I haven't played since... somewhere in the 1989-91 timeframe. So it will be just like I never played before. Except that I still consider certain adjectives better than others.
Me: "How was the movie?"
Friend 1: "It was a typical action flick."
Me: "So, like 6 out of 100. Got it."
Friend 1: "Wait, no. It was at least 50/50."
Me: "So it was Amazing. Understood."
Friend 1: "I didn't think it was amazing... I said average. Are you not listening?"
Friend 2: "I thought it was excellent!"
Me: "Oh, so like 20/100."
Friend 2: "What? No. More like 70-80 out of 100."
Me: "Ah, so it was Monstrous. Got it."
Friend 2: "You're confusing me."
Friends 1: "Don't become a movie critic."
For whatever reason, the original MSH adjectives have stuck with me my whole life long. I like them better than Fudge and Fate's ladders, and *still* have all the numbers and words stuck in my head...
For whatever reason, the original MSH adjectives have stuck with me my whole life long. I like them better than Fudge and Fate's ladders, and *still* have all the numbers and words stuck in my head...
It must have been my impressionable young age, because 100% same.
Preferences for those interested:
1. Straight up generic Marvel world
2. MCU style campaign
3. Comedic world (like The Incredibles)
4. Nightmares of Futures Past
5. Something historic, like a WWII game
6. Something else…
#2 sounds like the most fun to me, since it isn't as thick with supers as the the comics world. Now that the MCU has gone all multiverse, alternate-universe settings become an option. #6 could be "Marvel IN SPACE", ala Guardians of the Galaxy.