[Recruitment] PF 2e - Quest for the Frozen Flame

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Mar 26, 2022 12:54 pm
In the brutal tundra of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, only the hardiest folk have what it takes to withstand unsparing weather, track down big game, and fight back hostile followings. The Broken Tusk following has survived another winter, but a new year just began, and signs of danger foretell a year unlike any before. Unless their newest party of scouts can secure a safe route through the wilds, saber-toothed beasts, warmongering rivals, and the ever-looming possibility of natural disaster all threaten to end an ancient peopleโ€™s legacy. Will the Broken Tusks succumb to the elements and surrender to their rivals? Or will you guide your following to glory and reclaim a stolen birthright?

Will use the standard rules for character creation. Can use any Common options from the Core Book, Advanced Player's Guide, Guns & Gear, Secrets of Magic or the Lost Omens books. Any uncommon or rare options will be determined on a case by case basis. I'm usually not very strict.

How about anything from Pathfinder Infinite? There's a lot of stuff there, and I have barely begun scratching the surface. As with uncommon or rare options I will have to do it on a case by case basis.

You will start as a member of the Broken Tusk tribe in the far north of Golarion in what is known as the Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

There's a player's guide to this campaign available from Paizo's website here. I will note down the most important aspects with regard to character creation below.

Ancestries: The tribe consists mostly of Kellid humans, though they have recruited from all other ancestries and human cultures. No limits on cultural background. Also all Uncommon Ancestries in the sources above will be considered Common for the purpose of permissions.

Backgrounds: Any background could work (though, some easier than others) but there's some backgrounds made specifically for this adventure path. You can find them here. These are considered Common for the purpose of this campaign and can be taken without any special permission.

Classes: All classes will be allowed. Will use the free Archetype alternate rule from the Gamemastery Guide. Though this will not come into play until level 2.

Alignement: Will not allow evil alignment.

This will not be first come first serve. Will pick a group of five characters I feel will fit well together with regards to both balance and personality. Will leave application open until March 31st and make a decision then. Don't need to have the character ready by then, but at least the concept you want to play.
Last edited March 26, 2022 1:00 pm
Mar 26, 2022 1:39 pm
If it's okay I'd play a rogue. I can play him as a melee or ranged character, depending on what the group needs
My character concept would be as follows:

Name: Igbork Armbreaker
Class: Rogue
While others protect the tribe by fighting in battles, Igbork has a more indirect approach. Why risk a battle where hundreds may die, if you can prevent the battle by just killing the right person? Killing a tribe leader means one death, fighting a battle means many deaths. For Igbork this is simple math.
This doesn't mean that he is a cruel person. He just wants to protect the tribe. If he doesn't have to use violence: all the better. But if he deems it necessary to kill he strikes without mercy.
Ambushes, infiltrations and stealing are methods that Igbork uses as well as flattery, strategic gifting and negotiations.
As brutal as he can be, he is also a caring husband and father to his wife and two daughters. If there is anything that he deems more important than The Broken Tusk, its his family.
If I should flesh out the character in more detail I can certainly do so.
Last edited March 26, 2022 1:42 pm
Mar 26, 2022 2:09 pm
I want to play a staff-wielding Magus. A young Kellid man of the tribe, stuck between his mother's desire to study the ancient arts and his fathers demands that he becomes a hunter.
Background would be wither Songsinger in Training or Megafauna Hunter. Weight down by his parent's expectations, he jumps at the opportunity to prove himself as his own man when the adventure begins. He likes the simple thing, he might be mocked that his weapon of choice is a simple staff, but he is seldom mocked twice.
Let me know if you want a more extensive description

I withdraw my application
Last edited March 26, 2022 6:45 pm
Mar 26, 2022 2:55 pm
I'm still looking over all the options available, but I'm thinking of an Order of the Leaf druid, a forager and herb-lore student who is fascinated by this foreign idea of 'agriculture'.
Mar 26, 2022 3:05 pm
I'd like to play a Fighter with the Ex-Mendevian Crusader background. He's a veteran from the war that saw his fair share of combat.

He was adopted into the tribe and now he's looking to help them any way that he can.
Mar 26, 2022 3:48 pm
I'll have to check my options when I get home, but I'm definitively interested in playing.
Mar 26, 2022 3:50 pm
I have a Wild Order Druid character in mind - Grom whose background was Feral Child.
Mar 26, 2022 10:33 pm
Alright so, looking over everybody's characters, it seems to me that we need a face.

So, I'm going with a Kellid Cosmic Oracle with the Broken Tusk Recruiter background. As a child of two herders, my character lost herself in the tundra when she split from her parents while they handled a mammoth herd. Alone, she could do little but cry and scream for help during the daylight hours, but with no one coming, she found herself lacking enough strength and voice to yell after two days and two nights, merely waiting in the snow and accepting her fate. And it was in that dusk, where she laid in what she perceived was her final resting place in the snow, that she spent a night contemplating the beauty of the stars above, unable to do nothing else given her lack of strength...

While, too, being contemplated by the stars she admired.

Right before dawn broke, she was found by the scouts of the Broken Tusk, a soft, warm light emanating from her emaciated figure and serving as a beacon for the hunters to track her down. There, in that snow, a little girl died, and in her place, Keshka the Moon-Touched was born. Growing up to become one of the Broken Tusk's best recruiters simply due to the otherworldly and ethereal aura she emits soothing those around her and giving her a surprising ability to convince others despite the few words she speaks, Keshka is also known to use a strange, celestial kind of magic only she seems to grasp.
Mar 27, 2022 4:27 am
I am definitely interested - I'll put a character concept together asap

::Edit:: Here's my submission - a little bit of melee (strength build on Eidolon) and a little bit of magic (arcane tradition spells, with a focus on summoning)

Koram, Spirit-Talker, a Kellid Human Summoner and 5-year recruit of the Broken Tusk. Koram is young, energetic, and excited - perfect traits for bringing in new members to join the Following. Having been recruited himself only a few years back, he knows the welcoming nature of the Tusk and has been happy to find a family within their ranks. Though initially there was some worry, and even fear, amongst the Following due to his friend, Haitith. For reasons unknown to Koram, he has found an ability to call forth the physical manifestation of Haitith, an ancient dragon, whose soul floats across the astral plane. Though cantankerous and claiming to often be bored of human folly, Haitith seems to like his jaunts to the material plane and is a steadfast friend to Koram. Haitith's assistance with the herd, and a few solid years of NOT eating fellow members of the Tusk, has earned both Koram and Haitith a respected position among his people. Koram only hopes he can share the bounty of this family and their way of life with others that wish to join them.
Last edited March 27, 2022 12:50 pm
Mar 28, 2022 5:48 am
Since someone else pitched a druid and I wasn't particularly wedded to the concept...
Squadfather44 says:
I'd like to play a Fighter with the Ex-Mendevian Crusader background. He's a veteran from the war that saw his fair share of combat.

He was adopted into the tribe and now he's looking to help them any way that he can.
Squadfather, would you object to me creating a character with a background linked to yours? I was thinking a Mendevian/Sarkorisian demon-blooded sorcerer who was going to be put to death as an abomination, but your character saved and took under his wing as a foster child/ward/travelling companion.
Mar 28, 2022 2:26 pm
Dirigible says:
Since someone else pitched a druid and I wasn't particularly wedded to the concept...
Squadfather44 says:
I'd like to play a Fighter with the Ex-Mendevian Crusader background. He's a veteran from the war that saw his fair share of combat.

He was adopted into the tribe and now he's looking to help them any way that he can.
Squadfather, would you object to me creating a character with a background linked to yours? I was thinking a Mendevian/Sarkorisian demon-blooded sorcerer who was going to be put to death as an abomination, but your character saved and took under his wing as a foster child/ward/travelling companion.
Sure, we can do that.
Mar 28, 2022 7:59 pm
Callow (female tiefling, demon-blooded sorcerer, Sarkorian Survivor background)
Callow's very birth was a curse on her family and home, heralded by strange omens. Her mother died bringing her into the world. Her father never forgave her and the village never trusted her, especially when her strange, tainted magical abilities began to emerge. When her father was slain the fearful folk decided to no longer tolerate her presence, and Callow was dragged to the highest hill and tied to a copper pole as a storm rumbled overhead, to be executed and purified by lightning-strike. Thankfully, a weary warrior who had seen enough senseless bloodshed in the Worldwound came upon her as she struggled and cut her free, and the two of them travelled together to the west.

For all her tainted origins, Callow is a ray of sunshine. Enthusiastic, curious and sweet-natured, she finds the Realm no less a harsh and dangerous place than the Worldwound, but at least here the threats are of flesh and blood, tusk and hide, not hellfire, tentatacles and acid-dripping maws. She works as a forager for the following, though she is easily distracted and swept up in Koram's schemes and Keshka's visions.
Last edited March 28, 2022 7:59 pm
Mar 31, 2022 12:38 pm
With runekyndig withdrawing there were six people interested. One more than I originally intended, but that's ok I can manage with 6. So invites have gone out.
Mar 31, 2022 1:47 pm
Hey yo, I think you invited the wrong Cinder. I just got an email for the game but that wasn't me. ๐Ÿ˜Š i think you meant to invite the other applicant in this thread.

Game does sound awesome though. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚
Mar 31, 2022 2:02 pm
D'oh! Thanks for letting me know
Mar 31, 2022 2:07 pm
If a seat opens up let me know ๐Ÿ˜
Mar 31, 2022 3:04 pm
Oh no, two Cinders! Confusion abound
Mar 31, 2022 3:13 pm
Using numbers in usernames? That's just wrong.
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