Mar 19, 2022 7:11 pm
Hey kids,

I figure we can start talking in the game's forum so we can quit bugging the whole site with character/art discussions.
Mar 19, 2022 7:18 pm
I was waiting for @annex to create the threads. 😄
Mar 19, 2022 7:24 pm
Our Dungeonmaster can always reformat if our ooc thread doesn't work in the scheme of things. 😊
Mar 19, 2022 7:25 pm
Sounds good to me.

One question I have for ye olde DM is this: have the characters really "traveled between Earth and the Realms for years"? That would mean that the characters found the way home that they were looking for during the entire series, and then have been able to go back and forth, kind of like the kids in the Narnia books.

When I first saw the game advert, I assumed the characters had spent years trapped in the D&D world, and I was trying to think of how that would affect my character (Diana). If we haven't been trapped the whole time, however, that's an entirely different character development story.
Mar 19, 2022 7:38 pm
Hey all. I've finished Eric and submitted him for approval. He's a pretty straightforward Champion Fighter with styles and feats that emphasize the use of his Griffon Shield. In combat he'll either stick close to Presto and watch his back or if the situation calls for it jump up front and get stuck in. Out of combat I hope to balance his "voice of reason" shtick so I don't come off as too whiny. Please remember I'm supposed to be the voice of opposition.
Mar 19, 2022 7:39 pm
Eric can easily have aged into a far less whiny and far more outwardly brave guy. Don't feel beholden to make him like he was in the cartoon.
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
I was waiting for @annex to create the threads. 😄
I was waiting to have everyone chosen and characters created before I let loose with the threads... but here we are! Hi! 😄
Mar 19, 2022 7:44 pm
Bobby is a work in progress. I'm keeping it simple with a straight up Berserker. By now he is the biggest man in the group but still very much a kid at heart. And of course he'll always be the youngest.

@RageRed I don't know if you saw, but I was wondering if you think it'd be fun to play Sheila and Bobby as siblings just like in the cartoon?

How many years have elapsed since the fateful amusement park ride that rransported us to the Realm?

I also have the same question as @timplausible: have we really been back and forth between the worlds?
Last edited March 19, 2022 7:45 pm
Mar 19, 2022 7:58 pm
I changed my Diana concept from a Monk/Rogue to a Monk/Fighter(Battlemaster). Essentially, she took a 3-level dip into Fighter to get the battlemaster maneuvers as well as Action Surge and Second Wind.

In a fight, she's a very tactical combatant, with a lot of tricks up her... sleeve? She doesn't really have sleeves.

Outside a fight, she's going to be a bit obsessive about training and being prepared. She's terrified of failure (though she doesn't admit it), and that drives her to try to be as perfect as possible. She's still good-natured, but some of the party may feel like she's "not as fun as she used to be".
Mar 19, 2022 8:00 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:

@RageRed I don't know if you saw, but I was wondering if you think it'd be fun to play Sheila and Bobby as siblings just like in the cartoon?
Okay I just saw your reply, big sis! 😄
Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm
I intend to temper Eric's attitude with maturity. At the same time I think he's still the cautious one, who doesn't like taking unnecessary risks. But as he always did in the show, he'll stand with (and sometimes in front of) his friends.
Mar 20, 2022 12:47 am
timplausible says:
Sounds good to me.

One question I have for ye olde DM is this: have the characters really "traveled between Earth and the Realms for years"? That would mean that the characters found the way home that they were looking for during the entire series, and then have been able to go back and forth, kind of like the kids in the Narnia books.

When I first saw the game advert, I assumed the characters had spent years trapped in the D&D world, and I was trying to think of how that would affect my character (Diana). If we haven't been trapped the whole time, however, that's an entirely different character development story.
I do like the idea that the characters have been trapped in the D&D world since they were kids, and now they're all grown up. But that might make for a darker, more wearying characterisation and tone. Am happily to go either way. Being able to come back to the world might mean they have a compelling reason to come back time and again to do some greater good or solve some unfinished business.
Mar 20, 2022 1:09 am
In messaging with our DM @annex, they said that their plan is for us to have made it back to Earth, and since then have gone back and forth between the two for various reasons over the years. They say it's been 20 years since we first went through the portal on the amusement park ride, and most of that time was after we figured out how to go back and forth between the two.

Note to @annex: hope I'm not stealing your thunder. I just thought I'd prevent people from running down the wrong path too far.
Last edited March 20, 2022 1:11 am
Mar 20, 2022 1:14 am
Sounds good! Lots of episode hooks that way too!
Mar 20, 2022 1:23 am
It raises some interesting questions I hadn't thought of before. We'll all be in our early 30s, except maybe Bobby is late 20s.

Did any of us end up getting married? Have kids? Did any of us date each other? Have we stayed geographically close to one another, or did some/all of us scatter to the winds? How do we make our livings in the "real" world? Lots of fun things to think about to mine.
Mar 20, 2022 2:10 am
Great questions, @timplausible!

Yeah I love that @annex decided we'll be exploring this arc where we finally made it home but still choose to return to the Realm when we are needed to fight evil. And Bobby would no doubt hate it if he couldn't go back and visit Uni the unicorn!

To our knowledge in this version of the story, is Venger still evil or has he been redeemed like in the finale?

I'd like to think that Bobby eventually reunited with his soulmate and first love, Terri, whom he met in Episode 14, "The Girl who Dreamed Tomorrow"

Last edited March 20, 2022 2:13 am
Mar 20, 2022 2:16 am
No thunder stolen. :) Enjoy these great pics of the D&D kids all grown up by Robson Michel!

20 years have passed since the adventurers first got on the Dungeons & Dragons ride. The artifacts don't function on Earth, no magic from the Realms does. Well... almost none. Each of you can once a day cast a modified version of the spell
[ +- ] Dream of the Blue Veil.
TLDR: You can each travel from Earth to Toril and back for an unlimited amount of time since the great forces of the universe have accepted you all as joint citizens of Earth and Toril. When you arrive on Toril (usually at Presto's tower), your artifacts appear in your hands/on your bodies along with your gear, and they disappear when you arrive on Earth, leaving you in whatever you were wearing when you left. You can't bring anything from either world to the other via this spell. You can't use this spell to access any other planes. As far as you know, it is the only spell that works on Earth but the fact that it does work implies that other spells might also work even though you haven't found any yet that do.

Most of the party live on Earth and visit Toril as they choose or as their help is requested. Presto, however, lives on Toril and visits Earth as he chooses, usually being the one to signal the others that mischief is afoot. He can get to Earth using other powerful teleportation spells if he desires but the Dream of the Blue Veil is his only way back should any portals he opens close.

You've battled Venger less and less frequently over the decades. The redemption you helped him achieve seems to have been short-lived as he returned within a few years to the dark ways which previously damned him. Since Venger's own backsliding and subsequent recorruption of his sister, Karina, you've also seen Dungeon Master less and less as the little man seems to be on a personal quest to find a way to save his children yet again.

Apart from that, you're all free to decide what's happened to you and how you've lived for the past 20 years.
Mar 20, 2022 4:52 am
I'm still around, but I've got an exam I'm taking in the first half of this coming week. I won't be 100% into much until I can clear that from my thoughts.
Mar 20, 2022 4:54 am
Best of luck with the exam, my friend!
Mar 20, 2022 7:07 am
Exam well!
Mar 20, 2022 4:01 pm
Ok. Here's another set of whacky questions. I'm trying to think through the life events between the original cartoon series and the start of this game. So...

How long were we in the D&D Realm before we found our way back? What did our parents think happened to us? Did they think we were kidnapped? Died in an amusement park disaster? Got abducted by aliens? Ran away to join the circus?

What did we tell everyone when we got back? The truth or a cover story? Did we each approach that on our own, or did we decide as a group what we were going to tell all our parents? And did Dungeon Master give us any kind of advice on this topic before we went home that first time?

Or... is there a time dilation difference on one side of the dimensional divide? Like a year in D&D world is only a few days in the real world? This solves the previously-mentioned problems, but creates new ones. Because 20 years of real-world time becomes hundreds or thousands of years in the D&D world. It is kind of neat for empires to rise and fall while we're living our regular lives, but it totally transforms Presto's life in the realms (since he'll be living all those years compared to our 20 - presumably sustained by longevity magic).

Feel free to tell me to stop asking stupid questions at any point. ;)
Last edited March 20, 2022 4:01 pm
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