OOC Thread

Mar 14, 2022 5:14 pm
A thread for OOC talk and general chit-chat.
Welcome everyone!

Please first read over and post that you agree to the Session 0 notes here. You can post any addendums you'd like to add there or PM me privately if you wish!

Then, you can begin creating your character and discussing it all with me and your new companions using the character creation thread here!

I will only begin once everyone has posted in the Session 0 thread and has created a character they are happy with, but my goal is to have the first IC post up within a week or so. Can't wait to begin! :)

I know there is a lot of information already posted in these threads, so take your time reading through them :) I am excited but in no rush
Mar 15, 2022 6:00 pm
Now for more of an informal about me post lol, welcome and so glad to begin this game with y'all! I have been very excitedly awaiting the release of this adventure ever since it was announced! I have watched both of Critical Role's completed campaigns, and are only a few episodes behind the current C3 episode. I also watch Dimension 20 quite religiously and listen to NADDPOD, and I just began Dungeons & Daddies (not a BDSM podcast lol).

I am still reading through the book (it was just released today), so I might still add on to the list of possible themes in the adventure to link to a character's backstory as I come across them. But I am loving everything I have read so far, and am so excited!
Mar 15, 2022 8:41 pm
I love NADDPOD, I fell off in the second campaign though, I need to catch back up!

Some info about me, I'm a software engineer living in Ireland. I'm super excited to start too!
Last edited March 15, 2022 8:43 pm
Mar 15, 2022 8:46 pm
The second campaign of NADDPOD was a little convoluted and confusing at times, but I feel like it had a really strong and satisfying ending. Campaign 3 has been a delight so far as well.

I’m currently working as a software validation intern!
Mar 15, 2022 8:47 pm
Just found dimension 20 and NaDDPOD and been listening to the latter as its in podcast format, so good for when working or travelling.

Info on me: Currently working in schools in various jobs, where sub teacher, cleaner or attendance. The latter mostly at the moment, but thats gonna end soon so likely looking for something new. Which may either increase or decrease my time, depending on what it is.
Last edited March 15, 2022 8:49 pm
Mar 15, 2022 8:49 pm
Yeah, I fell off when the pandemic happened and I started working from home. Commuting was great for getting through podcasts.

I started Unprepared Casters recently and it's pretty good too, not very far in yet though
Mar 15, 2022 8:50 pm
Oh thats one I've not heard on yet. Will need to investigate.

Roll4it is a good one that does several different systems. (Though even they got conquered by shadowrun 6th edition)
Mar 15, 2022 9:41 pm
Hello hello! I hope everyone will bear with me, I know nothing about most of this and I’m completely out of the loop, but I have been having a blast getting into everything!

I do environmental work in the PNW managing spicy garbage (hazmat waste). I occasionally get to go do field work have but I almost always have wifi so it hasn’t been a problem posting in the past!

Where do you recommend starting with Critical Role?!
Mar 15, 2022 9:54 pm
"Spicy garbage" is a terrible but very funny phrase lmao

And just to be clear, you do not NEED to have any Critical Role experience, so don’t worry!

But if you’re wanting to get into critical role, i would recommend starting at the beginning of campaign 1 and watching at 1.25x speed. You can’t really tell that it’s faster but it definitely feels like you’re getting through the episodes faster, at least to me, because I know CR is a LOT of content. And if combat bores you to watch, there is someone by the name of Flando who posts time stamps in the comments, and you can use those to skip through the combat lulls to the important bits.

But if you want to skip some fluff and go straight to the main story of the campaign, you can just read a quick summary for everything before episode 24.

And if the party dynamics seem weird in the first couple episodes, they were still finding their footing, and Orion (who plays Tiberius) is kicked off the show after episode 27 for being a problem player, and the show gets so much better because of it tbh

At least, this is all my opinion lol
Mar 16, 2022 7:15 pm
The Gamersplane discord is for general use, rather than for specific games, if everyone (unanimous) is okay with it, I will make a discord server specifically for this game for us to use for OOC discussion

Would you rather use GP or discord for OOC?

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Mar 16, 2022 7:43 pm
I work in the real estate business in Austria. Father of two, can-opener for another two (fur-noses). And fan of CR since about 5 years (give/or take). Playing DnD since the 2nd edition and still loving it. :)
Mar 16, 2022 7:53 pm
I don't have a big preference

though we could exchange pet pictures on discord
Mar 16, 2022 7:59 pm
Thats everyone in favor of discord! I will create it when I get home :)
Mar 16, 2022 8:00 pm
ianfhunter says:
though we could exchange pet pictures on discord
Rofl! XD
Mar 16, 2022 10:41 pm

That should be the link to join the discord server, if it expires, let me know!
Apr 17, 2022 4:54 pm
Just testing to see if I can get the DC thingy in the roller to show for advantage/disadvantage rolls


Testing testing DC10 - (2d20H1+10, 2d20H1-10, 2d20L1+10, 2d20L1-10)

2d20H1+10 : (210) + 10 = 20

2d20H1-10 : (1416) - 10 = 6

2d20L1+10 : (1619) + 10 = 26

2d20L1-10 : (167) - 10 = -3

May 25, 2022 7:06 am
I don't have access to the room map
Jul 22, 2022 8:57 pm
I'll be gone for the weekend.
Sep 30, 2022 9:59 am
Hi, guys! I am travelling and most likely won't be able to post until Monday.
Have a great weekend :)
Oct 16, 2022 6:48 pm
just testing the discord web hook

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