Interest check - Tales of Xadia -Cortex system

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Apr 6, 2022 10:04 pm
Ok I just got the pdf of Tales of Xadia and am about halfway through it.

I am considering running the game using one of the premade adventures (most likely the one in the corebook). I am still debating on if to use the premade characters (there are 12 to choose from) or allow character generation. Since the game has only been out since March 29th I am assuming all players will be new to the game as I will be new to being the narrator.

The setting takes place just after the three season of the dragon prince (on netflix).

Life has been busy for me so this game will be fairly leisurely. I am thinking 3 post per week.
Apr 6, 2022 10:38 pm
...I really shouldn't join more games.. but also.. I love the setting of Xadia and Dragon Prince

If there's space and you need more sign me up, but will definitely let others get a say in first.
Apr 7, 2022 3:51 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
...I really shouldn't join more games.. but also.. I love the setting of Xadia and Dragon Prince

If there's space and you need more sign me up, but will definitely let others get a say in first.
Same for me. Interested, but probly shouldn't join
Apr 7, 2022 5:30 pm
I want to join this, but I need to watch Dragon Prince first. Only seen the first few episodes (waiting for the wife to watch it with me), but I don't want spoilers!
Apr 7, 2022 5:31 pm
It's been a while since I watched Dragon Prince. I'm very excited about this game but I'm not sure right now is the best time for it for me, unfortunately. I'd love to watch the game, though!
Apr 7, 2022 8:29 pm
I'm definitely interested - loved the show - but I find Cortex Prime a little confusing. As long as you're ok with some noob-handholding, I'd be down for giving this a spin.
Apr 7, 2022 8:55 pm
I'm in game nerd love with the Cortex Prime system in all its modular glory.

I'm interested, but I haven't watched Dragon Prince since it came out and I don't have the Tales of Xadia rules... put me as a maybe?
Apr 7, 2022 9:13 pm
I'd enjoy a chance to play in the Dragon Prince's world. I'm still very new to Cortex, though.
Apr 7, 2022 11:26 pm
Ok it looks like there is enough interest. I am have just gotten into the Narrator section of the rulebook. They state that the two tales on their website and the one in the book form a trilogy. So I am going to run through the three of them. If you want to understand the rules ahead of time there is also a rule primer and premade characters.

I have used cortex before but it is modified in tales to fit the genre and the world setting so we all will be new to this. I just need to figure out how many openings I will have but the game will be a go once I have gotten through the rules. I will send invites once I am ready to go. I would suggest watching the Dragon prince on netflix before playing. It will set the stage and then there won't be any spoilers of the show as well.

rule primer

Premade characters
Apr 8, 2022 2:41 am
I'll jump in and call Eljaal if that's not too premature.
Last edited April 8, 2022 2:42 am
Apr 8, 2022 12:36 pm
I love Cortex Prime and have run many sessions and settings using it and all it's glorious mods--including using the ToX ones. I'd be down for sure! I'm in some other stuff so no worries if you fill up when you launch--I'm happy to join after those who need a game. But if and when you have room, count me in.

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