Evening events

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Apr 2, 2022 6:12 pm
As you want Bellow. It would just take longer for the one armor, but I will see to a chain shirt for you instead.
Apr 3, 2022 7:37 am
You all sleep well tonight and hellhound is in his cage. Bellow get chain shirt in the morning and blacksmith gives each of you 2 javelnis ( you could share them as you wish) and shows 2 hand axes if anyone want them. You also gain 12 health potions.
Everyone take long rest and get lvl 4 if you are not yet at lvl 4. that also mean no exhaustion is gone
Next morning you get again inspiring talk from Lilly and magical breakfast that lets you worry not about eating and drinking all day long.
Everyone get 7 temp HP, of course except hell hound
Then doors opens and you get into the maze yet again. You are moving a corridor and enter into a room with furniture, but this one is not covered in dust or something. There are some overcoats sized for small creatures (i.e. Halfling), boots, gloves, instruments (if you touch could roll history check to probably recall what is the instrument used for).
I will find some map tomorrow
Apr 3, 2022 8:23 am
Anguis happily accepts the javelins and takes one of the hand-axes and 2 HP potions , most likely he will need to collect corpses for the hound, at this point he finds the sack of holding really convenient.

Early in the morning he goes to the kitchens and joins the cooks, he attempts to enchance the quality of the food with his skills, making a couple of treats, they're not as potent as the breakfast, but are still useful. He grabs a bite to eat with him, not eating the breakfast, and spends the rest of the morning with the hound, he talks with the fiend trying to read his mood, see if it has any distinct features that might help to tell him apart from the others, and readying the both of them for the path ahead. I bet he's itching to rip something apart.... In infernal Well good morning, i guess. We will soon head out to the maze, usually there are a lot of things to hunt. If we kill something whose hide looks comfortable to sleep on, don't eat it right away, i will ask the locals to skin it - can bet that sleeping on a bare cage isn't exactly comfortable...

When out of the cage the hound Is still attached to one of Anguis arms via hanged-mans noose. I might need a proper leash for the hound... Yes a dark iron chain with a round tag...
If there are no distinct features Anguis will search for some paint or in worse case flour to mark the hell-hound.
Last edited April 3, 2022 9:06 am
Apr 3, 2022 5:54 pm
Cold weather gear. And none of us can use it.

Hey Anguis, you can drink your potion and wear this gear. That'd be funny.
Apr 3, 2022 6:03 pm
Aguis looks at the clothing taking the joke a bit too seriously Possibly so, but it would be a damn waist of a potion...not to mention the whole armor part and who would look after the hound? I doubt that any of you are willing...
Anguis looks around the scene for anything familiar.

In infernal Take a good whiff of the area, there might be something just lying in wait to ambush us.


Perception - (1d20-1)

(17) - 1 = 16

Apr 3, 2022 8:18 pm
Sorry I totally forgot to create new thread for Day 2. Copied my post there. Feel free to copy yours. And I am ignoring Anguis roll. Looking around is not something that could fail - no he have not seen the furniture or clothes in the shelves before.

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