Give me a day or so to put a few tables together; we'll complete all rolls here in the thread once I've glued all the sources into something uniform and neat.
Character Generation
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Give me a day or so to put a few tables together; we'll complete all rolls here in the thread once I've glued all the sources into something uniform and neat.
I anxiously await the crazy, GM-generated tables.
Players begin with the option to use one of the following to roll their Physical Form/Origin:
• Ultimate Powers (Marvel Phile updated - corrected)
• Necromancer's Character Creation Compendium (Netbook - all sorts of goodies - I recommend)
• Marvel Bronze Age (An incomplete attempt of mine to expand on FASERIP, much like Necromancers' more successful approach)
Once a Physical Form or Origin (or both, depending) have been established, abilities are rolled under their corresponding column (which depends on what source you have chosen for your PF/O). Abilities will begin at their lowest number within the rank; Good will be Good (8) rather than Good (10). Advancement will be house rule'd to allow quicker ability rank increases (more on this later).
Where one rolls their character's powers will be picked from the following:
• Ultimate Powers (Marvel Phile)
• Necromancer's Character Creation Compendium
• Technohol 13's power chart (online - fantastic contribution to FASERIP)
• Slay's Wild Table (containing many - thousands - of experimental ideas for powers as well as powers pulled from countless recognizable sources).
Talents are rolled using the Ultimate Talents netbook found on classicmarvelforever; conversely, if you have an idea for a talent run it by me and I'm sure we can include it.
Contacts are chosen by the player.
No need to have any of the material in front of you as I'll do the veiled hand-rubbing and villainous heh-heh'ing as I conjure up your results. Just provide your rolls in the thread via the dice widget.
Players may create up to two characters and choose one to play.
Agility: Typical (5)
Strength: Typical (5)
Endurance: Typical (5)
Reason: Typical (5)
Intuition: Good (8)
Psyche: Poor (3)
Resources: Typical (5)
Popularity: Feeble (1)
Health: 23
Karma: 16
Powers: 6/8
Talents: 2/4
Contacts: 2/6
extra strength and speed would be evident (+2CS Strength and Endurance). Unfortunately, since the hero is normally moving in water, he overcompensates on dry land (-2CS Agility). Water Freedom also negates the effects of great pressure and allows the hero to travel to the depths of the oceans without harm.
I probably need to pick some kind of offensive power from the optionals available, otherwise he sort of doesn't do much. He can make the area dark, and psychically project his voice and hearing, and swim real good (just like a bat!) but I think he should probably pick up Shadowshaping so he can use his darkness to slap people around too. Thoughts?
Physical Form/Origin - (1d100)
(57) = 57
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(76) = 76
Fighting - (1d100)
(81) = 81
Agility - (1d100)
(53) = 53
Strength - (1d100)
(37) = 37
Endurance - (1d100)
(36) = 36
Reason - (1d100)
(51) = 51
Intuition - (1d100)
(81) = 81
Psyche - (1d100)
(22) = 22
Resources - (1d100)
(72) = 72
Number of Powers - (1d100)
(71) = 71
Number of Talents - (1d100)
(51) = 51
Number of Contacts - (1d100)
(65) = 65
Power 1 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (59) = 59
1d100 : (92) = 92
Power 2 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (20) = 20
1d100 : (81) = 81
Power 3 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (96) = 96
1d100 : (48) = 48
Power 4 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (7) = 7
1d100 : (51) = 51
Power 5 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (21) = 21
1d100 : (18) = 18
Power 6 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (77) = 77
1d100 : (41) = 41
Talent 1 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (10) = 10
1d100 : (14) = 14
Talent 2 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (69) = 69
1d100 : (81) = 81
Agility: Remarkable (26)
Strength: Remarkable (26)
Endurance: Amazing (46)
Reason: Remarkable (26)
Intuition: Poor (3)
Psyche: Poor (3)
Resources: Poor
Health: 134
Karma: 41
• Forming cages or barriers.
• Forming servants to perform desired tasks.
• Creating Body Armor to protect and enhance the hero's abilities.
• At high levels, the hero can build semi-permanent structures at will. Pieces that are "broken off" from the matrix immediately revert to their original energy form, doing -4CS damage to the vandal. Optional Powers include any Energy Emission or Energy Control Power.
Power Rank: Remarkable
gain an advantage). Also, the attacker will be aware of the protector's mental presence.
Power Rank: Typical
left with a finite supply of Magic. The amount of raw Magic he has left is the number of points equal to his Psyche rank. Each spell he casts depletes that reservoir by the Effects rank number. Obviously, it is in the Mage's best interests to renew his link or repair the Source as quickly as possible. As you are beginning to suspect, this isn't really a Power but is more like a restraint. Take heart, because it is also a freebie. Mark this down on an additional slot on your sheet and roll again for an additional Power.
Power Rank: Excellent
• Fear: Anyone whose mind has had fear instilled into it has to make a Psyche FEAT roll or suffer a -1CS penalty to any future attempts to do the hero any harm due to fear. If the victim is affected by the fear, the victim's Psyche decides how long the character will be affected.
Power Rank: Remarkable
humans. The being a hero summons today might hold a grudge against him for eons to come.
Power Rank: Excellent
Physical Form/Origin - (1d100)
(100) = 100
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(100) = 100
Fighting - (1d100)
(71) = 71
Agility - (1d100)
(67) = 67
Strength - (1d100)
(62) = 62
Endurance - (1d100)
(88) = 88
Reason - (1d100)
(63) = 63
Intuition - (1d100)
(20) = 20
Psyche - (1d100)
(18) = 18
Resources - (1d100)
(18) = 18
Number of powers - (1d100)
(43) = 43
Number of talents - (1d100)
(15) = 15
Number of contacts - (1d100)
(74) = 74
Number of forms - (1d100)
(9) = 9
Weakness - (1d100)
(29) = 29
Weakness Effect - (1d100)
(1) = 1
Weakness Duration - (1d100)
(46) = 46
Power 1 Category - (1d100)
(15) = 15
Power 1 - (1d100)
(49) = 49
Power 2 Category - (1d100)
(59) = 59
Power 2 - (1d100)
(80) = 80
Power 3 Category - (1d100)
(37) = 37
Power 3 - (1d100)
(10) = 10
Power 4 Category - (1d100)
(59) = 59
Power 4 - (1d100)
(30) = 30
Power 1 Level - (1d100)
(59) = 59
Power Level 2 - (1d100)
(40) = 40
Power Level 3 - (1d100)
(50) = 50
Power Level 4 - (1d100)
(70) = 70
Extra Power Category - (1d100)
(33) = 33
Extra Power - (1d100)
(99) = 99
Extra Power Level - (1d100)
(42) = 42
Physical Form: Cyborg/Exoskeleton
Origin of Power: Chemical Exposure (hmm... gonna take some thinkin' to mix these two)
F - Incredible (36)
A - Excellent (16)
S - Amazing (46)
E - Amazing (46)
R - Good (8)
I - Remarkable (26)
P - Good (8)
Wowzers. That's some good (and surprisingly consistent) Fighting, Strength, and Endurance.
I'll be honest, despite having played this back in the day, I'm finding the rules for generating Resources and Popularity unclear. Both are rolled for, but is it the same column as the primary abilities? That's what I'm guessing. If that's wrong, GM, please correct me.
Health = 144
Karma = 42
Resources = Good (16)
Popularity = Incredible (36)
Weakness Stimulus - Energy Depletion
Weakness Effect - Fatal
Weakness Duration - Limited Duration on Contact
Limited Duration on Contact with a Fatal Effect requires some thinking to mesh. I'll save that thinking for later.
Number of Powers: 3/5
Power Class: Illusion
Specific Power: Illusion Casting (Note: Counts as 2 Powers)
Power Rank: Good (8)
I'm going to fill this slot with an Illusion Casting optional power
Power: Energy Solidification
Power Rank: Incredible (36)
Number of Talents: 1/6
Talent 1 - Class: Medicine
Talent 1 - Specific Talent: Sports Medicine
Number of Contacts: ZERO. You get NO contacts!
Well, then. I don't know what to make of this guy. Love his primary stats. But I'm not a huge fan of playing illusionists. Some people love that flexibility, as well as the ability to really make the GM's life difficult. However, I think I'm gonna roll a second character to see if I like that one better.
Physical Form - (1d100)
(67) = 67
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(81) = 81
Fighting - (1d100)
(85) = 85
Agility - (1d100)
(44) = 44
Strength - (1d100)
(96) = 96
Endurance - (1d100)
(96) = 96
Reason - (1d100)
(22) = 22
Intuition - (1d100)
(63) = 63
Psyche - (1d100)
(25) = 25
Resources - (1d100)
(39) = 39
Popularity - (1d100)
(89) = 89
Weakness Stimulus - (1d100)
(77) = 77
Weakness Effect - (1d100)
(100) = 100
Weakness Duration - (1d100)
(54) = 54
Number of Powers - (1d100)
(34) = 34
Power 1: Power Class - (1d100)
(30) = 30
Power 1: Specific Power - (1d100)
(35) = 35
Power 1: Rank - (1d100)
(32) = 32
Power 2: Rank - (1d100)
(83) = 83
Number of Talents - (1d100)
(35) = 35
Talent 1: Class - (1d100)
(66) = 66
Talent 1: Specific Talent - (1d100)
(91) = 91
Number of Contacts - (1d100)
(1) = 1
Physical Form: Robot - Metamorphic Holy crap. It's a Transformer!
Origin of Power: Endowment
Form 1 Physical Abilities:
F - Remarkable (26)
A - Feeble (1)
S - Typical (5)
E - Amazing (46)
Form 2 Physical Abilities:
F - Remarkable (26)
A - Incredible (36)
S - Good (21)
E - Incredible (36)
Mental Abilities:
R - Monstrous (63)
I - Monstrous (63)
P - Poor (3)
Holy Super-genius, Batman!
It's not entirely clear, but it seems like each form has its own Health stat.
Form 1 Health = 78
Form 2 Health = 119
Karma = 129
Resources = Remarkable (26) -> Good (8) -> Poor (3? Reduced to gain extra powers
Popularity = Amazing (46)
Weakness Stimulus - No inherent weakness
Weakness Effect - n/a (ignore roll)
Weakness Duration - n/a (ignore roll)
Power Class: Physical Enhancement
Specific Power: Regeneration (counts as 2 powers)
Power Rank: Incredible (36)
Power Class: Energy Control
Specific Power: Fire Control
Power Rank: Excellent (16)
Filling this slot with the Fire Control optional power of Fire Generation
Power Class: Energy Emission
Specific Power: Fire Generation
Power Rank: Incredible (36)
Power Class: Fighting
Specific Power: Weapon Tinkering
Power Rank: Feeble (3) -> Typical (5)
Weapon Tinkering Specialty: Energy Weapons
Cool power. Almost useless rank. I'm going to bump it up 2 ranks by specializing (per the power description)
Replacing this power with a transportation/travel power per the Energy Sheath description. I think I get to choose what kind? I'm going True Flight, ala the Human Torch and his energy sheath + flight.
Power Class: Travel
Specific Power: True Flight
Power Rank: Typical (5)
Power Class: Matter Control
Specific Power: Geo Force
Power Rank: Remarkable (26)
Hmm... this seems way out of left field. I think I'm going to replace it with an Optional Power from Fire Control -> Energy Sheath (fire)
Power Class: Self Alteration
Specific Power: Energy Sheath (Fire)
Power Rank: Good
Number of Talents: 1
Talent 1 - Class: Fighting Skills
Talent 1 - Specific Talent: Exhibition Ok. Weird.
Number of Contacts: 2
Physical Form - (1d100)
(78) = 78
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(34) = 34
Fighting - Form 1 - (1d100)
(55) = 55
Agility - Form 1 - (1d100)
(4) = 4
Strength - Form 1 - (1d100)
(13) = 13
Endurance - Form 1 - (1d100)
(93) = 93
Fighting - Form 2 - (1d100)
(53) = 53
Agility - Form 2 - (1d100)
(80) = 80
Strength - Form 2 - (1d100)
(21) = 21
Endurance - Form 2 - (1d100)
(82) = 82
Reason - (1d100)
(100) = 100
Intuition - (1d100)
(99) = 99
Psyche - (1d100)
(6) = 6
Resources - (1d100)
(63) = 63
Popularity - (1d100)
(95) = 95
Weakness Stimulus - (1d100)
(25) = 25
Weakness Effect - (1d100)
(1) = 1
Weakness Duration - (1d100)
(13) = 13
Number of Powers - (1d100)
(48) = 48
Power 1: Power Class - (1d100)
(84) = 84
Power 1: Specific Power - (1d100)
(74) = 74
Power 1: Rank - (1d100)
(88) = 88
Power 2: Power Class - (1d100)
(15) = 15
Power 2: Specific Power - (1d100)
(62) = 62
Power 2: Rank - (1d100)
(33) = 33
Power 3: Rank - (1d100)
(83) = 83
Power 4: Power Class - (1d100)
(29) = 29
Power 4: Specific Power - (1d100)
(96) = 96
Power 4: Rank - (1d100)
(3) = 3
Power 5: Power Class - (1d100)
(43) = 43
Power 5: Specific Power - (1d100)
(57) = 57
Power 5: Rank - (1d100)
(70) = 70
Energy Sheath Modifier Table Roll - (1d100)
(50) = 50
Number of Talents - (1d100)
(17) = 17
Talent Class - (1d100)
(55) = 55
Specific Talent - (1d100)
(12) = 12
Number of Contacts - (1d100)
(66) = 66
True Flight Rank - (1d100)
(15) = 15
Necromancer's Compendium seems like a really nice collation of materials, so I'll do that as well.
I... seem to have hit a hitch. My power roll was 22, and 13-26 is a line that I think is supposed to exist but doesn't? Judging by the way the chart is it'd either be 2/4 or 1/5 or 2/5 or something, but I'll leave that up to the GM.
Physical Form: Demihuman - Lamian
Origin of Power: Self Achievment
Fighting: Typical
Agility: Good
Strength: Typical
Endurance: Good
Reason: Good
Intuition: Good
Psyche: Excellent
Health: 26
Karma: 32
Resources: Excellent - > Feeble (Burned for two extra powers)
Popularity: 0
Power Class: Energy Control
Power: Shadowshaping
Power Rank: Remarkable (26)
Power Class: Defensive
Power: Null Field
Power Class: Self-Alteration
Power: Energy Body
Power Rank: Incredible
Power Class: Matter Conversion
Power: Corrosive Missile
Power Class: Energy Emission
Power: Shadowcasting
Power Rank: Monstrous
Talent 1 Class: Other
Talent 1: Trivia ("Strange Beast" Trivia, knowledge of bizarre, supernatural, and alien creatures, along with cryptids)
Talent 2 Class: Chemistry
Talent 2: Organic Chemistry
Contact 1:
Contact 2:
Contact 3:
Physical Form - (1d100)
(59) = 59
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(26) = 26
Fighting - (1d100)
(20) = 20
Agility - (1d100)
(68) = 68
Strength - (1d100)
(13) = 13
Endurance - (1d100)
(65) = 65
Reason - (1d100)
(76) = 76
Intuition - (1d100)
(76) = 76
Psyche - (1d100)
(85) = 85
Venomous or not [1-50 Not, 51-00 Am] - (1d100)
(10) = 10
Resources - (1d100)
(90) = 90
Weakness - (1d100)
(41) = 41
Weakness Effect - (1d100)
(13) = 13
Weakness Duration - (1d100)
(59) = 59
# of Powers - (1d100)
(22) = 22
# Talents - (1d100)
(43) = 43
# Contacts - (1d100)
(76) = 76
Talent 1 Class - (1d100)
(79) = 79
Talent 1 Talent - (1d100)
(97) = 97
Talent 2 Class - (1d100)
(26) = 26
Talent 2 Talent - (1d100)
(63) = 63
Power 1 Class - (1d100)
(16) = 16
Power 1 Power - (1d100)
(90) = 90
Power 1 Rank - (1d100)
(57) = 57
Secret Roll
Power 2 Class - (1d100)
(42) = 42
Power 2 Power - (1d100)
(47) = 47
Power 2 Rank - (1d100)
(4) = 4
Power 3 Class - (1d100)
(4) = 4
Power 3 Power - (1d100)
(42) = 42
Power 3 Rank - (1d100)
(77) = 77
Power 4 Class - (1d100)
(49) = 49
Power 4 Power - (1d100)
(30) = 30
Power 4 Rank - (1d100)
(99) = 99
Well, both of them are interesting, the dice kinda F'd me in the backside on any kind of coherency, but honestly I wasn't expecting any of that. By far the hardest part of playing FASERIP by far is making an idea that makes the disparate stats, talents, and powers make sense.
Physical Form/Origin: Energy Body
Origin of Power: Endowment
Fighting: Poor
Agility: Typical
Strength: Amazing
Endurance: Good
Reason: Poor
Intuition: Amazing
Psyche: Poor
Health: 62
Karma: 52
Resources: Amazing (-4 CS for 2 extra powers) -> Good
Popularity: Typical
Power Category: Energy Emission
Specific Power: Sonic Generation
Power Rank: Good (8)
Power Class: Mental Enhancement
Power: Iron Will
Power Class: Mental Enhancement
Power: Telekinesis (Bonus Power from Kinetic Control)
Power Rank: Excellent (16)
Power Class: Energy Control
Power: Vibration Control
Power Rank: Remarkable (26)
Power Class: Energy Control
Power: Kinetic Control
Power Rank: Incredible (36)
Power Class: Matter Control
Power: Geoforce
Power Class: Travel
Power: True Flight (Bonus Power from Telekinesis)
Power Rank: Incredible (36)
Power Class: Energy Emission
Power: Vibration
Power Rank: Excellent (16)
Talent 1 Class: Weapons
Talent 1: Weapons Master (I'm... I'm sorry what?)
Talent 2 Class: Astronomy
Talent 2: Astronautics
Talent 3 Class: Physics
Talent 3: Acoustics
After futzing around with the bonus powers, I think I can actually come up with something coherent for this one. That finite power weakness is a harsh one, and I'll admit it makes me skittish. But that's more of a "Once bitten, twice shy" kind of thing: The last time I rolled Finite Limit the GM decided that the 'limitation' was basically that my power number would go down by 1 every time I used it, permanently, with no 'recharge' mechanism other than spending Karma to level it back to where it was.
Physical Form - (1d100)
(96) = 96
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(31) = 31
Fighting - (1d100)
(11) = 11
Agility - (1d100)
(25) = 25
Strength - (1d100)
(89) = 89
Endurance - (1d100)
(37) = 37
Reason - (1d100)
(17) = 17
Intuition - (1d100)
(83) = 83
Psyche - (1d100)
(15) = 15
Weakness - (1d100)
(91) = 91
Weakness Effect - (1d100)
(8) = 8
Weakness Duration - (1d100)
(61) = 61
# Powers - (1d100)
(49) = 49
Resources that I definitely didn't forget to roll - (1d100)
(84) = 84
Power 1 Class - (1d100)
(70) = 70
Power 1 Power - (1d100)
(49) = 49
Power 1 Rank - (1d100)
(49) = 49
Power 2 Class - (1d100)
(14) = 14
Power 2 Power - (1d100)
(100) = 100
Power 3 Rank - (1d100)
(57) = 57
Power 3 Class - (1d100)
(12) = 12
Power 3 Power - (1d100)
(69) = 69
Power 3 Rank - (1d100)
(78) = 78
Power 4 Class - (1d100)
(74) = 74
Power 4 Power - (1d100)
(13) = 13
Power 4 Rank - (1d100)
(24) = 24
# Talents - (1d100)
(77) = 77
Talent 1 Class - (1d100)
(94) = 94
Talent 1 Talent - (1d100)
(96) = 96
Talent 2 Class - (1d100)
(12) = 12
Talent 2 Talent - (1d100)
(18) = 18
Talent 3 Class - (1d100)
(82) = 82
Talent 3 Talent - (1d100)
(15) = 15
# Contacts - (1d100)
(2) = 2
Popularity - (1d100)
(25) = 25
Power 5 Class - (1d100)
(46) = 46
Power 5 Power - (1d100)
(58) = 58
Power 5 Rank - (1d100)
(82) = 82
Power 6 Class - (1d100)
(17) = 17
Power 6 Power - (1d100)
(97) = 97
Power 6 Rank - (1d100)
(43) = 43
Now I need to put some thought into its two forms.
Since everyone else has used Necromancer's CCC I'll use that for my first character and then for my second I propose using Marvel Bronze Age followed by Slay's Wild Table and Ultimate Talents.
Skeletals gain +1CS Resistance to Physical Attacks. At least one Contact should be the organization responsible for the modification. All Modified Humans gain one less Power initially.
late Whizzer gained his Power after consecutive injections of cobra venom and mongoose blood.
Agility: Incredible (36)
Strength: Typical (5)
Endurance: Incredible (36)
Reason: Excellent (16)
Intuition: Poor (3)
Psyche: Amazing (46)
Karma: 65
Resources: Excellent (16)
Popularity: Remarkable (26)
are due to the hero's instinctive belief in those results. Examples include being physically bound, even if the hero could normally snap the
binding material; facing a foe covered in a specific color; or feeling extremely confused. Psychological Weaknesses can be temporarily overcome by an Unearthly Intensity Psyche FEAT. They can be permanently overcome by a Shift Z Intensity Psyche FEAT.
The hero becomes physically ill after exposure to the Stimulus. Beginning with the initial contact, the hero loses one point of Health per turn. This loss continues for the Duration of the Effect. Death will eventually occur if Health and (subsequently) Endurance drop to zero during the Weakness Duration. The hero can be revived if proper medical attention is given, but only after his Health and Endurance have both reached zero. The hero retains his Powers but finds it harder to use them as his condition worsens.
The Effect begins immediately upon contact with the Stimulus. However, the Effect only functions for a limited amount of time. After that time elapses, the hero is assumed to have either built up a temporary immunity to the Stimulus or the Stimulus has\ discharged its
Effect. In either case, the Stimulus cannot further affect the hero. Duration is 1 -100 turns after initial Contact. The Judge makes a\ random die roll to determine this.
Category: DT32/Telescopic Vision
Rank: Excellent (16) - 25,000 miles
Range column E. The hero's eyes can focus on extremely distant targets, objects too small for normal vision to perceive. The eyes function as telescopes, magnifying normal visual images. With his Power, the hero can see anything in his line of sight, even the surfaces of distant worlds. However, the Power is limited by the speed of light. mages of Alpha Centauri, for example, are five years old. If the hero has other vision based Powers, he can couple them with Telescopic vision to extend their range. When using this Power, the distant objects appear very close. An adversary with a means of altering the hero's control over this Power might make the Telescopic Vision continually override the hero's normal sight. The effect would be disastrous (imagine trying to walk through Manhattan when all you're seeing are the sands of Mars).
Category: EE18/Vibration
Rank: Incredible (36)
The hero can generate non-audible vibrations. These can alter existing harmonics, effectively negating any sonic- or vocal based Power. The hero can cause tremors at Power rank range and damage. The Power can even be used to incapacitate living targets; effects can vary from motion sickness (nausea and vomiting) to death by internal\ hemorrhaging. This Power includes Resistance to Vibratory attacks. Optional
Powers include Vibration Control and Sonic Generation. Some possible Power Stunts include:
• Forming a vibratory shield that can provide up to +2CS protection. The vibrations make the hero harder to hit as weapons are thrust aside by the field. At higher ranks it can even cause the weapon's own structure to collapse.
• Negating vocal powers by sending the hero's own vibrations into the target's larynx. For example, your hero could reduce Lorelei's song to a gurgle.
• Throwing machinery out of kilter by vibrating delicate components.
The hero is well versed in the study of cancer and gains a +1 CS bonus when treating or researching.
The science of the construction and design of vehicles for travel in space beyond Earth's atmosphere. A hero with this Talent can not
only research these things but can also attempt to build such vehicles, and is even at a +1 CS bonus to do so.
A +1 CS on matters involving the Earth, including volcanic activity, the geology of the surrounding land, types of rocks and their powers, and mineral identification.
Physical Form - (1d100)
(42) = 42
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(76) = 76
Fighting - (1d100)
(88) = 88
Agility - (1d100)
(86) = 86
Strength - (1d100)
(11) = 11
Endurance - (1d100)
(89) = 89
Reason - (1d100)
(50) = 50
Intuition - (1d100)
(9) = 9
Psyche - (1d100)
(98) = 98
Resources - (1d100)
(41) = 41
Popularity - (1d100)
(68) = 68
Weakness - (1d100)
(98) = 98
Effect - (1d100)
(95) = 95
Duration - (1d100)
(56) = 56
Powers - (1d100)
(40) = 40
Power 1 Class, Category - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (7) = 7
1d100 : (88) = 88
Power 1 Rank - (1d100)
(42) = 42
Power 2 Class - (1d100)
(24) = 24
Power 2 Category - (1d100)
(92) = 92
Power 2 Rank - (1d100)
(88) = 88
Number Talents - (1d100)
(78) = 78
Talent 1 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (65) = 65
1d100 : (48) = 48
Talent 2 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (11) = 11
1d100 : (9) = 9
Talent 3 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (42) = 42
1d100 : (26) = 26
Contacts - (1d100)
(38) = 38
Agility: Amazing (46)
Strength: Amazing (46)
Endurance: Monstrous (63)
Reason: Typical (5)
Intuition: Good (8)
Psyche: Good (8)
Health: 171
Karma: 23
Resources: Excellent (16)
Popularity: Typical (5)
The hero becomes physically ill after exposure to the Stimulus. Beginning with the initial contact, the hero loses one point of Health per turn. This loss continues for the Duration of the Effect. However, the loss stops when Health reaches zero; this Effect does not directly kill the hero. The hero retains his Powers but finds it harder to use them as his condition worsens.
As long as the hero remains within the effective range of the Stimulus, the Effect continues. When the hero is insulated or moved away from the Stimulus, the Effect immediately ceases. Lost Health points are returned at a rate of 2 per turn. If death has occurred, the hero now has the possibility of being revived.
I really like this one. Pretty simple, but full of flavour. A nigh-indestructible blob which mostly likes grabbing people, but whose control is so fine that it can enter a wound and rebuild tissue at the molecular level. I'm calling her Aqua Regia. I think it makes sense if she has her "allergy" to any of the alkali metals. :)
So normally, a liquid life form can only make itself humanoid if it has Excellent or better Psyche, but Molecular Instability gives the hero near-total control over their form, including looking like anyone they want. What's the interaction with these two - can Aqua make herself look human and walk around like a normal person, or is her body too liquid-y?
Physical Form/Origin - (1d100)
(95) = 95
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(17) = 17
Fighting - (1d100)
(47) = 47
Agility - (1d100)
(87) = 87
Strength - (1d100)
(89) = 89
Endurance - (1d100)
(100) = 100
Reason - (1d100)
(30) = 30
Intuition - (1d100)
(33) = 33
Psyche - (1d100)
(37) = 37
Resources - (1d100)
(46) = 46
Popularity - (1d100)
(21) = 21
Number of Powers - (1d100)
(41) = 41
Number of Talents - (1d100)
(38) = 38
Power #1 - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (51) = 51
1d100 : (96) = 96
1d100 : (70) = 70
Power #2 - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (74) = 74
1d100 : (46) = 46
1d100 : (80) = 80
Talent - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (58) = 58
1d100 : (33) = 33
Weakness (Stimulus, Effect, Duration) - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (57) = 57
1d100 : (67) = 67
1d100 : (6) = 6
Prometheus has 2 forms.
Form 1: The first form is a short, cute humanoid robot that looks very much like the kinds of real-world robots currently being built for entertainment/education purposes. I'm specifically thinking he looks a lot like the NAO robots from France (only taller - he's about 4' tall in this form):

Form 2: When Prometheus transforms, his internal body structure and limbs elongate. The outer plates change shape somewhat, but do not grow as much, revealing internal workings. Those workings include the flame projectors and fire-field controllers. In this form, Prometheus is approximately 7 feet tall, and looks something like this (when his energy sheath isn't activated):

I'm toying with the idea of giving Prometheus a "secret identity" of sorts, in that the public does not know that Form 1 and Form 2 are the same robot. In this case, Form 1 would be a semi-well known sentient robot while Form 2 would be a mysterious hero. This is TBD though.
Lastly, I'm thinking of assigning the Regeneration power to Form 1. This would actually be kind of a weakness, in that Form 2 is the one likely to be the combat form, and having to transform back to heal would be inconvenient at best. However, it's such a different power from the rest that it makes some sense to me. Like he shrinks back down and takes all the other systems offline so that his self-repair mechanisms can power up.
Don't have much of a backstory for this guy yet. Need to figure out the "Endowment" angle, as well as generally how/why he was created and by whom. Likewise need to come up with his motivations for super-heroing. But the creative juices are flowing!
Agility: Good (8)
Strength: Good (8)
Endurance: Typical (5)
Reason: Good (8)
Intuition: Excellent (16)
Psyche: Good (8)
Health: 92
Karma: 32
Resources: Typical (5)
Popularity: Poor, +1 CS to Typical (5)
The hero's Powers cease to function when the hero is within 20 feet of the stimulus. The hero's Primary Abilities are also affected; these drop -1CS per 10 turns until a minimum rank of Typical is reached for all of them. If the hero is beyond the 20-foot limit but tries to use his Powers to affect the Stimulus, certain uses of Power automatically fail. Any Power that directly acts on a target cannot affect a Stimulus. Only Powers that indirectly affect the Stimulus succeed, such as using brute force to lob missiles at the Stimulus.
The Effect is continuous with Contact and also lasts for a limited time after the hero is no longer exposed to the Stimulus. Duration is 1-100 turns after the hero's contact, with the Stimulus is broken. The Judge may either randomly determine this or develop his own criteria.
Abnormal Sensitivity (Remarkable): The hero's senses function in their normal manner but their normal range of sensitivity is altered. The senses detect what they normally cannot and cannot detect what they normally can. This affects either vision or hearing. In the former
case, the hero sees infrared and ultraviolet light, radio waves, and radiation. In the latter case, the hero hears extremely high and low pitches. This may be considered a handicapped human character while for aliens this could be a fact of life. A hero can turn it into an advantage by devising a means of negating the senses of his adversary that doesn't hinder his own altered senses.
Weakness Creation** (Poor): The hero can bestow a weakness on a victim that is just as dangerous as if the victim as always possessed that Weakness. The hero must make a Power FEAT whose Intensity is determined by the victim's Psyche. Success means the hero has temporarily mangled the victim's physiology and given him a new Weakness. The player randomly generates the nature of the Weakness using the Tables in the early sections of this book. The duration of the Weakness is determined by a separate Reason FEAT made at the time the Weakness is created. A green FEAT gives a duration of 10 turns times the Reason rank number. A yellow FEAT increases that to 1000 turns times the Reason rank number. A red FEAT further increases that to 10,000 turns times the Reason rank number. At the expiration of the duration, the victim returns to normal, unless he has died in such a way he cannot be revived. This is the final Power that Judges should probably restrict to NPCs or high-level characters.
Kinetic Bolt (Remarkable): This is a crude form of Telekinesis. The hero can strike a target with a surge of force at Power rank range and damage. The Kinetic Bolt can be shaped as desired by the hero. It can be a wide cylinder or an incredibly fine needle. Its effect is the same as if the target had been struck by a solid object of equal material strength. This Power can affect only tangible materials. It includes Resistance to Kinetic Bolts, Kinetic Control, or Telekinesis. Optional Powers are Kinetic Control and Telekinesis, which are also the Nemesis Powers.
Carrier Wave (Typical): The hero can manipulate energy currents to support and propel his body, thus attaining a form of Flight. The energy can be any type found in the hero's environment, such as magnetism, sound, light, heat, and electricity. The hero can use only one form; the player has to decide which one when he creates the hero. The Carrier Wave can support the hero and an additional load equal to its Power rank in terms of Strength. For example, Magneto's Remarkable rank enables him to tow up to a ton of material. The carrier wave is
temporarily solid and visible. Flight occurs at Power rank speed. The maximum speed is that of normal energy of the type composing the wave. For example, a sonic carrier wave is limited to Shift-X speed. It is limited to areas where that energy exists. As the limits of that energy's domain are reached, it becomes weaker and finally fizzles out. The hero continues to move in a ballistic arc before he finally crashes. Carrier waves can be affected by the appropriate Energy Emission and Control Powers. Emission can change the speed or direction of the hero's travel. The Intensity of an opposing Energy Power decreases this Power's rank. A supporting Energy Power adds its Intensity to the Power rank. Example: Lodestone possesses Incredible Magnetic Manipulation. He tries to stop Magneto from flying away. Lodestone's Incredible rank decreases Magneto's Remarkable rank to -10. Magneto comes to an inaudible screeching halt and begins to fly in reverse at Good speed. The Optional Power is Energy Detection and an Energy Control Power of the same type as the Carrier Wave. The Nemesis is the appropriate Energy Control.
Resist Diseases (Good): The individual with this resistance is less susceptible to disease than other heroes with the same Endurance. Included are common diseases, as well as the effects of biological warfare and vampirism. The individual's rank in this Power is no less than one rank above the individual's Endurance. (Any roll of less than that rank should be raised to the Endurance Rank +1CS.)
Energy Doppelganger (Typical): The hero can generate an Energy Body from his own body. This Doppelganger can have Powers of its own, including those characteristic to the type of energy of which the Doppelganger is composed. The Doppelganger automatically has the Power of True Flight, While the player can decide which Powers are possessed by whom, a rule of thumb is that the majority of physical Powers are assigned to the Doppelganger. The player must also decide whether the Doppelganger is simply an extension of the hero's will or if it has an independent, but obedient, mind. If the player chooses the latter he raises the Power rank +1CS; he can raise it another +1CS by having the lapse into unconsciousness when he uses the Power since his mind is directly tied into maintaining the Doppelganger's existence. Any damage to the Doppelganger is subtracted from the hero's Psyche. Rank determines the duration of the Doppelganger and the minimum Powers it possesses. Normally the hero can generate only one Doppelganger at a time. At extremely high ranks, the hero can generate additional Doppelgangers. The number is equal to 1% of the Power rank number (round up). For example, at Class 1000 rank the hero can create 10 simultaneous beings. Such beings have a decreased Resistance (-2CS) to plasma-based attacks since these disrupt the energy field that forms the Doppelganger. They possess an increased Resistance (+4CS) to attacks based on Light, Heat, Flame, Vibrations, and Sonic since they have no solid mass to affect. The Nemesis Power is Plasma Control.
Sonic Generation (Excellent): The hero can generate intense sound and make attacks of Power rank range and damage. This Power can generate frequencies normally inaudible. The hero can disrupt other sound-based Powers by creating dissonance as his harmonics clash with the second Power's harmonics. The hero's own rank is subtracted from the target harmonic's Intensity. Optional Powers include Sonic Control, Vibration, and Vibration Control. Nemeses are this Power itself and the three just listed. The Power needs a medium to carry the
sound, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid. It cannot function in a vacuum unless the hero is touching a solid through which he can transmit his Power. This Power can be used in tandem with the Power of Speech Throwing to permit Sonic Generation to affect even unconnected targets in a vacuum.
Wings (Monstrous):The hero can fly through air and space without an apparent means of propulsion. This is the most desired Power in the history of the world. The Power rank determines the maximum speed the hero can attain in a specific condition. There are three mediums in which a hero can fly. The slowest form of Flight occurs when the hero torpedoes through the water at the Water Movement rate.
Faster speed occurs when the hero flies through the air at the Air Movement rate. The fastest flight occurs when the hero is free of any hindering atmospheric friction; this is the Space Movement rate. Acceleration occurs at a rate of +1CS per turn. Deceleration occurs at -2CS per turn. The hero's maneuverability is determined by his Agility. The hero may be able to surpass light speed but if he has Feeble Agility he is going to need a wide turning radius. True Flight includes as a side effect Power rank resistance to atmospheric friction and lungs adapted to breathe high-velocity wind. It does not include the ability to breathe water or survive the rigors of outer space. When creating the hero, the player can define the Power in any way that is consistent with the character or his equipment. Optional Powers include Body Resistance, Armor Skin, Self Sustenance, and Telekinesis. The Nemesis is Gravity Manipulation.
Physical Form/Origin - (1d100)
(55) = 55
Origin of Power - (1d100)
(91) = 91
Fighting - (1d100)
(53) = 53
Agility - (1d100)
(73) = 73
Strength - (1d100)
(71) = 71
Endurance - (1d100)
(17) = 17
Reason - (1d100)
(53) = 53
Intuition - (1d100)
(86) = 86
Psyche - (1d100)
(46) = 46
Resources - (1d100)
(27) = 27
Popularity (+1 CS) - (1d100)
(9) = 9
Stimulus/Effect/Duration - (1d100;1d100;1d100)
(56) + (28) + (77) = 161
Number of Powers/Talents/Contacts - (1d100;1d100;1d100)
(86) + (45) + (21) = 152
Power 1 and Level - (1d100;1d100)
(72) + (100) = 172
Power 1 Power - (1d100)
(6) = 6
Power 2 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (11) = 11
1d100 : (1) = 1
1d100 : (65) = 65
Power 3 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (87) = 87
1d100 : (95) = 95
1d100 : (7) = 7
Power 4 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (17) = 17
1d100 : (56) = 56
1d100 : (52) = 52
Power 5 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (96) = 96
1d100 : (8) = 8
1d100 : (14) = 14
Power 6 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (1) = 1
1d100 : (57) = 57
1d100 : (1) = 1
Power 7 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (20) = 20
1d100 : (24) = 24
1d100 : (15) = 15
Power 8 and Level - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (20) = 20
1d100 : (88) = 88
1d100 : (47) = 47
Wings power level - (1d100)
(99) = 99
Character gains +2CS with a single weapon of choice. Character also recieves a +1 to initiative when using that weapon.
Physical Form/Origin - (1d100)
(60) = 60
Origin of Powers - (1d100)
(14) = 14
Fighting - (1d100)
(89) = 89
Agility - (1d100)
(27) = 27
Strength - (1d100)
(63) = 63
Endurance - (1d100)
(66) = 66
Reason - (1d100)
(31) = 31
Intuition - (1d100)
(60) = 60
Psyche - (1d100)
(43) = 43
Resources - (1d100)
(25) = 25
Popularity - (1d100)
(65) = 65
Weakness/Effect/Duration - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (46) = 46
1d100 : (56) = 56
1d100 : (67) = 67
Number of Powers - (1d100)
(98) = 98
Power 1 Class/Category/Rank - (1d100, 1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (39) = 39
1d100 : (76) = 76
1d100 : (27) = 27
Number of Talents - (1d100)
(34) = 34
Talent 1 - (1d100, 1d100)
1d100 : (96) = 96
1d100 : (97) = 97
Contacts - (1d100)
(91) = 91