Heist in The Heights [OOC]

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Jun 2, 2022 9:53 am
Yeah if a 6 "cancels" the threat alarm, then it's a good bet, rolling 4d6. can still go really bad :D
Jun 2, 2022 10:02 am
CESN says:
Yeah if a 6 "cancels" the threat alarm, then it's a good bet ...
A 6 means only the Effect comes into play (Full Success), only on a 4-5 (Partial Success) does the Threat also activate. 1-3 means only the Threat and no Effect.
CESN says:
... rolling 4d6. can still go really bad ...
Would it surprise you to learn there is like a 48% chance of bad happening? :)
Jun 2, 2022 10:19 am
that's a bit higher than expected but to be fair, not surprising
Jun 2, 2022 11:20 am
CESN says:
(in RP)So how does the help work? was this a narrative increase in efficiency or does nezzarj need to decide if he takes 1 stress to give me +1d.
To Assist requires them to spend 1 Stress, and gives you an extra +1 dice.

What we had in the description was more of a setup action to give you an Edge, but that time has passed and the die is cast. We can treat is a pure fiction with no mechanical effects --since that is all it was-- so your description of using the advice to your success is enough.

With your 6 (and twice close to a Crit): you managed to take it out before it could call home. Go ahead and narrate that, then I might add a bit about why the kid reacted as she did.
Jun 2, 2022 11:32 am
vagueGM says:
What we had in the description was more of a setup action to give you an Edge, but that time has passed and the die is cast.
yeah I though so, just checking :)
Jun 2, 2022 12:16 pm
vagueGM says:

"Magnets." Is all Herma will say, blushing fiercely.
Jun 2, 2022 6:17 pm
vagueGM says:
You don't have time for much of an interrogation, and need to keep your voices down in case the bot has audio pickups, so you will not get much from them in this situation or by just asking.
Agreed, his plan is to quickly find something to offer them to keep them as lookouts on this entrance--perhaps with a promise of giving them "control" of it once the team quits the job.
vagueGM says:
Did Blank introduce himself? We can assume it happened offscreen, but if you choose not to have done so, that will affect the power dynamic. :)
Let's say he hasn't introduced himself yet, lol.
vagueGM says:
Streetwise (to help you parse their slang, as well as evaluate their streetworthyness)
Exactly this!
Jun 3, 2022 4:45 am
Dunko says:
(in RP)... current high score in C.A.K.E. ...
Would C.A.K.E. have a shared highscore where they would have seen your name (or the blank space that represents it in speculation-fueling manner)? Or would you have to find a machine and prove it?
Dunko says:
(in RP)... Are we still building the stakes or should I roll ...
It was not 'stakes' that needed building, rather it was fiction that we needed.

If by 'stakes' you mean Threat and Effect: they don't apply to a Gather Information roll. We might need to chat about what you hope to learn from a Gather Information, but...
Dunko says:
... his plan is to quickly find something to offer them to keep them as lookouts on this entrance ...
I can tell you this for free:

They have already been promised that they can come with. Breaking that promise and leaving them behind (unsupervised) will not lead to them keeping any promises to you. They will seek their own angle to secure some fame from this discovery.
Dunko says:
(in RP)... Blank would be not much older than these kids ...
Ah. I have not made picked up on that. Thanks for clarifying. That may or may not help, as the dice dictate in other moves going forward.
Dunko says:
(in RP)... closer in age to them than he is to, say, Winston ...
Well, yes. But isn't everyone? Winston is an outlier, a fossil of a previous age. :)
Jun 3, 2022 5:14 pm
Would C.A.K.E. have a shared highscore where they would have seen your name (or the blank space that represents it in speculation-fueling manner)? Or would you have to find a machine and prove it?
It sure would have a shared board showing score, and if this universe has some sort of personal jack system he could prove his virtual identity on the fly!
They have already been promised that they can come with.
OK then yes the goal is to have some if their people keep watch.

But if there is nothing to mine here, or it conflicts with what we established, it's understandable and we can roll with not worrying about guarding the entry, necessarily.
Jun 4, 2022 6:10 am
Dunko says:
... a shared board showing score ...
Cool. They will have seen it and been both impressed and envious. Having, now, met you they will still be envious but it is up to you how impressed they are. :)

What does the board say?
Does it list the name 'Blank' or is there a '       ' there which no one else can work out how to replicate (they all have to enter at least three letters), or did you use some other name?
Dunko says:
... could prove his virtual identity on the fly ...
Depending on how much you want to play with this fame, they could either just believe you ("how ever did you get past the ...?" or something); or dismiss your claim and make you need to work to back it up; or it could be trivial to prove. Were is me, I would be inclined to avoid proof and have most believe and some doubt/deny.
Dunko says:
... not worrying about guarding the entry ...
Guard against what, though?
If their parents or friends come along they are not going to side with you strangers.
If something from the other side comes along, what are they going to do? Die? Their best chance of survival (baring 'going home') is for you to keep them safe.
Dunko says:
... if there is nothing to mine here ...
You can work on your relationship with them. A little chatting will quickly reveal the above facts to Blank (no roll needed), and some ongoing work can even turn them into trustworthy companions... and you may even learn their 'strengths', enough to make the useful.
Jun 8, 2022 8:31 am
CESN says:
(in RP)... guess you can't close it back. It feels leaving it like this is inviting more trouble?
Indeed. Very true. :)
Jun 13, 2022 1:39 pm
Unless Dunko dissents, it looks like the plan is to move quickly, but not actively do anything about the cameras. That makes sense (no judgement, either way).

That sounds a lot like a Group Action.
Lead Group: All participating PCs make the same Action roll and pick the best result among them. The LEADER marks 1 Stress for each PC that failed. They are all exposed to any Consequences.
Which makes mechanical sense for Blank to lead (and can also make in-fiction sense, with him --the social one-- needing to manage the hangers-on (who do not roll)). Blank has the most Stress to burn, and moving past the cameras seems like Caution and Mobility --giving him the best stats as well.

If we are interested in trying this, them we can work out the details.
Jun 13, 2022 1:44 pm
sounds good to me ! anything to keep the stress away from D.
Jun 13, 2022 2:03 pm
Hehe, yeah. A Group Action here could bring up to 3 Stress, would be too much for him to handle. :)
Jun 13, 2022 2:56 pm
vagueGM says:
Hehe, yeah. A Group Action here could bring up to 3 Stress, would be too much for him to handle. :)
D. leads the group into the higher levels but those kids just get on his nerves and he freaks out into a murdering spree... leaving only E. untouched. Ah! Nothing like the slaughter of nuisances to relieve some stress...
Jun 13, 2022 3:01 pm
This sounds like a good plan to me!
Jun 13, 2022 3:50 pm
Do we understand how Group Actions work? (I don't see them listed in the SRD). Feel free to ask for more details if you need.
Dunko would narrate what they are doing to get everyone through, maybe first, maybe last, maybe first and last. Everyone else would narrate what their character is doing.

Everyone would roll the same Approach and Skill (Caution and Mobility, I assume, but we need to agree first).

We take the highest result from all the rolls.

If anyone rolls 1-3, the Leader take Stress. (1 Stress per 1-3 roll, including themself, the leader's roll is not special).

The stakes are: 'getting out of this level' versus 'being noticed'. on a 4-5 both happen, in a Crit we will work out what your bonus is.

Two players getting 6s is still just a 6, since we take the single highest result, which, in that case, is a 6. For a Crit we need the player to get a Crit of their own, and, I think, only Blank can do that, since everyone else might only have 1d?

We can not Assist, since we are all already involved in the action and the consequence, but anyone can Push to get themself extra dice.

Consequences can be resisted by anyone, as usual.
Jun 13, 2022 7:26 pm
I think that all makes sense.

So again, other than the cameras, there doesn't appear to he anyone about, right?

I was thinking the approach at this point is just walking through like we own the place--projecting a "nothing to see here, we've got our business so mond yours"--a bit of Empathy and mobility perhaps.
Jun 13, 2022 7:27 pm
And to clarify, success would roll in any potential encounters we did have, like we'd give them the don't mess with us vibe and both groups go on their way.
Jun 13, 2022 7:41 pm
Dunko says:
... there doesn't appear to he anyone about ...
Correct. No one ever comes down here. They appear to have forgotten about this place.
Dunko says:
... nothing to see here, we've got our business so mond yours ...
If you choose to go that route rather than avoiding the cameras then the type of risk will adjust accordingly. It should not affect the Level of the Threat, just their nature.
Dunko says:
... Empathy and mobility perhaps ...
That could make sense for what you describe, but remember that everyone has to roll the same set, so, while Empathy gives you an extra die, it takes one away from the rest, leaving them rolling 0d. (If we do the group action).
The benefit of the Group Action is that you only have one 'roll' so only one set of consequences. If you want to each do your own thing, you can each roll whatever stats work for you, but it will be three sets of rolls and potentially three sets of consequences. But you save the direct Stress risk of a Group Action.

Your individual actions still have to make sense in the fiction. It might be hard to have one person strolling along as though they own the place while another creeps around trying to stay hidden.
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