Tomb of Annihilation [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
The Game System and Setting
Dungeon & Dragons 5e official module . Will play very close to the module with some community recommended changes (mostly related to game start)
This particular module features:
- Limited time. Time is ticking - if PCs fail to complete story in the given amount of days it is a end of it
- Brute force don't always work. You will not be able to win every fight. This module story is not a railroad with encounter difficulty increasing proportional to your partly lvl.
- Survival. Not only you need to face deadly enemies, but also diseases, extreme weather, navigation and logistics issues, etc.
The Pitch.
It starts as entertaining site-seeing in a prosperous city, continues as exciting jungle expedition but turns out into deadly survival and ends... with character attempt to save their lives and whole world.
Story begins when PCs travel from Sword Coast to the only city of Chult: Port Nyanzaru for the reason based on their background and do not have any plans to change their established life-style to the high risk life of an adventurer. Characters are entertained by Dinosaur Racing, enjoy Tabaxi minstrels performance, travel through the city to see ancient architecture... They are soon to gather rumours about death curse and learn that their patron and travel sponsor is subject to that curse. What's even worse - they have reason to believe some of their beloved back home will also not line a year if the curse is not stopped. Should they risk their own lives to save those affected by curse - they are expected to find enough treasure in Chult to make them as rich as kings.

Game rules.
Module content is huge and interesting. Since PbP are somewhat slow I will as DM be implementing following tactics:
1. You are not 100% in control of your PC. I may be making some decisions for your PCs when I believe that there is only one options that could lead to meaningful result
2. Some battles may end sooner than normal. I will be auto resolving easy battles or battle endings where result is obvious. It also include cases when party is loosing it
3. A post per work day is a must. Story will progress every day. If a player fail to post - I will not be waiting for player. I will "auto-pilot" that player character through the story. (In party of 6 players there will too often be some players who can't do it). I will be flexible on weekends.
4. In case of unannounced absence of 72 hours (weekends not inclusive) player may be dropped from the game and new players hired.
5. Simultaneous battle round: battle will be played one round per day. All players have to submit their actions in any order and DM resolve them all at once. Details in game thread
Dungeon & Dragons 5e official module . Will play very close to the module with some community recommended changes (mostly related to game start)
This particular module features:
- Limited time. Time is ticking - if PCs fail to complete story in the given amount of days it is a end of it
- Brute force don't always work. You will not be able to win every fight. This module story is not a railroad with encounter difficulty increasing proportional to your partly lvl.
- Survival. Not only you need to face deadly enemies, but also diseases, extreme weather, navigation and logistics issues, etc.
The Pitch.
It starts as entertaining site-seeing in a prosperous city, continues as exciting jungle expedition but turns out into deadly survival and ends... with character attempt to save their lives and whole world.
Story begins when PCs travel from Sword Coast to the only city of Chult: Port Nyanzaru for the reason based on their background and do not have any plans to change their established life-style to the high risk life of an adventurer. Characters are entertained by Dinosaur Racing, enjoy Tabaxi minstrels performance, travel through the city to see ancient architecture... They are soon to gather rumours about death curse and learn that their patron and travel sponsor is subject to that curse. What's even worse - they have reason to believe some of their beloved back home will also not line a year if the curse is not stopped. Should they risk their own lives to save those affected by curse - they are expected to find enough treasure in Chult to make them as rich as kings.

Game rules.
Module content is huge and interesting. Since PbP are somewhat slow I will as DM be implementing following tactics:
1. You are not 100% in control of your PC. I may be making some decisions for your PCs when I believe that there is only one options that could lead to meaningful result
2. Some battles may end sooner than normal. I will be auto resolving easy battles or battle endings where result is obvious. It also include cases when party is loosing it
3. A post per work day is a must. Story will progress every day. If a player fail to post - I will not be waiting for player. I will "auto-pilot" that player character through the story. (In party of 6 players there will too often be some players who can't do it). I will be flexible on weekends.
4. In case of unannounced absence of 72 hours (weekends not inclusive) player may be dropped from the game and new players hired.
5. Simultaneous battle round: battle will be played one round per day. All players have to submit their actions in any order and DM resolve them all at once. Details in game thread
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
DnD 5e
Class/subclass: any official published sources. No Unearthed Arcana.
Race: PHB races only. Exceptions may discussed
Optional and variant rules - ask DM. I will only allow variant humans or customer origin if you could write up lore about the race who has your chosen customisation and racial ability
Feats: Lucky banned, feats with reaction features (such as sentinel) not recommend
Point by or roll
You start lvl 1 with starting gear as per DnD rules (spoiler: you have opportunity to advance to lvl 3 quickly with little need to fight unless your party choose to)
Except for ToA special backgrounds (Anthropologist, Archaeologist) background "Feature" will work in a very limited manner as decided by DM, i.e. you would hardly benefit of "Shelter of the Faithful" because the region you travel do not share faith of base continent)
Class/subclass: any official published sources. No Unearthed Arcana.
Race: PHB races only. Exceptions may discussed
Optional and variant rules - ask DM. I will only allow variant humans or customer origin if you could write up lore about the race who has your chosen customisation and racial ability
Feats: Lucky banned, feats with reaction features (such as sentinel) not recommend
Point by or roll
You start lvl 1 with starting gear as per DnD rules (spoiler: you have opportunity to advance to lvl 3 quickly with little need to fight unless your party choose to)
Except for ToA special backgrounds (Anthropologist, Archaeologist) background "Feature" will work in a very limited manner as decided by DM, i.e. you would hardly benefit of "Shelter of the Faithful" because the region you travel do not share faith of base continent)
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