This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.

We'll be running through classic adventures and new adventures!
Newbies and seasoned FASERIPpers welcome.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Players begin with the option to use one of the following to roll their Physical Form/Origin:
• Ultimate Powers (Marvel Phile updated - corrected)
• Necromancer's Character Creation Compendium (Netbook - all sorts of goodies - I recommend)
• Marvel Bronze Age (An incomplete attempt of mine to expand on FASERIP, much like Necromancers' more successful approach)
Once a Physical Form or Origin (or both, depending) have been established, abilities are rolled under their corresponding column (which depends on what source you have chosen for your PF/O). Abilities will begin at their lowest number within the rank; Good will be Good (8) rather than Good (10). Advancement will be house rule'd to allow quicker ability rank increases (more on this later).
Where one rolls their character's powers will be picked from the following:
• Ultimate Powers (Marvel Phile)
• Necromancer's Character Creation Compendium
• Technohol 13's power chart (online - fantastic contribution to FASERIP)
• Slay's Wild Table (containing many - thousands - of experimental ideas for powers as well as powers pulled from countless recognizable sources).
Talents are rolled using the Ultimate Talents netbook found on classicmarvelforever; conversely, if you have an idea for a talent run it by me and I'm sure we can include it.
Contacts are chosen by the player.
No need to have any of the material in front of you as I'll do the veiled hand-rubbing and villainous heh-heh'ing as I conjure up your results. Just provide your rolls in the thread via the dice widget.
Players may create up to two characters and choose one to play.
• Ultimate Powers (Marvel Phile updated - corrected)
• Necromancer's Character Creation Compendium (Netbook - all sorts of goodies - I recommend)
• Marvel Bronze Age (An incomplete attempt of mine to expand on FASERIP, much like Necromancers' more successful approach)
Once a Physical Form or Origin (or both, depending) have been established, abilities are rolled under their corresponding column (which depends on what source you have chosen for your PF/O). Abilities will begin at their lowest number within the rank; Good will be Good (8) rather than Good (10). Advancement will be house rule'd to allow quicker ability rank increases (more on this later).
Where one rolls their character's powers will be picked from the following:
• Ultimate Powers (Marvel Phile)
• Necromancer's Character Creation Compendium
• Technohol 13's power chart (online - fantastic contribution to FASERIP)
• Slay's Wild Table (containing many - thousands - of experimental ideas for powers as well as powers pulled from countless recognizable sources).
Talents are rolled using the Ultimate Talents netbook found on classicmarvelforever; conversely, if you have an idea for a talent run it by me and I'm sure we can include it.
Contacts are chosen by the player.
No need to have any of the material in front of you as I'll do the veiled hand-rubbing and villainous heh-heh'ing as I conjure up your results. Just provide your rolls in the thread via the dice widget.
Players may create up to two characters and choose one to play.
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