Day 2

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Apr 14, 2022 2:21 pm
GeneCortess says:
[ooc]The one chest that has a little crack in it as the target. Thorem has pitons, hammer, and a crowbar to work on it.
Cool, cool, cool. Don't even need to roll anything it would take you no more than an action to tear chest apart.
Let's just wait if any player want to do anything before that[/ooc]
Apr 14, 2022 5:24 pm
Yoth will follow Thorem when he goes to open the chest.
Apr 14, 2022 6:18 pm
As Thorem touches the chest is shines red light and the same high unpleasant sounds start coming, but you expected. Thorem break the chest with no problems just to discover another "fake gold" inside - it does not spill out of the chest but stay there - it is a a made of stone and coloured in gold piece of a stone, shaped to look like pile of gold.
What is a surprise however - the sound and the red light do not disappear even after a minute. The sound if really annoying you feel like you may not be able to sustain in much longer
You will need to to con save if stay close (i.e. within this hall) to the source of the sound more than 5 minutes. And slowly suffer some consequences on the failed saves.
What do you do next?
Apr 14, 2022 6:24 pm
Thorem deciding that leaving the noise is needed. He will retreat to the entrance where we came in at. Can anyone do anything about that excessive loud noise? He is rather disappointed about the chest and will later go and do in the other chest with his tools. After all we come here to get chests.
Apr 14, 2022 7:45 pm
"Sounds like an alarm. We should head down either watery path.

"Which would you like to go to?"
Apr 15, 2022 3:34 am
I will wait a moment or two and then attack the other chest. Just letting my ears settle a bit.
Last edited April 15, 2022 3:35 am
Apr 15, 2022 5:04 am
The second chest is all but empty. And it is now glowing red and making the same noise
Apr 15, 2022 5:39 pm
After returning to his spot at the entrance, "Well we aren't doing well on chest today. It has been a fast day."
Apr 15, 2022 9:23 pm
Yoth follows Thorem back to the entrance.

"Water in either direction," he says. "Unless someone objects, let's investigate this one." He points his weapon down the hall, towards the watery chameber at the end of the corridor.
Apr 15, 2022 9:59 pm
Did Thorem see that ladder in the SE corner?
Apr 15, 2022 10:12 pm
Bellow also returns to the first hallway and follows Yoth towards the water. I switch my glaive to my off hand and draw my short sword.
Anguis, I could use your light please.
Or I can hang back if some of you like it dark.
Apr 16, 2022 2:29 am
"Light or Dark, doesn’t matter to me.

"I think it makes sense for you to stand in the middle, Bellow, and let us cave dwellers be the ends. It will allow you to help us on either front."
Apr 16, 2022 7:50 am
OK I will push the story forward, we have either some misunderstanding I believe.
Mal, seeing that Thorem is no wiling to put his foot into the water moves south there Thorem were and steps we steps into the water and see that there is water tunnel en to the right of him that ends with what he believe is a up stairs (although it is on edge of his dark vision some dim light is coming tom upstairs and let him clearly see the stairs).
He see another hall to the left of him that seems more like a natural cave not a hall like anything you have seen before. He can't see the war end of that hall
I reveal the right part of the map more than you should have seen, but there is nothing interesting to see and there is no way up - the tunnel you see int he map is just because this is ready map and I am to good at fixing pictures

Later you all return the first hallway and see the pillar lights go off, but the red light and sound of chest stay.
Apr 16, 2022 10:12 am
Yes, Bellow, blade or shirt? anguis asks about the location of light before casting it.

He walks down near the water and looks at the opposite side, can he get to the place that is not in water?
Last edited April 16, 2022 10:13 am
Apr 16, 2022 10:24 am
I've put some letters to the map, please use that labeling to explain your actions. If you want to get to E you will need to get your legs wet, but not more than that.
When you go there you discover nothing but a dead end. You also see that there used to be some walls or a building, but it is ruined just like after an earthquake.
Again0 please ignore the way up from room E. Imagine there is a wall.
Apr 16, 2022 2:18 pm
Thanks Anguis. Light the glaive.

Based on the map, we should be able to look from the stairs and see at least part way to room A. Let's go from D past F to the stairs.
Apr 16, 2022 2:29 pm
Gnellson says:

Based on the map, we should be able to look from the stairs and see at least part way to room A.
I don't think anyone did that, but here it is
[ +- ] Part A extened map
Apr 16, 2022 4:44 pm
Thorem feels excessively trapped. "I think we have done enough for today and should retire back." Thorem also mentions, These acid burns are fairly bad as well.
Last edited April 16, 2022 9:37 pm
Apr 16, 2022 5:15 pm
Alright. Anguis casts light on the requested item.
Torhem, i bet that if all of read that book, we could have avoided such injury, please be more patient... after all people are depending on us and the provisions that we bring back. he pats the dwarfs shoulder.
Then he turns to the hound in infernal Alright, how about we start with communication, tap right foot for yes and left for no, easy, right?
He looks at the hounds reaction while waiting for the results of bellows scouting.
Apr 17, 2022 2:25 am
GeneCortess says:
Thorem feels excessively trapped. "I think we have done enough for today and should retire back." Thorem also mentions, These acid burns are fairly bad as well.
Yesterday the entrance shut behind us and we had to find a way through the maze. I didn't look back today but I guess the entrance shut again.
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