There is risk of detection, so
looking around requires a roll. Presumably with Smartness and Hacking?
Though maybe you want to use Caution instead of Smart? Doing so will be 'safer' but not yield as good discovery results (in addition to giving you one less dice).
What are you trying to do?
• Gain higher privileges in this system? That might make future actions easier, but does not directly advance your progress.
• Looking for passwords/credentials? That might be useful later, either later on this job, or afterwards for resale value. This will not directly advance your progress.
• Looking for door controls? This will directly advance your progress (tick the Clock for Opening the Door).
The Clocks for this would vary based on your approach (which is more than just the Approach, but also based on how you choose to do things). Maybe a 4-segment clock to go 'right for it', along with a competing 4-segment clock for them to notice you; or, both of those could be 6-segment clocks if you are being cautious (it takes you longer, but you are less likely to trip any alarms)?
As per the rules, any of those actions would probably start at 2 Threat and 2 Effect (but we can discuss that once we know which/what you are trying). I don't see
them having any Edge, but
you might. If you do, then that could be used to adjust the Threat or Effect in your favor.
You can also choose to shift
both Threat and Effect level up or down by one before you roll (what you do to one you do to the other).
Good results on the dice ticks the Open the Door Clock by the Effect amount, bad results tick the Alert Clock by the Treat amount. Middling results tick both (there may be other consequence, so some of the Threat amount might do something other than tick the clock (and you might be able to split you Effect as well, in some situations)).
If you can apply an Edge, and then also shift things up a gear, you can reach 4 Effect and possibly complete the 4-Clock on one roll, but you also increase the cost or consequences you will receive if you roll less than a 6.
Rolling a Critical (two 6s) could also complete a 4-Clock in one go from Effect level 3 (from Edge or shift) at lower risk/cost.
If you can arrange for there to be 0 Threat (maybe Edge to reduce it to 1 and then shift both down) you don't need to roll (there is no threat, after all). But that probably means low Effect as well, and time is a danger/resource.
Did you arrange to install any specific/specialised programs on your cyberdeck for this part of the job? They could give you an Edge if you use them.
Each time you use a particular program the system has a chance of recognising it. As part of the consequences we may tick a clock (bigger safety clocks for more bespoke programs), and when it is full: using that program will immediately be recognised and raise an alert.
You might be able to reset these tracking clocks by hacking the Track and Trace systems (or by moving to unrelated systems that don't share threat information), or by using other software. But all those will possibly require more software and/or risky actions.
If the software seems obvious to have brought we can assume you have it. If its need is based on specific situations you encounter, you will need to show us --in a flashback-- how/why you arranged to get it. The more specialised, unexpected, or powerful the software the more Stress the Flashback will cost. Flashbacks may involve dice rolls.
Please ask questions. This is a lot of sudden mechanics. :)