Chapter 1: Port Nyanzaru

Mar 25, 2022 1:00 pm

You appear in a tropical city under the blazing sun. The familiar sounds of a harbor—creaking ropes, slapping waves, heavy barrels rolling across cobblestones—mingle with voices shouting and cursing in an unfamiliar language filled with clicks, inhalations, and singsongy words that make it sound almost musical. The aroma of unfamiliar spices and tropical fruit mixes with the wharfside smells of fish, tar, and canvas.

Beyond all that, Port Nyanzaru is an explosion of color. Buildings are painted in bright shades of blue, green, orange, and salmon pink, or their walls are adorned with murals portraying giant reptiles and mythical heroes. Every building sports baskets and clay urns of colorful flowers or is draped in leafy, flowering vines. Minstrels in bright clothing adorned with feathers and shells perform on street corners. Multicolored pennants and sun awnings flutter atop the city walls. A crowd of children dressed in feathered hats and capes races past you, squealing in delighted terror as a street performer costumed as a big-toothed lizard stomps and roars behind them. The whole city seems to be bustling, sweating, laughing, swearing, and singing.

Syndra Silvane


Mar 31, 2022 12:51 pm
Tenday 1. Day 1. Mid-day
Syndra Silvane

Syndra recommends that the characters secure rooms for themselves at either the Thundering Lizard (if they’re looking for a raucous time) or Kaya’s House of Repose (if they want a good night’s sleep). Both inns are located near the Red Bazaar

Both Innkeepers know me and will give you a discount if you book all 7 nights which you will need to. You are on your own next 7 days.
7 days from today I will be waiting you at the merchant prince Wakanga O'tamu Villa, where we will be setting up opening party for our business. You must put all of your armour and bring weapons clean and shining for the parade - we don't want to show people at Baldur's gates don't know what a man at arms mean, do we?
Should a need arise you should formally request audience with me at the villa - just find any guard and call your name and say you want to meet Syndra Silvane, they will organise see to find time in my schedule for you.

She excuses herself and leaves you anxious looking around, hearing exotic sounds strange smells and sweeting in your homeland dressing. It is extremly hot and humid in the Port Nyanzaru at the moment.
[ +- ] City Map - PCs have not explored it yet
Mar 31, 2022 1:05 pm
Cilia looks at her companions and then around herself. She has a leather bundle containing the new weapons her brother gave her. She is going to show them off in a week's time.
What kind of inn do you prefer? Both have merrits
Mar 31, 2022 2:57 pm
Hmm it depends on where you want to stay sis. I usually like to go where the natives go as you know. Which usually isnt the more touristy nice places. But then again she didnt say one had more locals than the other ... But then again we dont want to put you in anything too hostile
Ha'aroo looks up at the sky pondering the pros and cons of each option
Mar 31, 2022 6:15 pm
Lasme looks around. Standing in place, she is already letting the vibe of the city come to her. A strange city in a far land! So awesome! She'd for sure get a lot of inspiration here. Lovely! She's had to see it all. She'd had to taste all the new food. Seven days would be way to short, she knew for sure.

The Thundering Lizard of course, big bro! she blurted out without thinking. Sounds like it could be the proper place for a party and I would love to see how these locals party!
Mar 31, 2022 6:19 pm
The half-orc stands agog looking around the port sweat running down his face before snapping out of his bewilderment, adjusting his pack, which jangles slightly, before speaking.

If they're close to one another we could check out both taverns before deciding no?
Mar 31, 2022 8:53 pm
Nebula wraps a friendly arm around Lasme. "That's my kinda gal! Let's party!"

The navy skinned tiefling was rearing to go and always lived life in the moment. Her entire arrival had been jumping from stall to stall, pointing dramatically at different sights with awed "ooh"s and "ahhh"s, and an occasional "wow! You've got to see this!"
Mar 31, 2022 11:10 pm
Jim seems to like to look about as the places seems very appealing. He chimes in, Yeah. The Thundering Lizard sounds like fun. Lets check it out now. He is ready to unload his gear.
Last edited March 31, 2022 11:11 pm
Apr 1, 2022 9:35 am
The group find Travers' suggestion reasonable and have no proble to find Red Bazaar as every local knows it's location.
Both inns are indeed close. The cost is 1 GP and 2 GP per day accordingly, but when innkeepers learn about your relationship to Syndra they suggest you to stay all 7 days but only pay for 4 days. You would need to pay 4 and 8 GP accordingly upfront if you agree to the deal.
OK, this is how I would like to run chapter 1. I will list you the choices and some skill ckecks/DC you could choose among. You don't need all to do the same, I would actually expect every player to chose something else. You will be gather more or less information based on your choices and rolls. Your PCs will be able to share the info you gathered, but as players you will immediately see all the info as I will describe it in this thread

The choices - you have to choose what your PC does during a day. We will continue with evening/night life later

Choice name Full Cost Description Notes
City tour on a dinosaur 5 gp learn entire city
Guided tour on foot 1 gp learn a 1 of 4 city districts : market, harbor, merchans district or old town
Wonder through the city free walk any of 4 district hoping for random events (no info of locations)
Buy souvenirs 0.1 gp no mechanical benefits, random events may occure. You may do it twice a day.
Pub/inn crawl wary gather gossips and roll some fancy getting drunk/bar fight rolls depending on how much money you spend and DMs rolls

Your characters are not used to it, but in this city all prices are extremely negotiable. Including alcohol in a pub. You should do charisma check (no proficiencies applied) with disadvantage every time you to negotiate price down the "full cost" . You will loose disadvantage after 3rd passed check (please tick your passed checks in your character sheets)

Bargain strategy DC Pass outcome Fail outcome
Aggressive 15 You pay 20% of the price You fail the option for today - sellers are mad at you, you could try different option from table above though
Simple 10 Half price You could chose either pay full price or try other options
Learning 5 Pay full price Pay half price (you can't try other checks)

PC decide to do Aggressive Guided tour and fail. He could now choose a different option and choose normal pub crawl, but fail again (did not find a cheap pub). PC decide the free option Wonder through the city and don't need to roll charism
Player want to get dyno with 20% but understand that with disadvantage is too hard to get DC 15, so he goes wth Learning option on souvenirs twice and earn two Passed check for 0.2 gp.

Please also choose the inn and weather you take the deal to pay for 4 days upfront or you only pay for one day and forego discount.

Apr 1, 2022 9:42 am
Cilia pays the 4gp for the week and what to go for a City tour on a dinosaur. She tries to haggle with the dino-rider. He does not budge in his prices, so she just pays the full price
Last edited April 1, 2022 9:43 am


Cha - Check: Haggeling - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Cha - Check: Haggeling disv. - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Apr 1, 2022 10:55 am
Update/fixes: 1. Inn price is no subject to Bargain 2. You will be able to do the same activities every morning and every day for the other 6 days (though you will discover new options, so spending 5gp on dyno first day is a bold action, but could pay back, probably
Apr 1, 2022 2:28 pm
Ha'aroo gives off a deep laugh when Lasme gives out a blurt of her desires to stay at the Thundering Lizard then turns shrugs his shoulders when Travers gives his suggestion. "Yeah we can check out both if you want but I think I know where Lasme and I will be going. Heck we can even meet up every morning after breakfast if we decide to split up between the two inns if you want. Share any good spots we found the day before we think the others might want to see."

"Hey Lasme. Any things you want to see or do while we are here?"

Ha'aroo begins travelling to the inns with Cilia and whoever else joins them to check out the two inns. (after he receives an answer from Lasme or asks her while she is walking to the inns with him)
Apr 1, 2022 4:30 pm
Nebula pays her 4 gold for the party-promising Inn and unable to wait, decides to start immediately. What better way to understand this strange place than to drink and eat the local cuisine, understand what the locals really think and if she were to enjoy herself too? What could possibly go wrong?
spending 1gp
Last edited April 1, 2022 4:40 pm


Looking for a cheap pub DC10 - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Disadvantage - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Apr 1, 2022 5:20 pm
Spent 8gp at inn for comfortable week. Where Jim has dropped off most of his gear. Not going to haul around a wooden case of goodies.
Jim wishes everyone a good day as he breaks off from the group. He looks about to find a good guide. He will haggle among them to get the best deal. That and it is expected of him to do so. It is obvious he is a foreigner. Haggle 11. :)

He will spend his time learning about which ever district the Thundering Lizard is in. (Probably the Red Bazaar and being merchants?) He did consider the dinosaur trip but wasn't so keen on the dinosaur itself. Jim isn't a fan of waters so he really doesn't care to go to the harbor. He doesn't even care for fish to eat.
Woot. Still have 13gp, 5sp for drinks. (I didn't add any discount from the haggling.)

Guided tour on foot, 1gp, learn a 1 of 4 city districts : market, harbor, merchants district or old town.

He would do 'Buy souvenirs, 0.1 gp, no mechanical benefits, random events may occur. You may do it twice a day.' too if he can. While doing the walking tour. (Unsure if I need a haggling roll there too?)

As part of his comfortable lifestyle he is sure to gotten a few treats on his walk as well to eat and sample. Might even bring a few back with him when he returns to the inn. Jim is on vacation. He likes to know the area around him.
Last edited April 1, 2022 5:44 pm


CHA haggle check - (1d20+0)

(19) = 19

Disadvantage CHA check - (1d20+0)

(11) = 11

Apr 1, 2022 5:20 pm
Torn between her big brother acting as a bit of a chaperone and Nebula starting the party already, Lasme follows the gang to the Thundering Lizard, where she gets a room for the seven days to come.

Surely, a tour on one of these big lizard creatures would be fun, if not expensive.

"I think it would indeed be a good idea to meet every morning. Maybe not too early..."

She looks at Nebula with a smile and says
"We'll party together soon!"

But she wants to be inspired by culture too.
"How about a walk at the market? There is bound to be culture there!"
Spend 4gp for tavern
Apr 1, 2022 5:35 pm
GreyWord says:
You should do charisma check (no proficiencies applied) with disadvantage every time you to negotiate price
Everyone who rolled CHA please add one more roll for me to calculate disadvantage - just s runekyndig did it.
You will get rid of disadvantage when you pass the check 3 times. It will mean you have got used to the Bargain culture

That's why purchasing souvenirs twice is a good investment into your trading skill

P.S. This mechanism is invented by me based on my experience visiting Egypt. I am trying to replicate real life experience to DnD
Apr 1, 2022 5:45 pm
Do I need to roll haggle disadvantage for the purchasing of souvenirs? I fixed the first rolls. haggle was 11.
'Simple, 10, Half price, You could chose either pay full price or try other options' mean for other options? I'm guessing that is what I received for 11 haggle.
Last edited April 1, 2022 5:48 pm
Apr 1, 2022 5:59 pm
Jim Corman bought a souvenir for 5 copers and improved his haggling skills. You could roll two more times and purchase another souvenir for 1 or half silver and probably increase your skill again.
thanks for using term haggling, that is the right word in english, my vocabulary is limited, happy to improve it.
Apr 1, 2022 6:05 pm
Advance haggling for Souvenir. Barely did it at haggle 6.
LOL. Your vocabulary is still probably better than mine. I extensively use word correction.
Last edited April 1, 2022 6:10 pm


Haggling - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (16) = 16

1d20 : (6) = 6

Apr 1, 2022 6:10 pm
THis is OK we are all learning me mostly, I would like to ask you to state Haggling stratetegy: either Aggressive, Simple or Learning as you roll your CHA (i.e. you decide strategy and then do Hagglingnot VV. See example How I do Learning , assuming my cha modifier -1


Charsima check - Haggling, strategy: Learning - (2d20L1-1)

(14) - 1 = 0

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