Dungeons & Dragons: 80s Endgame! [ EDIT ]

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Ranger, Barbarian, Magician, Thief, Cavalier, and Acrobat!
I am Dungeon Master, your guide in the realm of...

You've traveled between Earth and the Realms for years, defeated countless foes, and earned the title of Defender of the Realms. As you've increased in power, so have your enemies. Now your guide and friend, Dungeon Master, has disappeared and only you can find him. Something feels different about this adventure, however, and you know that it may be your last!

✅ Venger! Dungeon Master! Uni! This 5e one shot is based on the 80s D&D cartoon in all its fun and cheesy glory! Expect lots of fighting, intrigue, and hopefully boisterous roleplaying! You don't have to be overly familiar with the cartoon but knowing at least the basics of it will greatly enhance the player and DM experience!

{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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It will be moved to the Retired Games drawer at the bottom of your Games list. You can come back here and unretire it later, if needed.
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✅ Character Gen: Characters start and end at level 20! 27 point buy or standard array. Use any official sources. No Unearthed Arcana. All characters are (variant) human. There are currently six no options!

Hank the Ranger – Ranger – Energy Bow! (Arcane Archer Fighter played by BedzoneII)
Eric the Cavalier – Fighter/Paladin/Cleric – Griffon Shield! (? Cleric played by Shadowace)
Diana the Acrobat - Monk – Javelin Staff! (Drunken Master Monk played by timplausible)
Presto the Magician – Wizard – Hat of Many Spells! (Wizard played by Ezz.)
Sheila the Thief – Rogue – Cloak of Invisibility! (Arcane Trickster Rogue played by RageRed)
Bobby the Barbarian – Barbarian – Thunder Club! (Barbarian played by Jabes.plays.RPG)
•Your characters have lives on Earth but pick up epic weapons and cross dimensions to battle evil on a fairly regular basis. You don't have to play the characters/personalities from the cartoon but their classes/close approximations will be required. Your Rogue can be an Arcane Trickster, an Assassin, a Soulknife... Whatever you prefer. Your characters may even have multiclassed over the years but just have the final product obviously be based on your character of choice. Hank the Ranger seems more like an Arcane Archer, and Eric the Cavalier could easily be a Paladin, Cleric, or Fighter, so just make whatever you come up with awesome and recognizable. Extra DM brownie points will be given to anyone who plays Eric the Cavalier as the sensible individual he really was. :P
•Approximations of the iconic weapons will be provided, and they will be upgraded since these are epic level adventures. In most cases, extra magic items will be provided to collectively aid in this upgrading so I don't have to homebrew too much. These truly powerful weapons are jealous entities which want to be wielded as your sole magic item. Depending on your character, you can have +3 armour and +3 weapons which do not require attunement or have additional properties. You're level 20, you've most likely collected lots of cool things. Specifics and other possible magic items will be discussed once players are selected.

✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency: 5-6 posts a week depending on everyone's schedules. There will be 5 encounters so... 6 months IRL depending on how well you all stomp?

✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes: Just the usual D&D murder and mayhem. This adventure really won't be that deep. If there are any things in particular that are triggering or just icky, please let me know. Things I always avoid: torture and sexual violence.

✅ Specialized Software and Resources: We can have a Discord server if you want but it is not required.

✅ Player Experience Requirements: This is an endgame adventure. Experienced 5e players are probably best for this and to help keep a polite eye out for any DM mistakes. I'd prefer experienced players but I'll gladly take on people who are committed, consistent, fun, polite, and can spelz gud.

✅ About the DM: I started playing D&D with 3.5 and continued through 4e into 5e. My first RL DMing was in 4e, and I've been playing and DMing both 4e and 5e PbP and IRL since 2012. I've only run two level 20 one shots before IRL but those turned out quite well. I'm a proud Lovecraft cultist but this game won't contain any sanity-smashing tentacles. Most likely.

✅ How to Apply: Post character concepts below, your experience with 5e and PbP in general, and a bit about yourself.

✅ LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized groups are always welcome! The DM belongs to two such groups, so the more the merrier!

✅ If you have any questions, let's chat!


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