FluxCapacitor says:
any of the InterStellar settings
Qralloq says:
Interstellar Laser Knights (or any of those really)
TheGenerator says:
Interstellar setting (small preference towards Bounty Hunter)
O K ! We have a clear preference for a bashing together of the four Interstellar settings. I'll get to work on that. You all, please come up with characters. Once I propose a scenario, we can find reasons for them to be there (and already banded together? Your choice!)
EDIT TO ADD It seems like bashing Mech War against the other three will cause some sparks, they won't easily weld together. Could we do "dismounted" scenario where
Dreamblade runs a Trooper, then a "mounted" scenario where all four of you are piloting mechs?
Last edited April 9, 2022 4:42 pm