[Interest Check] Playing pre-set D&D5e Campaigns

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Feb 14, 2022 3:47 pm
Hello. Some of you may know me from other games, I'm at best an intermediate ttRPG player and I've never GM'ed a D&D game before. With a system like Dungeons and Dragons with its vast history and sources, I thought it would be best if I try to GM a pre-set campaign, like Lost Mine of Phandelver or Curse of Strahd, if I want to start GM'ing. I am aware that most people here are at least accustomed to D&D or more likely, most of them have played numerous D&D games so it may be a bit weird to ask this but would anyone be interested if we played (me as a GM) pre-set campaigns? Of course, it would benefit newbies like myself most but experienced players who have never played these campaigns can of course join. In a way this interest check if for relatively inexperienced D&D5e players :)
Feb 14, 2022 4:36 pm
I've actually never played LMoP despite it being the most commonly played module, which I didn't think about as weird until this moment. I don't have a ton of expereince with 5e but enough to try and be helpful, maybe? (I've played 5e like, twice? And built a bunch of characters because an idea got stuck in my head and I wanted to see if it would work)
Feb 14, 2022 4:50 pm
If it's any help, then GP has a GM mentoring thing.

I think it's where an experienced GP GM joins your game as a co-GM. I guess they can help and advise with setting up forums, maps, rules, npcs, and stuff like that, but maybe other things too.
Feb 14, 2022 4:57 pm
Thanks, @Adam. I'll look into that.

@Kyre, great! If we can find three to four players it would be enough to start a game I guess.
Feb 14, 2022 5:16 pm
I am new to tabletop rpgs I have read the starter set rules and Basic Rule Book to help my grandson who was given it for Chritmas. I am now interested in playing myself and would to play some of the pre set games
Feb 14, 2022 5:44 pm
I've dabbled with D&D for a bit now, but I've never done a pre-set campaign before and would be interested!
Feb 14, 2022 5:58 pm
I'm currently in a LMoP game and wouldn't be interested, but I will say it is fun!
Feb 14, 2022 6:08 pm
I've DMed LMoP twice (first time as newbie) and I am playing CoS as a player right now (online). And here is my strong recommendation: CoS is wonderful for experienced players experienced DM. I recommend it everyone but not as the the first or even second DnD experience.
LMoP is designed for newbie DMs and it provides a lot of guidance along with the story itself. Even then I should admit my second LMoP were much better experience for both me and my players and we even managed to finish it!
Feb 14, 2022 6:27 pm
Alright, counting Kyre, Stampman49 and Kilikina we have three people already. One or two more players would be enough, I guess.

GreyWord, thanks for your suggestions. I think you're right, Curse of Strahd is both significantly longer (in LMoP characters go up to level 5 whereas in CoS they can go up to level 10) and it's content is heavier. I had Lost Mine of Phandelver in mind while posting this thread but if any player has a better suggestion we can consider that too. In the meantime I'll also look for other ready-made campaigns too see if there is anything more suitable.
Feb 14, 2022 6:59 pm
I also would be interested in this preset campaign. I am knowledged in Dnd 5e yet quite new to play by post.
Feb 14, 2022 7:18 pm
@ireneofunyes may I suggest a short adventure for your first look at some Adventures League adventures? They are usually one-shots adventures of 2-6 hours, which will translate to 2-3 months.
Feb 14, 2022 7:32 pm
I think your idea of doing LMoP first is still a good one. If we still like the idea, we could do CoS next
Feb 14, 2022 7:55 pm
I'm in a 5E game on here, but otherwise still new to everything. I'm interested in joining if you have room.
Feb 14, 2022 8:18 pm
@runekyndig, I did not know Adventures League, to be honest. However, instead of spending 2-3 months on PbP for an adventure that can be settled in one live session, I'll still go for LMoP here in Gamers Plane as PbP since I'll have more than enough time to read the campaign, study it, come up with ways of handling the game etc. Adventures League seems like a pretty neat idea for live sessions though, so thanks a lot for letting me know.

I see that there is quite a demand for a pre-set campaign here, so I'll just open the game for applications and send invitations to people who have responded here saying they are interested. You are of course free to decline the invitation in case you changed your mind or something else came up.
Feb 15, 2022 1:21 am
Ici be willing to join phandelver if it happens
I played some homebrew and princes of apocalypse
It was nice
Feb 15, 2022 8:45 pm
I'm actually a lot like Kyre. I'm a long term 5e Player, though not in a few years in this case, and I have never done the LMoP either.

What sources do you plan to use?
Feb 15, 2022 9:16 pm
I'm not sure what you mean by what sources other than the official LMoP book and D&D Player's and GM's handbooks. I also highly suggest D&D Beyond as an online tool. If you have any other suggestions I'm eager to listen.

By the way, as of now recruitment for the game is over, I won't be accepting any more players. I'm glad that there was such a big turnout for LMoP. Hope we'll have a nice game.

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