Mar 24, 2022 1:16 pm
Would there be an interest in the Pathfinder 2e rules. I would like to run a game. I have run all of Age of Ashes for my face to face group and played all of Extinction Curse and I still haven't burned out of the system so I guess that means I really like it.
I have access to all the 2e Adventure Paths and all of them are on offer. As well as the possibility of converting one of the 1e paths.
Would there be an interest in the Pathfinder 2e rules. I would like to run a game. I have run all of Age of Ashes for my face to face group and played all of Extinction Curse and I still haven't burned out of the system so I guess that means I really like it.
I have access to all the 2e Adventure Paths and all of them are on offer. As well as the possibility of converting one of the 1e paths.