Prologue part 2

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Mar 17, 2022 2:35 pm

Yoth and Mal'i'Gott' each wakes up inside a 5 ft cube wooden box with dim light coming from roof. each in a separate one.

You feel terrible (exhaustion lvl 1 condition) and have a feeling that your box is moving up slowly. You can't remember how you get here. You can't actually remember anything, but your name. Box suddenly stop moving and in a while you hear a voice
Do not be afraid! We mean no harm. We will help you. Please keep yourself to an opposite wall and they break the box quickly - you see workers of different races with sledgehammers and other tools giving way to an old human lady.
Welcome to the Maze. My name is Lilly. Do you remember your name?
Mar 17, 2022 6:12 pm
Yoth takes quick stock of his situation. No memory. Several workers with hammers that could be used as weapons. A softskin woman using polite words, but seemingly in charge - that could make her responsible for his imprisonment and memory loss. Nevertheless, Yoth has few options. No one appears immediately hostile, so Yoth decides to avoid agitating them.

"My name is Yoth," he says. "What is this Maze, and why am I here?"
Mar 17, 2022 7:28 pm
Mal, upon waking, would have pushed on the edges of the box, and when the people told him to step back, he would have done so.
Does Mal have any of his equipment?
Though he doesn't remember anything, his instincts are triggering, and his ears dart in millimeter increments back and forth as his eyes dart around. When the crate holding him is open, he bursts out of it, running out of there, trying to find an escape.



Mar 17, 2022 7:50 pm

Yoth, I don't know why are all of us here, I'm afraid, but I could tell you what a maze is.. and she explains it to be some sort of dungeon full of mindless monsters and traps, but also containing chests that include food tools and materials to maintain the settlement setup in the valley surrounded by high walls. You will have opportunity to ask details to the "maze runners" - a few strongest among the humanoids in the settlement who risk their lives going into the maze.

Also she explains that there is a chest on top of your box with your belongings (starting gear per your class/background), and suggest help to get the chest to "your tent" that is some 200 feet away from here.
Mar 17, 2022 7:59 pm
Mal'i'Gott' start running and soon realise he is in a small valley surrounded by high walls. He is running toward a settlement containing tents with humanoids of different races walking around doing their daily business. Some look worried at you, some ignore you whatsoever.
The walls surrounding the settlement are not far away - you could run to each of them in few minutes and you see a 4 big open doors - on to each side (i.e. S,W,N,E). You hear old woman crying Please calm down, we mean no harm, we are in fact your only allies here
No you don't have anything, but your clothes.
Mar 17, 2022 8:36 pm
Mal, upon observing the settlement and his surroundings, and seeing that people are not outright chasing him with irons or weapons, he slows his sprint to a jog, and then his jog to a walk.

He walks back towards the woman and says, "Sorry, apparently I don't do well in cages. You may call me Mal, but my full name is Mal'i'Gott'.

"I don't remember much of anything, other than I had more equipment than just my clothes. How did I come to be here?"
Mar 17, 2022 10:29 pm
Yoth opens the chest and looks inside. The items seem to fit with what little he remembers about himself - armor, a shield, a few weapons, and a holy symbol. This last item he picks up and examines. Yes, he thinks to himself. This is deeply tied to who I am. Setting these items back in the chest, he listens to Lily's story.

Yoth looks around as Lily talks, confirming how what she says aligns with what he sees. He sizes up the creatures moving about the camp - individually, likely of little threat, but they have numbers. Yoth does not like being at the mercy of these people, but there seem to be few better choices than cooperation.

"Thank you," Yoth says to Lily. They seem foolish words, but some part of Yoth's memory informs him that this is something softskins like to hear. Then he follow's Lily's advice and begins taking his belongings to the tent Lily says is his.



Mar 18, 2022 1:29 pm
Lilly takes an effort to introduce you to to each other saying that you will need to cooperate tomorrow fighting through the maze, when you suddenly hear human screams. As you look that way you see a creature with a coming out of the maze gates. It use it's Longbow to shoot an arrow but the arrow doesn't make 200 feet to the human screaming.

Lilly is obviously astonished: This is ...! This can't be...! I understand your condition, but you are our only hope, please protect us agains the monster.
We do not roll initiative yet, it is 1000 feet till the enemy. Between you and enemy there are people from the settlement - 200 feet from you and 800 from the monster. They seem to try to take cover now.
You have your starting equipment, but it would take 10 minutes to done heavy armour
You have exhaustion lvl 1 (only affect ability checks) and all your per short rest, per long rest features are used.
There are no "buildings" only tents in settlement but there are some bigger trees to get 3/4 cover and bushes to get get half cover I will draw a random map once you are closer to each other
Mar 18, 2022 3:56 pm
Mal feels something in his pocket, and he puts his hand into his pocket, feels a thimble, and, for a moment, he has a strange daydream of sharpening a flower petal in a strange fey grove. He hears laughing, and then he remembers the current predicament and lets go of the thimble.

He grabs his pack and his greatsword, leaving behind his chain mail armor, "Lizard, we have to help these people."

He then grasps his wargong, runs in a different direction than the fleeing people, and he yells, "MONSTER!!! HEY, I BET YOU CANNOT CATCH ME!!!"
Basically, he it trying to draw the monster's attention, and take him to an open space away from the fleeing humans, mostly so that others can find places to hide or flee.
Mar 18, 2022 6:07 pm
Yoth sees the scene unfold. It is still not clear if the people in this camp are a threat to him or not, however, the new creature is clearly hostile. Siding with the camp makes the most sense if only from the standpoint of sheer numbers.

"Lizard, we have to help these people," says the bugbear Lily has just introduced. Yoth does not necessarily agree that they have to help, but it does seem the best course of action. It also appears to be a good way to gain favor with the bugbear, which seems wise. "I am with you," Yoth says.

Yoth grabs and secures his holy symbol, then picks up his shield and spear. Putting on armor would just make him a target, so he leaves it be. Then he begins running towards the creature.
At 1000 feet away, there is nothing Yoth can do this round other than move towards the creature.

Does Yoth have spells prepared? If he does, he will cast Shield of Faith as he moves. If spells are not prepared, he will simply take the Dash action to quickly cover the distance.
Last edited March 18, 2022 6:09 pm
Mar 18, 2022 7:20 pm
As noted above you have all of your spell slots used just as any other spendable resources, such as Channel Divinity, Lay on hands or even divine sense (which would hardly be usable today anyway). You are still much stronger than commoners with 4 hp

I would like Mal'i'Gott' to roll performance as straight roll, because I want to give advantage due to wargong and his size, but he has disadvantage due to exhaustion. DC 10. Regardless we skip to the moment you are withing 600 feet which is long range distance for long bow

As you start running the monster start running toward the crowd (but may change it depending on the roll). In a while another creature appears from the doors and follow the first. They run at 100 feet distance to each other.
I will let you explain anything else each of you do before we start battle when you are 600 feet away from closest enemy and initiative order is: 1. You 2. Enemy
Mar 18, 2022 7:29 pm
Mal's performance check


Performance - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Mar 18, 2022 7:51 pm
[ +- ] Mistake - post no longer valid
Last edited March 18, 2022 8:58 pm
Mar 18, 2022 8:09 pm
Mal would start to dodge when his battle sense tells him that he is within range of the enemy monster.
Mar 18, 2022 8:21 pm

by you have all of your spell slots used I mean you can't cast anything but cantrips today. You do remember how to do that but you realize you have all of your magical energy wasted for today

OK I don't want to over complicate it so we will assume you are able to find 3/4 cover if you spend half of your movement and 1/2 cover if you spend all of it. It does include halving your normal movement and your dash, i.e. if you do dash but half it back to 30 you will get 3/4.

You see that enemy is running toward you and firing arrows (they both make 30 feet per round) please decide your strategy and who is running first. I will skip to the moment when you are either 150 feet or the first time arrow hits any one of you.
Mar 18, 2022 8:23 pm
Hint: until you are withing 150 feet dash has no effect because disadvantage is granted by land range already
Mar 18, 2022 8:56 pm
Oh... I misunderstood what you were saying about spell slots. We can just ignore my last post. I'll make a new one shortly.
Mar 18, 2022 9:09 pm
Yoth will use his full move to get 3/4 cover. His intent is to let Mal take the lead if at all possible.

Are we in actual combat rounds yet? If not, Yoth's general plan is to follow Mal towards the enemy, taking the dodge action as he moves and trying to move from one piece of cover to the next until the range to the enemy closes to 60 feet. If Mal stops moving towards the enemy, Yoth will do the same. He does not intend to lead the charge towards the enemy.
Mar 18, 2022 9:09 pm
Mal yells to the Lizard man, "Keep some distance; stay close, but not too close! I'll slice their faces off!"

Mal is running up at a normal pace, and using his action to dodge, yelling and banging his wargong until he gets to about 100 feet away or so, and then he will drop the gong and pull out his greatsword and rush them Braveheart-style.
Mar 18, 2022 9:24 pm
Let me clarify - your options are as following, please pick one knowing that enemy already have disadvantage due to long range (if you need help with DnD rulin on disadvantage or cover - just ask me):
Ottion Action Approach Speed Cover
1 Dodge fast 30 1/2 disadvantage on attacks
2 Dodge between trees 15 3/2 disadvantage on attacks
3 Dash fast 60 1/2
4 Dash between trees 30 3/2

Your speed will determine how many shots you will get before you get close enough for us to go into initiative
Mar 18, 2022 9:44 pm
Yoth will go with Option 2.
Mar 18, 2022 11:35 pm
Mal is running in the open (I guess the "fast" approach), but he is choosing to dodge as he approaches the enemies. He is being cautious in this case. He wants to draw them to him, instead of to allies or to the fleeing bystanders.
Mar 19, 2022 7:08 am
OK that is 30 from you and 30 more from enemy, which means you would get into range of 120 after 8 turns. and second monster that appears start shooting at you 2 rounds later as it lags 100 feet behind.
I will fast forward those 8 rounds in on post skipping any round that miss you
Just to double check Mal'i'Gott' AC is 11 without armor +2 from half cover, right?


round 1 longbow - (2d20L1+4)

(34) + 4 = 7

round 2 longbow - (2d20L1+4)

(166) + 4 = 10

round 3 longbow - (2d20L1+4)

(920) + 4 = 13

round 3 longbow creature 2 - (2d20L1+4)

(410) + 4 = 8

Longbow damage - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Undead enemy


Mar 19, 2022 7:24 am
Undead enemy
As you move toward enemies they run your way firing arrows. You could not see that they look like ... some of your memories jump into your mind and you remember how you used to fight skeletons and zombies.
These look like zombies, but are agile like skeletons.

Mal'i'Gott' runs trying to stay in cover of the trees several arrows fly his way until one arrow by pure chance finds it's way and scratches him (taking 5 HP damage).

Yoth is using more careful approach and lags behind. He realize that all arrows are flying toward Bugbear beating wargong.
Yoth is 45 feet behind now and I will allow you both to change tactics if you wish. You could suggest any other strategies that those 4 I listed.
Mar 19, 2022 3:28 pm
Seeing that the enemies are focusing their attacks on the bugbear, Yoth begins moving more quickly to get into range, though still being defensive about it.

Yoth will switch tactics to "Option 1" from the previous list - moving at normal speed and taking the Dodge action. He is looking to get within 60 feet of the enemy - the range of his combat cantrip.

Yoth is going with a different tactic based on Mal's actions (see below) - if allowed.
Last edited March 21, 2022 9:28 pm
Mar 21, 2022 8:28 pm
Since it seems that the distraction worked, then Mal is going to now say, "Slow down, Lizard. Now we wait for them to come to us at these trees."

Since Mal has the zombies' attention, and he is up ahead of the people going into hiding, he will bang his gong next to a tree, and then step in such a way as to impose the tree between the zombie and him.

He yells back, "Lizard, what is your designation, your name?"
The idea is that now that they are focused on my character, he will let them come to him. He can use the trees to his advantage, whereas fighting in a clearing seems less wise. He should use his terrain to his advantage, not forego that advantage.
Mar 21, 2022 9:26 pm
Realizing that the bugbear is no longer charging, Yoth decides not to move closer on his own. Yoth finds the closest piece of good cover and takes a position behind it.

"I am called Yoth," he says in answer to the bugbear's question.
OK. Yoth is going to withdraw his previous tactic. He will take cover and watch to see what the zombies and bugbear do. If it is possible to take the Dodge action while waiting behind cover, Yoth will do that. It seems odd, but I think the rules allow it.
Mar 22, 2022 7:10 am
As Youth close the gap between him and Mal'i'Gott' two arrows fly his way and both hit him (9 HP damage total). They both find a larger trees at 15 feet from each other to stay behind and peek over to see how two figures are approaching.
We will skip to moment closes enemy enter 120 foot range and since it is running I will put it at 100 feet from you the moment when it is your turn
Name Location Notes
Yoth 100 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Mal
Mal'i'Gott' 100 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Yoth
Enemy1 100 feet from PCs -
Enemy2 200 feet from PCs -

It is your turn now, you could move out of tree cover, make ranged attack and get back. If enemy do prepare action they may shoot at you, but you would know that undead are usually not as smart.
This is how we will be doing most of the combats - with table instead of battle map. You both have to submit your turn in any order and I will resolve them simultaneously. If you, for example attach the same monster and first attack kill it, I will choose different for other PC attack if possible (or wait for player to decide if PC would move to reach other enemy if he is not out of movement)


Longbow 1 at Yoth - (2d20L1+4)

(1816) + 4 = 20

Longbow 2 at Yoth - (2d20L1+4)

(2018) + 4 = 22

Longbow damage - (1d8+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Longbow damage - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Mar 22, 2022 3:33 pm
Yoth grunts with the first arrow strike, then again with the second. He slams his back against the tree when he reaches it, hoping it will provide enough cover to prevent another hit. He glances quickly at his wounds - serious, but not life threatening by themselves.

In the fog of Yoth's mind, he knows he has some ability to heal, but only once in his current condition. The wounds don't seem serious enough for that yet. The enemies still aren't close enough for Yoth do anything, so he holds his position in cover and waits for an opportunity to make a move.
Yoth is going to an attack action this turn. If the enemy archer gets within 60 feet, he'll cast Toll the Dead on it. Otherwise, he'll just stay behind cover and see if the enemy keeps advancing.
Mar 22, 2022 6:14 pm
Mal will look at the enemies from around the tree trunk, then he will step out and play his gong, dodging any potential arrows being fired, and yell, "OVER HERE, YOU USELESS, MAGGOT-BRAINED MORONS!"

He then drops his wargong by a tree root, and pulls out his javelins and leans them against the tree trunk, ready for him to launch.
Basically, this turn, he plays his wargong to get the attention of the undead, then he will slink behind the tree trunk, and place his javelins in such a way as to have them ready for a throw.

If the monsters get within 30 feet, he will launch one.
Mar 22, 2022 6:34 pm
@HeroAmongMen, I play RAW so let's try to fit your desire into formal actions
Enemies spend their turn dashing toward you moving 60 feet closer.

Next round - submit your actions (note - you can't attack enemy if you are in total cover, but i would allow you to move into 3/4 cover peaking over and then take read action if that is what you want)
[ +- ] Ready action RAW
Name Location Notes
Yoth 40 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Mal
Mal'i'Gott' 40 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Yoth
Enemy1 40 feet from PCs -
Enemy2 140 feet from PCs -
Mar 22, 2022 11:33 pm
I just realized that somehow the world "hold" was not in my last post when I intended to hold an action. I need to proofread better.

As for this round: by RAW, a character can use part of their move to emerge from full cover, then take their action, then use the remainder of their move to return to full cover. I find not all DMs allow this, however. I'm going to give two possible actions and you can decide which fits the rules that you want to use.

Possibility 1: Yoth will use 5' of movement to emerge from cover. Then Yoth will use his action to cast Toll the Dead on Enemy 1. Then Yoth will use another 5' of movement to return to full cover.

Possibility 2: Yoth will use his move to peak out from cover as you described in your last post, taking a position of 3/4 cover. Then he will use his action to cast Toll the Dead on Enemy 1.

Mar 23, 2022 1:47 am
GreyWord says:
@HeroAmongMen, I play RAW so let's try to fit your desire into formal actions
Enemies spend their turn dashing toward you moving 60 feet closer.

Next round - submit your actions (note - you can't attack enemy if you are in total cover, but i would allow you to move into 3/4 cover peaking over and then take read action if that is what you want)
[ +- ] Ready action RAW
Name Location Notes
Yoth 40 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Mal
Mal'i'Gott' 40 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Yoth
Enemy1 40 feet from PCs -
Enemy2 140 feet from PCs -
No worries, I will convert my actions into action economy if that helps you.

Move: Move to 3/4 cover behind tree trunk
Action: Ready his action, to throw the javelin at the closer undead when he gets within 30 feet of him
Interaction: (technically free) drop war gong, place javelins

On his next turn, he will assess if they are close enough or not to throw a javelin
Mar 23, 2022 7:15 am
In battle I allow anything that is allowed by rules and only that.
This is specifically explained in the rules:
[ +- ] Breaking Up Your Move
I'm sorry to hear DMs don't allow that.

Rules allow
1) dropping items you hold in the hand without spending action on that (except shield that is done on your hand - you need action to doff it)
2) once per your turn you could "take" a weapon or "put it back on your belt/whatever", so if you have longbow in your hand and what to use sword instead you must drop your longbow on the ground

Note: this battle is exactly aimed to practice the way I'm used to do fighting. There will be one not RAW, but my homebrew rule:
During battle your PC could "talk" to others only as part of his action and only up to 6-10 words. That would double if you take dodge action and half if you cast spell with verbal component.
And you may need to communicate because I may be seldom providing secret info to one player only.
I will demonstrate that in next post
Mar 23, 2022 7:33 am
Now as undead takes the necrotic damage you see that he has resistance to that type of damage
When Mal peeks over tree both enemies slows down and shoot at him. One arrow hit the tree but the other somehow find Mal's shoulder.
Mal trhows his javelin, but it does not stop monster moving his way.
Closes monster puts his bow on the back right after the shot. Looks like those undead enemies are more intelligent than you would expect - he is certainly switching weapon as approaching melee range.
Now will add two notes to each of you - one normal one private. You should each see one note I've added to other player but without text
I'm not sure how familiar you are with this gamersplane feature so just want to demonstrate
GreyWord sent a note to HeroAmongMen
GreyWord sent a note to timplausible
Name Location Notes
Yoth 20 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Mal
Mal'i'Gott' 10 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of a large tree, 15 feet from Yoth
Enemy1 10 feet from Mal taken 4 damage
Enemy2 110 feet from PCs -
Mal roll his prepared attack and we could do next round


Enemy wis save (toll the dead) - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Enemy 1 shooting at Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(1614) + 4 = 18

Enemy 2 shooting at Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(1019) + 4 = 14

Necrotic damage from toll dead - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Bow from enemy 1 damage - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Mar 23, 2022 3:04 pm
Yoth sees that his spell has limited effect on the undead creature, but it still seems to be the best course of action.forntheomwnt.
Yoth will repeat his actions from last round:
Move - partial: step 5' out of cover
Action: Cast Toll the Dead on the closest enemy
Move - partial: step 5' back into full cover.
Last edited March 23, 2022 5:50 pm
Mar 23, 2022 5:24 pm
GreyWord says:
Mal roll his prepared attack and we could do next round
Mal launches the javelin at the undead creature when he crosses that 30-foot threshold, and now that the creature is so close, Mal will draw his greatsword, run up to the undead's face, and swing his sword.
Prior to this turn: triggered readied javelin attack

Current turn:
Interaction: draw greatsword
Move: into melee with undead
Action: Greatsword attack vs. undead creature in melee
Last edited March 23, 2022 5:24 pm


Readied Javelin Attack vs. Undead Creature - (1d20+5, 1d6+3)

1d20+5 : (17) + 5 = 22

1d6+3 : (1) + 3 = 4

Greatsword Attack vs. Undead Creature - (1d20+5, 2d6+3)

1d20+5 : (10) + 5 = 15

2d6+3 : (11) + 3 = 5

Mar 23, 2022 5:48 pm
will do this in two posts because I'm lazy, first your turns - wis save for monster and stuff
Mal swings his sword and hit creature. He understand it was not the best hit (rolled minimal damage), but it should still hurt a normal creature, but this undead seems to not even notice it (it has resistance also agains this type of damage, so only 2 damage)


wis save - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

toll the dead damage - (1d12)

(9) = 9

Mar 23, 2022 6:39 pm
Name Location Notes
Yoth 20 feet from enemy1 Behind total cover of enemy2
Mal'i'Gott' 10 feet from enemy1 -
Enemy1 melee with Mal taken 10 damage
Enemy2 80 feet from PCs -
Allies 100-120 feet from you moves silently

undead draws his katana (technically longsword) and attack with it while Mal try to escape katana undead try to bite him
the other undead comes closer and keep shooting arrows
You notice that some of the people from the settlement are trying to silently move your way, monsters don't seem to notice them

Monster turn is over


Enemy 2 arrow - (2d20L1+4)

(34) + 4 = 7

Enemy 1 sword - (2d20L1+4)

(1713) + 4 = 17

Enemy 1 bite - (2d20L1+4)

(211) + 4 = 6

Necrotic damage from bite - (1d6+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Longsword damage (two handed) - (1d10+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Mar 23, 2022 7:30 pm
Quick questions for @GreyWord:
1. In general, do you provide any kind of feedback on how close to 0 HP the enemies are?
2. Similar question about fellow PCs: as a healer, it is helpful to know how close to 0 HP other PCs are. Many DMs allow explicit table talk - i.e., player X is allowed to say things like, " I have 8 HP left out of 20." Do you allow that? If not, what kind of qualitative descriptions of fellow PC condition do you allow.
2a. Related to above, it will speed things along if info about PC condition is provided in the DM posts. It saves me the step of asking things like "how hurt does Mal look?"

Or, if you handle all this entirely differently, let me know.
Mar 23, 2022 7:57 pm

I do not keep track of player HP, spells slots, conditions, etc. This is your job
I am OK if players share their HP, spells slots, etc. with each other. If you find it fun - share it. If you find it fun not to - the do not

As for enemies
I. When you are facing an enemy you have never seen before you have no idea how much HP it has or how close it is get KO or killed.
II. I will share exact HP if you fight same type of monster again in this game
III. I allow PCs to spend action to roll history check for anything they touch, including enemies. A passed history check means that you happened to have historical experience of such thing (i.e. in case of monster you may recall amount of HP or even resistances/immunities). DCs are usually between 10 and 15 but depend on PC and monster. For Mal as Bugbear DC to remember anything about special type of goblin could as well be 5 while 15 for Lizard Cleric.

P.S. Experience with PC HP sharing -
Some players post OOC their HP and status with each turn post.
I find it strange but I am not against it.
Mar 23, 2022 8:41 pm
At this point, Yoth decides that helping the bugbear finish off the first enemy as quickly as possible makes the most sense. Leaving the safety of cover, he moves to engage the enemy.

Move: Move into melee range with Enemy 1
Action: Attack Enemy 1 with spear - one-handed, shield in the other hand (total AC 15 due to lizard hide)

Request to @HeroAmongMen: I like GreyWord's suggestion for PCs to include their current HP at the end of their posts. It will help me decide when and who to heal.

Not sure anyone in the party needs to know my condition, but just in case:
Current HP: 26/35
Mar 23, 2022 10:11 pm
Mal sees that his hit didn't do much, so he drops his greatsword and pulls his maul from his back and tries to smack the crap out of this creature in front of him. He stays within melee range of the undead monster.
I am assuming that the Lay on Hands is also fully expended. Is that right?

Also, I just realized that my character sheet doesn't have the right modifiers, so I have adjusted those now, and they are reflected in the rolled results below. Also, my damage rolls of 1 from the previous round should have a reroll, due to my fighting style.
[ +- ] Great Weapon Fighting
He realizes that the slashing damage isn't doing much, so he drops the greatsword and pulls out his greatsword, which is slung on the leather sheath thingy on his back.

Free: drop greatsword
Interaction: draw maul
Action: maul attack vs. undead creature
Move: stay within melee of creature

Current HP: 31/36
Last edited March 23, 2022 11:30 pm


Maul to hit vs undead monster - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (3) + 6 = 9

2d6+4 : (44) + 4 = 12

rerolling damage 1s for greatsword - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Mar 24, 2022 2:02 pm
@timplausible - please go ahead and roll your spear attack and thanks for reminder on lizard hide
Mar 24, 2022 3:35 pm
Rolling spear attack. Also rolling damage just in case.

Question: @GreyWord, do you want us making our own attack rolls all the time? I wasn't sure.
Last edited March 24, 2022 3:36 pm


Spear attack - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Spear damage (if it hits) - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Mar 24, 2022 3:53 pm
Yes, just as at the table - you roll your attacks and your saves, I roll enemy attacks and saves. I may sometimes roll for you to boost game up, i.e. if I need you to do saving throw to decide what a monster does next
Mal swings his maul only to hit the ground, but undead who were too focused on maul gets hit by Yoth spear. Youth also understadn that enemy has resistance to this type of damage.
Farest enemy keep running your way and firing while closest one keep attacking and trying to bite Mal
If I'm not mistaken Mal AC without armour is 10 so both 11 hit
Mal get 12 slashing damage and 5 more necrotic and feels life drained from him
You see people coming closer, most of them hold some stones in arms.
Your max HP are also reduced by 5, but don't worry it is until the next long rest that you can't restore them with healing or short resting
Name Location Notes
Yoth melee enemy1
Mal'i'Gott' melee enemy1 -
Enemy1 melee taken 13 damage
Enemy2 50 feet from melee -
Allies 70-90 feet from you moves silently


Enemy 2 longbow - Yoth - (2d20L1+4)

(199) + 4 = 13

Enemy 1 Longsword - Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(711) + 4 = 11

Enemy 1 Bite - Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(87) + 4 = 11

Longsword - (1d10+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Bite - (1d6+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Mar 24, 2022 4:58 pm
Curse me for not stating that Yoth grabbed his mace as well as his spear.
Seeing that his spear is doing little better at hurting the undead creature, Yoth flips his spear around to use the blunt end for his next attack.

Action: Attack with blunt end of spear, using it either as a quarterstaff (if allowed) or as an improvised club.

I will make the attack roll, but leave the damage roll to the DM (if it hits), so they can decide how they want to treat this attack. (Nevermind. won't be hitting anything with a roll like that.)
Last edited March 24, 2022 4:59 pm


Attack with blunt end of spear - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Mar 24, 2022 7:35 pm
Mal smacks again with his maul.
Move: Whatever is needed to stay in melee
Action: maul attack vs undead creature.
EDIT: Rerolling 2 on damage die roll. I have to take the new result, even if it is a 1 or a 2.
Last edited March 24, 2022 7:36 pm


Maul to hit vs undead - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (10) + 6 = 16

2d6+4 : (52) + 4 = 11

damage reroll - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Mar 24, 2022 8:55 pm
Mal lands a nice hit at the enemy which would normally kill a human, but those are no humans, at least not any more.
Enemies do the same they did last turn
20 damage halved gives 10
Name Location Notes
Yoth melee enemy1
Mal'i'Gott' melee enemy1 -
Enemy1 melee taken 23 damage
Enemy2 30 feet from melee -
Allies 50-60 feet from you moves silently

Meanwhile people from settlement throw some boulders at enemy 2, but they don't manage to do any damage
Your turn


Enemy 2 arrow - (2d20L1+4)

(1113) + 4 = 15

Enemy1 sword - Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(1015) + 4 = 14

Enemy 1 Bite - Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(136) + 4 = 10

Some people throwing - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (4) = 4

1d20 : (12) = 12

1d20 : (13) = 13

1d20 : (3) = 3

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d20 : (11) = 11

1d20 : (18) = 18

1d20 : (8) = 8

Arrow damage - Yoth - (1d8+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Longsword damage - Mal - (1d10+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Ally damage - (1d4)

(1) = 1

bite damage - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Mar 24, 2022 10:25 pm
Yoth makes another attempt to whack to undead creature with the shaft of his spear.

Action: Attack with shaft of spear as either quarterstaff or improvised club (DM decision)


Attack roll - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Mar 24, 2022 11:08 pm
Mal falls from his wounds.
Sorry, I was on auto-pilot, but he actually took 14 damage, which was the last of his hit points.

Current HP: 0/36
Death Saves:
Success: 0/3
Failures: 1/3
Last edited March 24, 2022 11:11 pm


Maul to hit vs undead - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

2d6+4 : (34) + 4 = 11

Death Save - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Mar 25, 2022 7:13 am
Second enemy shoot one more arrow and moves in the melee range putting his bow away
First is attacking Yoth now and his sword finds way through the thick skin, hurting him

Meanwhile one of the allies - a robbed elf throw some potion toward Enemy1 and then say words of prayer.
Mal - you hear those words and magically wake up
Ally priest is casting healing word
Name Location Notes
Yoth melee enemy1
Mal'i'Gott' melee enemy1 prone
Enemy1 melee taken 29 damage
Enemy2 melee -
Allies 20-60 feet from you some are hiding, but must are attacking
Mal you have 5 HP now and your weapon is right by you - you could stand up using half of your movement and pick weapon as free action
In any case it is your turn


Longbow 1 at Yoth - (2d20L1+4)

(95) + 4 = 9

Enemy 1 Longsword - (2d20L1+4)

(1617) + 4 = 20

Enemy 1 Bite - (2d20L1+4)

(317) + 4 = 7

Longsword damage (two handed) - (1d10+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

healing word - (1d4+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Thrown bottle to hit - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Holy water damage - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Stones thrown - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (10) = 10

1d20 : (9) = 9

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d20 : (19) = 19

1d20 : (15) = 15

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d20 : (12) = 12

Stones damage - (1d4, 1d4)

1d4 : (2) = 2

1d4 : (3) = 3

Mar 25, 2022 7:27 am
Sorry forgot to answer about improvised - sure, role 1d4+str modifier as per rules of improvised weapon, and I assign int bludgeoning damage type , unfortunately enemy has a resistance against this type as well
But I want to give inspiration to Yoth for this desperate attempt
Mar 25, 2022 8:15 am
Mal stands, grabs his mail as he gets up, and smacks the undead again.
Move: stand
Free: grab maul
Action: attack undead

Current HP: 5/36


Maul to hit vs undead - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

2d6+4 : (45) + 4 = 13

Mar 25, 2022 1:59 pm
Yoth sees the bugbear go down with alarm. His attempt to batter the enemy undead is no more effective than any of his other attacks. Yoth had hoped that the pair of them could dispatch one of the enemies before the other one arrived, but instead they are the ones slipping towards defeat. Even with the help of the others at the camp, Yoth decides that they need some breathing room.

Dropping his spear to the ground, Yoth grabs his holy symbol and holds it out, drawing on the power of his god. Divine energy flow through it, washing over the undead. Yoth hopes it is enough to drive them off temporarily.
From last round: Improvised weapon damage rolled.
Free action: Drop spear (so he has a hand to "present his holy symbol")
Action: Use Channel Divinity to Turn Undead


Damage from improvised weapon - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Mar 25, 2022 2:10 pm
@timplausible I've added your damage above, but you can't do Channel Divinity unfortunately. ALL of your per short rest and per long rest features are exhausted.
P.S. This battle is not a real battle it is just and introduction to some of the mechanics while we are waiting for main group to end their current battle.
You will be able to use your Channel Divinity, spells and what not in the normal game we will start soon. I hop you don't mind that
Mar 25, 2022 3:19 pm
Sorry. It appears I got really confused when you first described what was available and what wasn't. In that case, Yoth will just fall back to more Tolling the Dead, since he hasn't been able to find and attack mode that does full damage, and Toll the Dead has the highest potential damage.

Retcon to last post:
Action: Cast Toll the Dead on Enemy 1
Mar 25, 2022 8:25 pm
let me start with wis save for enemy
Undeads attack Mal and Yoth - one each, trying to swing swords and bit. Yoth manages to escape both attacks, but Mal fall again after the bite


Toll dead wis save - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

damage - (d12)

(3) = 3

Enemy1 sword - Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(122) + 4 = 6

Enemy1 bite- Mal - (2d20L1+4)

(1116) + 4 = 15

Enemy 2 sword - Yoth - (2d20L1+4)

(511) + 4 = 9

Enemy2 bite- Yoth - (2d20L1+4)

(96) + 4 = 10

Enemy 1 bite damage - (1d6+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Mar 25, 2022 8:45 pm
Yoth you see your allies attempt new tactics
A human holding improvised shield and rope try to pin enemy 1 while elf throw another potion at it and casting healing word on Mal again
Help action to give advantage on throw
Meanwhile some gnome with throws a flaming pot at monsters crying "take cover", but he cries too late and he is the only one to fall on the ground when fire erupts from the pot that falls behind enemies. Luckily it does not reach either of you and not even a man with the rope
Gnome cries "it worked! it worked!" with a surprise in his voice as both enemies are hit by fire

Rest of the crowd continue throwing stones
Will not roll for them assume they do 1 damage on average
Name Location Notes
Yoth melee
Mal'i'Gott' melee prone (3hp)
Enemy1 melee taken 39 damage
Enemy2 melee taken 8 damage
Allies 5-60 feet from you some are hiding, but must are attacking
Your turn


healing word - (1d4+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Holy water to hit - (2d20H1+1)

(711) + 1 = 12

Bomb damage - (3d6)

(332) = 8

Enemy 1 dex save (DC12) - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Enemy 2 dex save (DC12) - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Mar 25, 2022 10:41 pm
Trying to be creative here, but a cleric without any short/long rest abilities doesn't have many good options.

Is there still fire burning on the ground behind the enemies? Or if it kind of flamed out? I'm going to give two options for Yoth's action, depending on if this is true or not.

If there is fire burning on the ground behind the enemies, Yoth is going to attempt to shove the most wounded enemy into them - if they are close enough, he will push the enemy prone into them. If they are more like 5' behind them, then it will be a shove to push him 5' back.
Option 1 Action: Attack/Shove - STR(Athletics) check from Yoth vs either STR(Athletics) or DEX(Acrobatics) from enemy

If there's not really any fire remaining to push the enemy into, the Yoth will just keep on Tolling this guy.
Option 2 Action: Cast Toll the Dead on Enemy 1

Either way, if it looks like the undead were not resistant to the fire, Yoth will follow up with a shout to the others.
"Someone get me a torch."
Mar 26, 2022 3:55 am
Mal is not very smart, but he is spirited.

He stands up, grabbing his maul on the way up, and tries to muscle his way into smacking the undead again with his maul.
Move: Stand up
Free: grab maul
Action: Smack with maul

Current HP: 3/36
Mal connects with the zombie’s head, and the maul caves the zombie’s head in.
Last edited March 26, 2022 6:53 am


Maul to hit - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23

2d6+4 : (41) + 4 = 9

Reroll damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Mar 26, 2022 5:14 am
Mal could reroll 1 on maul damage
please reroll and if it is anything but 1 you could describe how you finish enemy1.

Youth- reminder you have exhausted lvl 1 yor str check will have disadvantage. And raw there are no fire so I assume it is toll the dead


wisdom save - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Mar 26, 2022 4:00 pm
Just to do something different, Yoth will take the Help action to give Mal advantage on his next attack.

Action: Help Mal with his next attack.

Undead enemy


Mar 26, 2022 4:19 pm
Undead enemy

First zombie warrior stay still headless. Only few second later it start falling. Meanwhile second continue attacking Yoth. Yoth avoid sword, but it not the bite... necrotic attack succeed against cleric


Sword attach - (2d20L1+4)

(147) + 4 = 11

Bite - (2d20L1+4)

(1118) + 4 = 15

Bite necrotic damage - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Mar 26, 2022 4:25 pm
Whenwhile the delighted gnome does nothing but cry it worked. Elf throw one more potion (appears it was last as he order human to disengage) , this time he hits much better and you see smoke coming from zombie flesh. While human try to help him and stones are thrown at second zombie warrior

Name Location Notes
Yoth melee
Mal'i'Gott' melee
Enemy2 melee taken 19 damage
Allies 5-60 feet from you some are hiding, but must are attacking
Your turn! I Assume Youth does help, right?


Potion to hit - (2d20H1+1)

(189) + 1 = 19

Damage - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Mar 26, 2022 5:06 pm
Yep. Yoth is still helping.
Mar 26, 2022 5:14 pm
If Mal attack then roll with advantage
Mar 28, 2022 5:44 am
OK, since player has not posted for more than 36 hours I am executing his action. Normally it would be dodge, but since Yoth helps him attacking it will be maul attack with advantage


Mal'i'Gott': Maul to hit (advantage) - (2d20H1+6)

(161) + 6 = 22

Mal'i'Gott': Maul damage - (2d6+4)

(55) + 4 = 14

Mar 28, 2022 5:52 am
Mal swings right into the enemy chest which were barely holding together breaking zombie in half like a stick.
Second monster were half damaged at the beginning of the battle and is now gone
Battle is over. Out of initiative
Crowd is cheering. Only gnome seems more interested in investigating the effect of his fire bomb and what's left of it.
Mar 28, 2022 6:35 am
Mal walks up to gnome and says, "What you find out, friend? If more come, does Fire work better than force?"

After discussion with the gnome, he walks up to the lizard and says, "Thank you, Yoth. Your help was so valuable in that fight.

"I think we should rest, lest we get assaulted again by more monsters."

He then goes back to where his gear was, collects the javelins, his great sword, his armor, and any other items he might have dropped or not brought with him to this fight, and then he asks the woman who released him from the box thing: "Is there any safe place that Yoth and I can rest?"
Sorry! Like I said before, weekends (especially Sundays) are tough posting days for me.
Last edited March 28, 2022 6:36 am



Mar 28, 2022 7:14 am
Lilly soon appears This was unexpected. I'm afraid the group of maze runners did not survive there and were killed by those. Your arrival were were so fortunate. Usually we suggest those arriving to immediately have rest, but I would be happy if you could stay until other maze runners return from maze - just in case these we not the only monsters to decide come out of maze.
And she order some people to dig a few pit traps.

Gnome is brusque, but you understand it was only bomb he had and is going to make more now as he saw it working.
Elf who were healing you is more cooperative. He explains that maze runners usually bring some ingredients from the maze. Craftsman in the settlement are able to design some equipment useful in fighting monsters. He was able to create 3 holy water bottles and could make more.
I plan to have you meet the base team returning from maze before you finish short rest and then you will be able to take long rest. But we need to wait for them and could do some role-playing and lore question-answer with Lilly meanwhile
Mar 28, 2022 12:04 pm
Yoth nods at Mal's thanks, and then agrees with the sentiment about rest. "Indeed. We would do well to rest."

Yoth looks around the camp, taking special note of those that helped them during the fight. It appears that what Lily initially told him was true - these people are as much prisoners here as he is. Strangely, the fight has left Yoth feeling more comfortable with his situation - at least as far as the people of the camp are concerned.

Yoth gathers his possessions and takes them to his tent to rest. He puts his armor on, in case more monsters should charge into the camp.

"Lily," Yoth says when the old woman next checks on him, "do you or any of these people know how you came to be here? Or did everyone arrive with no memory as Mal and I have?"
Mar 28, 2022 10:02 pm
Mal nods, agreeing with Lilly's assessment, and puts his chain mail armor on. He investigates the undead bodies, hoping to find armor or weapons or something else that may prove useful. He gathers whatever arrows and the bows, as well, in case he finds someone who could use them.

He then takes a whetstone and starts to sharpen his greatsword, cleans the blade, and then moves to cleaning and fixing the grip on his maul.

He also asks Lilly: "Are there other stores of armor, or maybe some form of food or healing to help Yoth and I manage our wounds. We would have faired better had we enough time to properly prepare for that last fight."



Mar 29, 2022 9:44 am
Your memories will come slowly come back to you just as they do for everyone here.
Lilly sigh, but then smiles and add Every morning I wake up with new memories, it is like putting pieces of puzzle together.
Then she asks you to look at the settlement - you notice smith at work in an improvised workshop, you see woman working with some herbs, and others working.
You must be thankful for equipment you got in your cage. Our tools are primitive and resources scare, but we try to get some items for maze runners done. I believe the gnome will be able to tailor another bomb or to by tomorrow morning.
Later when you join the base group I will explain rules for getting new equipment. You can't buy anything, but you will be able to order equipment prepared for you, but it will take time. Full plate for example would take 5 days to create so it is not an option, but a settlement smiths if work together could prepare one splint during one day.
Mar 29, 2022 9:45 am
You gather 2 Longswords and 2 Longbows from the enemies as well as let's say 20 arrows
Mar 29, 2022 9:55 am
Later Lilly explains you what a maze runner means. There are some experience adventurers such as yourself in the settlement who run the deadly maze. Maze doors open each day at the same time and closes with 8 hours. Maze contains monsters and chests. Chests contain food, tools, ingredients - those are used in the settlement to tailor equipment as mentioned before.
Since there are 4 doors maze runners are split into 4 parties and each party has their own bag of holdings to put content of chests into.

Not every adventurer survive, but a few new cages appear from underground ever day providing reinforcement. Despite high risk no adventurer have yet declined the chance to go into the maze to get food and items.

If you have any questions about maze or settlement life - now is the time to ask them
Mar 29, 2022 3:13 pm
Skipping detailed roleplaying, Yoth would have these questions:

1. As he asked previously, he wants to know if the others in the camp are amnesiac, and also if they know how they arrived at the camp.
2. Is the food from the mazes the only source of food for the entire camp?
3. Is anyone in the camp thinking of ways to escape their location - which seems to be a prison? Or is the camp simply content to just survive for as long as they can?
4. Does anyone know how long the camp has existed? Has it been here longer than anyone currently alive in the camp? Or are there people in the camp who have been here "since the beginning" (whatever that may mean)?
Mar 29, 2022 3:20 pm
everyone arrived same way as you did over the last 3 days. Everyone have same issues with memory
food - yes only from maze, that's why need to risk maze runner lives
one of the reasosn maze runner run maze - hope to find exit from the prison
3 days is all they know
Mar 29, 2022 4:17 pm
"Lilly, have there been adventurers that have stayed in the maze overnight? What happens to them?"



Mar 29, 2022 5:15 pm
We all stay overnight. Night is calm. Maze doors are closed and nothing even happened during the night.
Long rest as usual plus everyone get level up - except Mal and Youth will not get level up this night - I decided to let you start at lvl 4 already
Mar 30, 2022 1:33 pm
While you are chatting a half-elf comes and informs you that they found double bottom on your equipment chests. You get additional items:

Mal - Cloak of Displacement
Yoth - Devotee's Censer

You could choose how they look like and alike. I would liek to believe they have your deity emblems something

As you touch them few memories come back and you recognise them and how you acquired them during some adventures
(your choice)
Mar 30, 2022 1:35 pm
You may keep asking questions in this chat, but story wise we move to eveneing where you will meet other 3 players
Mar 30, 2022 5:37 pm
Mal pulls out the cloak; it looks interesting, like it is made from the hide of a displacer beast, but is emblazoned with a blue symbol of Eldath (a rushing waterfall), and as he puts it on, it seems as if the water in the waterfall descends (like watching a GIF).

As he moves, he seems to shimmer, as if he is and is-not in that space. He says to himself, "My, this will come in handy!"

As he assesses the utility of this cloak, he remembers something:
[ +- ] Mal's Memory
Mar 30, 2022 6:11 pm
Yoth picks up the weapon that had been hidden in his chest and examines it. It looks as if someone crafted a metal weapon in the shape of a wooden club, except with a number of small holes towards the top and a sturdy grip at the bottom. He also identifies the symbol of Semuanya crafted into it, just above the grip. As memories begin to resurface, Yoth moves the club about, feeling how well it is weighted - much better than any actual club.

"Yes," Yoth says quietly to himself. He remembers this weapon - the censer - a potent implement of Semuayan given to his most faithful servants. Unfortunately, no other memories come forth. How he acquired the weapon remains a mystery. But at least he remembers how to use it.

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