Prologue part 2

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Mar 30, 2022 1:33 pm
While you are chatting a half-elf comes and informs you that they found double bottom on your equipment chests. You get additional items:

Mal - Cloak of Displacement
Yoth - Devotee's Censer

You could choose how they look like and alike. I would liek to believe they have your deity emblems something

As you touch them few memories come back and you recognise them and how you acquired them during some adventures
(your choice)
Mar 30, 2022 1:35 pm
You may keep asking questions in this chat, but story wise we move to eveneing where you will meet other 3 players
Mar 30, 2022 5:37 pm
Mal pulls out the cloak; it looks interesting, like it is made from the hide of a displacer beast, but is emblazoned with a blue symbol of Eldath (a rushing waterfall), and as he puts it on, it seems as if the water in the waterfall descends (like watching a GIF).

As he moves, he seems to shimmer, as if he is and is-not in that space. He says to himself, "My, this will come in handy!"

As he assesses the utility of this cloak, he remembers something:
[ +- ] Mal's Memory
Mar 30, 2022 6:11 pm
Yoth picks up the weapon that had been hidden in his chest and examines it. It looks as if someone crafted a metal weapon in the shape of a wooden club, except with a number of small holes towards the top and a sturdy grip at the bottom. He also identifies the symbol of Semuanya crafted into it, just above the grip. As memories begin to resurface, Yoth moves the club about, feeling how well it is weighted - much better than any actual club.

"Yes," Yoth says quietly to himself. He remembers this weapon - the censer - a potent implement of Semuayan given to his most faithful servants. Unfortunately, no other memories come forth. How he acquired the weapon remains a mystery. But at least he remembers how to use it.

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