Chapter 13 - What Ramon wants

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Apr 23, 2022 8:32 am
I asked about family but they said Mr. Ramon just checked himself in one day and never had any family visit him. Johnny said through a mouthful of carbonized hotdog. He saw that look in his Aunt's eyes, the concern there, and looked back at her to let her know he was okay. Could be that his family was really far away since he was a sailor for most of his life. I dunno though. The nurse that I was helping to box up his things didn't seem to think he had any family... He did leave behind a kind of treasure hunt though. I found it in his books that are going to the library. One of the clues we found at the lighthouse earlier. I figure it'd be a nice way to remember Mr. Ramon to follow the trail he left.
Apr 23, 2022 8:34 am
Logan sits there enjoying his burger and drink. Listening to the others, he finds his thoughts drifting to fighting monsters
I wonder what it'd be like to fight an actual monster?
Last edited April 23, 2022 8:34 am
Apr 23, 2022 8:40 am
Harold, Mary's bf
"A treasure hunt... Sounds like fun."

Aunt Mary
"isn't the Lighthouse closed to the public? How did you get there?"
Apr 23, 2022 8:41 am
Al laughs at Roger's comments. "I know monsters like that!", she explains. Then she bumps Johnny with her elbow. "Your family is really cool. I wish mine was this fun."
Apr 23, 2022 9:39 am
We just walked out there. It was a bit of a hike but not bad.. Johnny tried to assuage Mary's poking into the matter. The clue was outside, hidden behind a rock, so we didn't have to get in or anything. He purposefully omitted the part about the barbed wire fence and the ocean swim that got them to their clue. We're trying to figure out the next clue. Something about where water meets the sky... He laughed a bit,Sounds like stuff Edud Edd would say to mess with tourists at the store. he joked with Mary and Charlene.
Edd is my grandfather. Edud is the word for grandfather, my Dad's Dad, in the old language. he explained to Alana and Logan. I lived with him before coming to Gulf Haven.
Apr 23, 2022 10:07 am
Harold, Mary's bf
"Where water meets the sky... like the horizon. But you can't get to the horizon. So that can't be it." he says.

Aunt Mary
"Here we go," she says rolling her eyes. "Harold likes riddles... Crossword puzzles... you name it."

Roger, Charlene's bf
"Told ya he was boring," he whispers, immediately nudged hard by Charlene.

Aunt Mary


Apr 23, 2022 10:25 am
Aunt Mary
She steps to Logan, eager to put some distance between herself and Harold as he ponders the riddle. "Think I saw you, at the Twin Cinemas? I work there," she says. "Aren't you the one who comes to all the Monster Marathons, with that Eddard guy?"

Harold, Mary's bf


Apr 23, 2022 10:27 am
Harold, Mary's bf
"Nah. Definitely not horizon. Have you thought of anything else?" he asks Johnny and Al.
Apr 23, 2022 10:55 am
We thought maybe the new fountain? It kinda fits the description... Johnny offered, unsure whether there really was a connection since he couldn't remember really having looked at it since he came to town. We thought it might be another book in Mr. Ramon's collection but Logan went through them all.
No luck there.
the boy shrugged.
Johnny hadn't really formed an opinion of Harold just yet. Nothing concrete anyway. He seemed like he cared but he wasn't sure if Harold was trying too hard or what but there was a bit of distance between the two.
Apr 23, 2022 11:00 am
Harold, Mary's bf
"The fountain down Civic Centre? Hmm... the water from that hardly reaches the sky..." he makes a gesture approximating the height reached by the fountain jets there, about waist high.

"Must be a higher place, I think. We don't have any more fountains in Gulf Haven, do we, Rog?"

Roger, Charlene's bf
"Fountains, huh? No, no fancy fountains... we're lucky if we have running water, here!" he chuckles.

Aunt Charlene


Apr 23, 2022 11:22 am
Aunt Charlene
"Well, there's a fountain in the Galleria Mall, but that's indoors. No sky there...
Apr 23, 2022 2:56 pm
"We were also thinking it could be a cloud!", Al reminds the others. "But how would you reach that without a plane or helicopter." A grin spreads over her face. "Unless you're a vampire and can fly, of course."
Apr 23, 2022 3:43 pm
Harold, Mary's bf
"A cloud, yes. It gives us the same problem as the horizon. It fits the riddle, but you cannot get there..."

Roger, Charlene's bf
"Where else is water near the sky. Like... In a swimming pool at the top of a skyscraper? Except, we have no skyscrapers either." he says with a shrug.
Apr 23, 2022 4:39 pm
Darn it, I just realized I never sent a post I wrote this morning. Oh well, the conversation has moved on. Was just fluff anyway 😄
"Oh, oh, oh!", Al exclaims excitedly. "What if it's rain! And you can only see the next clue in the rain!" She thinks. But where?
"And it is... on top of the highest building in town! I'm a genius!"

Roger, Charlene's bf


Apr 23, 2022 5:27 pm
Roger, Charlene's bf
"So you wanna go on top of a building and... wait for the rain?..." He shields his eyes and looks up at the scorching sunny day, then back at Al. "Well, you better bring a good book, as it might be a while..."
Apr 23, 2022 5:29 pm
"Hm," Al says. This riddle was tough. "Maybe I'll bring a watering can instead. I could fake rain."

Aunt Charlene


Apr 23, 2022 5:42 pm
Aunt Charlene
"Hey, you guys should totally go on the Amusement Pier Ferris Wheel and check out tall buildings from up there!" she says, trying to turn the hunt towards something more kid-friendly.
Apr 23, 2022 6:22 pm
@witchdoctor what jobs do you want Roger and Harold to have?
Apr 23, 2022 8:17 pm
Dr_B says:
@witchdoctor what jobs do you want Roger and Harold to have?
Harold works at the bank. Some kind of white collar office work probably.

Roger seems like a blue collar kind of guy who'd work with his hands. A repair guy or mechanic, maybe, but I'm open to suggestions.
Apr 23, 2022 8:22 pm
Dr_B says:
"Hey, you guys should totally go on the Amusement Pier Ferris Wheel and check out tall buildings from up there!" she says, trying to turn the hunt towards something more kid-friendly.
That sounds like a good idea. It's cooler on the pier and they have all those rides. Especially the big ferris wheel. Johnny agreed. They didn't have anything like that in Oklahoma, except maybe at state fair time in Tulsa and even then not as big! Wheels turned for a moment in his head before a thought occurred to him, The ferris wheel is really tall and it's on the pier over the water... Maybe that's what Mr. Ramon's clue was talking about. "Where the sea meets they sky."
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