Character Creation

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Apr 2, 2022 2:21 pm
Dunko says:
... clinic was in the territory of this gang (I think Solovei is supposed to be on the run from them ...
Might Solovei have hidden out at (or requested asylum from) the clinic? Would the clinic risk its status by taking sides?
Apr 2, 2022 2:25 pm
Just want to make sure we don't end up with a save the cheerleader thing with Blank :D
Apr 2, 2022 2:35 pm
Oh the clinic absolutely would have hid any gang members on the run. Their first priority is the people of the slum. They pay protection because they have to, but any chance to stick it to the gangs is something they'd take.
Apr 2, 2022 2:51 pm
Dunko says:
Just want to make sure we don't end up with a save the cheerleader thing with Blank :D
Yeah. It is a danger.

The most recently introduced character can also get a lot of attention for a while, we might not want to commit to that for the whole run.

Adding some element of needing to protect certain party members is cool, too, though. Maybe the job really needs the chemist, so we need to keep Blank alive up until the point we have 'gotten the product'; and maybe we need the pilot to survive till the end to get us out, or some such. But the loss of any of them (not saying I am expecting people to die, and that is largely in your hands) should not break the continued story, though it will change the plan.
Apr 3, 2022 6:21 am
I'm down for the taking refuge at the clinic thing, sounds really cool.

Also CESN I am also open to your idea about Solovei knowing your character from a club/some kind of racket the gang had going... though if your character is still on good terms with the gang, might be tricky, since they do want Solovei dead (& by association might be cranky at your character for not turning him over.) How you'd handle that kind of dynamic is up to you, just kinda spitballing. Maybe you could plead ignorance if it comes up. Lol

also heads up I've been feeling pretty under the weather this weekend so might not be around much. Very blah rn. Feels like I'm getting sick with something. I'll try to edit the bio thing into my character sheet on Sunday if I can
Apr 3, 2022 8:40 am
Bananabread says:
... been feeling pretty under the weather ...
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Don't stress about updating the character sheet (or anything else for the game), especially if what has been discussed is still true.
Do let us know if you want us to wait for you or think we should start playing and have Solovei appear later.
Apr 4, 2022 7:41 am
Bananabread says:
IAlso CESN I am also open to your idea about Solovei knowing your character from a club/some kind of racket the gang had going... though if your character is still on good terms with the gang, might be tricky, since they do want Solovei dead (& by association might be cranky at your character for not turning him over.)
yeah, most likely I would need to kill you. nice ending touch though LD

I was thinking about a character well connected with the "underworld". So mayne not working for the gang, but this may be changed to me having a some connections in the right (and some street status/rep) which is what is keeping the clinic under the gangs' radar. Doing some shady jobs and deals have kept the clinic neutral?

just brainstorming something that ties in (but I'm a bit busy and lost with the backgrounds now sorry)
Apr 4, 2022 11:37 am
CESN says:
... lost with the backgrounds now sorry
Indeed. It would be useful if everyone could provide a current-state summary of their character idea and background/biographical/relationship(interparty or extraparty) information. Even if it is just restating what came before.

Include what you are definite about, as well as anything that we have chatted about but not nailed down yet, marked clearly in each case.

Links to previous conversations are nice but much better is an --in-place-- rewrite. This both saves on back and forth (for both the writer and the reader) but also lets us all see how things shape up in your head (and can be copy/pasted into the character sheet).

If you have put such information on your character sheet --first, thanks-- let us know if it changes, we have not way -at all-- of knowing about changes, additions, or updates to the character sheets.

If any of your numbers have changed from what we have in the table, let us know.

I will look through these summaries and put up the introduction to an appropriate mission. We can still change character stuff, and the mission will be adaptable based on player answers.
Apr 4, 2022 11:46 am
vagueGM says:
Let's just make sure everyone is OK with having essentially a drug dealer in the party.

I need everyone to actively say they are OK with this.
Sorry I missed this message, yes I'm ok.
Apr 4, 2022 11:50 am
So, Miles is in his 30's, his character is discreet and cautious. He grew up in a huge megastructure building controlled by a Corp, he learned to drive and fight at an early age and many times got into trouble, but his family was there to care for him. His family mysteriously vanished, and Miles is the only remaining member. His angle is to learn the truth behind the disappearance of his family. He loves tinkering with machines and rigging tools and gadgets, and he has been earning his living working in scouting and surveillance.

I'm ok with any way you want Miles to relate with the group, we can either know each other from a previous mission, or just drop us together for this heist.
Apr 4, 2022 1:03 pm
From childhood, he wanted nothing more than to be employed at the biggest pharma-corp, working on the latest and greatest advancements in biochem. But then Blank learned how these corps really operated, and he learned how this affected folk who don't live at exclusive addresses.

So, he became a runner, under the operative name Blank--a chem whiz whose goal is the steal, study, and replicate formulas for meds and gene-therapy, and give them away on the street. If the job destabilizes a corp's profits, he'll take it.

During the day, he works out of a clinic in the slums where he's made friends with Winston, a man to whom he provides needed meds he couldn't afford elsewhere.

The clinic is on the turf of a pretty rough gang that he and the docs undermine when they can, including giving shelter to Solovei when he needed it.
So that's 3 connections, maybe four, around the clinic and gang, so maybe expanding the web in other directions will round it all out?! Things around how others are connected?
Edited for clarity.
Last edited April 4, 2022 1:05 pm
Apr 4, 2022 9:32 pm
I updated my Character Sheet so all the Biography stuff is there. I didn't wind up changing any Stats, I'll let you know if I decide to do so (before the game starts.)

Also no worries about waiting to start the game on my account. Feeling better today & am on the mend. Covid test was negative. Seems I just have a nasty head cold. 0/10 do not recommend.

Bio summary: Solovei is a Runner who is in a lot of medical debt to a Corp. They continually extorted him into increasingly risky jobs to work off the debt. He recently went AWOL after yet another near fatal Run. This is when he sought sanctuary at Blank's clinic (& was treated for injuries there.)

Solovei was a street kid who was taken in by a gang at age 15. The friend who took him in was one of the criminal matriarch's 2 sons. Solovei was unofficially adopted by her. When he became older Solovei was inducted into the family's inner circle. He was loyal and always felt he had more to prove, as he wasn't a blood relation.

The Corp is using the ex-gang to Hunt him down, under threat of saddling them with his debt/siccing Corp lawyers on them. He is currently Running so he can get enough money to leave the city and Get Out. The Corp wants to repossess his prosthetics and make an example of him.
Apr 4, 2022 10:20 pm
just a quick question before I settle some details... It's ok if we all met each other before right? since this is our last run, maybe we did one or two before, know each other by reputation or bought some services from someone else? Not a "party" but the world is small ;) Reading any background just trigger my "need to tie ttRPG instincts" 🤣
Apr 4, 2022 10:30 pm
CESN says:
... It's ok if we all met each other before right? ... maybe we did one or two before, know each other by reputation or bought some services from someone else? ... the world is small ...

It looks like there are already some strong links between some PCs, enough that it might be best if we all have links to each other. Maybe you have worked together as a team before and came to this job as a package deal, or maybe you found each other for this job? You don't all have to know everyone else, but having someone to vouch for you helps with trusting each other (i.e. we can remove interparty distrust and backstabbing from the table.)

We don't need details about these relationships (we can learn more as they come up in play), just saying "we all know each other" is enough, or "I don't know Bob, but Alice vouches for them, so they are OK by me", or whatever.
Apr 5, 2022 12:41 am
Oh, I forgot to reiterate that Blank had a recent run that ended badly--maybe he left something at the scene, maybe someone ratted, or he left a digital footprint. In any event, words gotten to him that someone's closing in on him, but he doesn't have the particulars!
Apr 5, 2022 8:39 am
D. is the sort of guy that doesn't need to talk to let you know you are not welcome somewhere. Growing up in the slums of the megacity he quickly learned what "selection" means, and made sure he would get his share. Initially working odd jobs for the local gangs, D. managed to climb up to corporate security until "change of priorities" and "restructuring" put him back on the streets. Now turned mercenary and doing all sorts of jobs for the pay, D. connections and reputation seem to pay off, mostly when it comes to "settle a deal".
Ok, so tying to each other but as individual connections so major shared runs
D. met Miles during a run to "extract" a valuable corporate target. Something that had the need for speed and, all else failing, muscles and some crushed bones. Since then, Miles "workshop" is the place to go for any gadget or special surveillance services.

Kamisori is an hacker right? Probably the one D goes to when he finds some "doors" that "won't open" but you still need to get in.

Though not directly hired by Blank, D. has recently started working as the clinic's body guard, mostly since it provides a good opportunity to get some meds on the streets (and cash in his pockets). While Blank is trying to destabilize the megacorps, D. makes sure there are some unaccounted meds that can be claimed by his less savory friends, a deal that nod only keeps the clinic funded, it also makes it a well known neutral place for the local gangs. Not a win-win deal, but a good compromise has been reached.

I'm not entirely sure of Wiston yet, is he getting the meds from Blank or the other way around? Anyway, he could have stolen important formulas for Blank and D. make the necessary arrangements to see he disappeared underground, keeping him safe and informed ?

Blank's last run is potentially going to disturb the delicate balanced. If someone is closing in on him, then the pressure is up! This is probably related to Solovei, a local gangster that became nothing but a megacorp's pawn due to his ever growing medical debts. The boy sought sanctuary at Blank's while he is recovering from his nearly fatal run. Which, if you ask me, means trouble, Solovei since pissed both a megacorp and a local gang. But maybe he knows something, maybe he has some important inside knowledge that will help Blank (maybe the new medical formula for the heist? or just his cutting-edge prosthetics? could be the inciting event). Maybe the streets can find a use for it...
updated sheet :D
Last edited April 5, 2022 8:46 am
Apr 7, 2022 12:24 pm
Winston was a hacker in his early days, but settled down once he hit middle age as the survival rate drastically declined after 40. He went into consulting, working with the companies he had opposed before. But trying to keep a little of his rebelliousness, he often worked with direct competitors, nullifying any advantage he gave one company by giving another advantage to a rival. At age 60 he was diagnosed with a rare disorder that can only be treated by a single drug. The company that has a direct monopoly on it has blackmailed him into working for them exclusively. On his last assignment he stole the formula and leaked it to a local street chemist named Blank.
Apr 7, 2022 12:50 pm
CESN says:
D. is the sort of guy that doesn't need to talk to let you know you are not welcome somewhere. Growing up in the slums of the megacity he quickly learned what "selection" means, and made sure he would get his share. Initially working odd jobs for the local gangs, D. managed to climb up to corporate security until "change of priorities" and "restructuring" put him back on the streets. Now turned mercenary and doing all sorts of jobs for the pay, D. connections and reputation seem to pay off, mostly when it comes to "settle a deal".

Kamisori is an hacker right? Probably the one D goes to when he finds some "doors" that "won't open" but you still need to get in.
Not quite, she has more of a hands-on approach, and deals directly with the wiring and machinery, so she could have helped with that, just through more mechanical than electronic means, if that makes any sense.
She'd be the girl to go to for gear maintenance and customisation, though.
Apr 7, 2022 1:03 pm
the_cava says:
CESN says:
Kamisori is an hacker right? Probably the one D goes to when he finds some "doors" that "won't open" but you still need to get in.
... She'd be the girl to go to for gear maintenance and customisation, though.
Winston is our 'Hacker' --though maybe too 'retired' to be the go to for such doors, Kamisori is our drone pilot (and 'aircraft pilot' too?).
The other players don't have to take what is said here as 'truth', this is all the character's opinion.
Apr 7, 2022 2:09 pm
Kamisori grew up in a Sprawl neighbourhood that took its defence in its own hands, and became a gang of sorts. She spent most of her childhood exploring abandoned factories and warehouses in the area, scavenging for broken, discarded and forgotten tech, to dismantle, repair and modify it, getting a knack for machines. She went scavenging with a few others, and found a sister in Lunette, who was ever the daredevil, scrounging where no one else dared go... And often bruising herself. That's when Kamisori started meddling with drones, so she could keep her big sis safe.
vagueGM says:
I did have some questions from the blurb on your sheet, but was waiting to see if anything had changed.
• Who is Lunette?
• Describe the 'things' you are hoping to 'get up and running' with the proceeds of this run.
• Describe your preferred drones' visuals and functions.
Lunette got into merc work before Kamisori, though she tweaked her gear since the beginning of her career. Trying to keep her safe from the dangers of scavenging only pushed her to find other dangers to tackle, and Kamisori soon got involved in merc work, too, mostly thanks to Lunette's advertising of her skill. They rarely worked together, though, as neither likes seeing the other in danger. Lunette has a knack for creative uses of gear and tech, more than how it works, and is rather athletic. Her keen instincts made her quite a good bodyguard and infiltrator, and her "tactics" are usually less than lethal, and that happened to be good publicity in her line of work.

Kamisori wants to get her workshop finally up and running, and she needs a little more money for machinery and supplies. She hopes to involve Lunette in her business mostly as driver and for PR, partly to see her in a safer environment, but also because she's better with people than she thinks. And definitely better than Kamisori, who'd rather talk to machines than people.

Drones in Kamisori's hands usually look like hybrids of other drones, and are often just that, when they're not kitbashed from scratch. She prefers scouting and sabotage drones, often in the form of arachnid or light flying frames.
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