3:47 pm
Hello. Some of you may know me from other games, I'm at best an intermediate ttRPG player and I've never GM'ed a D&D game before. With a system like Dungeons and Dragons with its vast history and sources, I thought it would be best if I try to GM a pre-set campaign, like Lost Mine of Phandelver or Curse of Strahd, if I want to start GM'ing. I am aware that most people here are at least accustomed to D&D or more likely, most of them have played numerous D&D games so it may be a bit weird to ask this but would anyone be interested if we played (me as a GM) pre-set campaigns? Of course, it would benefit newbies like myself most but experienced players who have never played these campaigns can of course join. In a way this interest check if for relatively inexperienced D&D5e players :)