Chapter 13 - What Ramon wants

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Apr 24, 2022 6:59 pm
Logan can feel his cheeks start to turn red as he listens to Kelly speak. Fighting the urge to sayi something rude, Logan turns his back to Nate. It was nothing Nate... I'm just glad no one was seriously hurt.
Apr 25, 2022 1:00 am
Johnny looked a little embarrassed and sheepish as Alana pulled Logan and himself out of line and approached a red haired girl and her family. The best he could do is smile awkwardly while Alana tried to wheedle her way into the line with them.
Oh, yeah. I braid it myself most of the time. he answered the little girl's question. Sometimes my Aunt's help me if I want it to look good and tight. My hair comes down to about here... he indicated about a third of the way down his chest when it's loose. Probably a little longer than yours maybe.

He nodded to Logan as he headed off to find his own route onto the ferris wheel. We're looking for another hilt symbol like on the rock probably. Flag is down if you see one anywhere. There seemed to be like a thousand people milling about the pier for the festivities. If they lost each other it'd be pretty hard to find each other again.
Apr 25, 2022 8:50 am
Kelly Curtis
"Whatever," she dismisses her brother with a shrug. "Hey, now your friend is here, I don't have to babysit you, right? Why don't you go on this stupid wheel to make Mom happy, and me and the girls can do something FUN for a change?" she says.

Mia's friends
"Yeah, the wheel is only good if you're alone with your boyfriend," says one of them, causing much laughter in her friends.
"Too bad Mia isn't here, Romeo... you guys could have, you know...?" says another to Logan. Much more laughter ensues.

Nate Curtis
"Sounds good to me. It's not like I WANT to be seen with you, Kelly. You know I said I'd hang out with you just to keep Mom off my back."

He turns to Logan, "What do you say, feel like a Ferris Wheel ride? I'm buying."
Apr 25, 2022 8:55 am
"My hair comes down to about here..."
"That's really long. For a boy," she says approvingly. She looks at Alana, then at Johnny. "Mom and Dad, can the long haired boy ride with us on the wheel? Not the rude girl, though."

Lily's Parents
the parents exchange confused glances.
"At least she'll stop moaning,"you hear one whisper to the other.
"Er...Sure, if that's what you want, honey..."
Apr 25, 2022 12:36 pm
"You're the rude girl!", Al replies. She crosses her arms, then thinks better of it and instead picks up Ripper, hugging her to her chest. "Fine, I prefer to be alone with my puppy anyway!"



Apr 25, 2022 12:55 pm
her eyes widen at the sight of such overwhelming cuteness...
"Ooh! is it a boy-dog or a girl-dog? Can I touch it?"

Lily's Parents


Apr 25, 2022 12:58 pm
Lily's Parents
"I don't think they'll let you take the dog on the wheel, you know..." says Lily's Mom, pointing at a regulations sign on the barrier forming the corridor line.
It does say No Pets Allowed on it.
Apr 25, 2022 1:01 pm
"She's a girl and her name is Jack the Ripper!", Al says to the girl. "And you can only touch her if you let us ride the ferris wheel with you."

She then reads the sign and tells Lily's parents: "Yes, but Ripper is still really small. I'm sure it'll be fine. She's also very well behaved, but she often gets scared and can't fight monsters yet."
Apr 25, 2022 1:05 pm
"OK, OK, you can come with us on the wheel!" she says, stroking Ripper.

Lily's Parents
"...if they let you..." adds Lily's Mom.
Apr 25, 2022 1:12 pm
Grinning that she managed to convince the girl, Al stands next to Johnny. "Looks like I'm not the only one with famous hair anymore!", she tells him. "Too bad about Logan, but I guess he has to sit this one out. We'll tell him all about the next clue afterwards."
Apr 25, 2022 2:16 pm
Sure, it's a deal. L9gan says as the girls walk away. Logan turns back around and looks to where he left Al and Johnny. Wondering how they're doing Logan figures they'll get on the ride some how. Have you read any new books? Logan asks as they follow the line up to the front.
Apr 25, 2022 8:20 pm
Nate Curtis
Nate makes a bitter chuckle, "not of the kind, I'd like to read. Can you believe it? My dad gave me a Summer Reading list." he shakes his head. "He says to get a chance at Law studies later on, I need to start working now."

The line moves slowly forward as they chat.
Apr 25, 2022 8:33 pm
Meanwhile, slightly ahead in the line Lily's family get to the front and reach the ticket office. The wheel towers above them. There is a small booth for tickets. Lily's parents get their own family ticket, and Al and Johnny have to get their own.

Past the ticket booth a man at the base of the giant wheel checks tickets and forms the groups of 5-6 people to go on each of the cabins.
The man stops Alana as soon as he sees the dog.

Wheel Man
"Sorry, kid. Can't let you in with the doggy. You read the signs? You're welcome to wait for your family on that bench." he says, pointing at a waiting area within the enclosure.
Apr 25, 2022 8:48 pm
"Actually, Ripper is really well behaved. And look how small she is!", Al holds her out, closer to the man. "We won't make any trouble. I swear. I never make trouble. And my puppy will be sad if she can't ride the ferris wheel!"
She tries her best puppydog eyes but then decides Ripper is probably better at those than she is, so she let's her do the work.
Apr 25, 2022 9:01 pm
Wheel Man
The man does not seem moved by the puppyeyes, canine or human. "It's the rules, sorry: no exceptions."

He looks at Lily's parents, saying " You can get a ticket refund if you want. Or, if you find someone to watch your dog while you do the ride, you can get on. But the dog cannot ride on the wheel. What is it gonna be? I have a long line, so please hurry up."
there will be no persuading this guy, as he doesn't want to go against the rules.
Lily's Parents
"Come on, you heard the man." says Lily's dad. "You cannot get on. Let's go Lily, your friend and doggy have to stay back." he ushers his family on the next wheel cabin. They get in.
what is Johnny doing? and what does Alana decide?
Apr 25, 2022 9:07 pm
"You're so mean!", Al tells the man, raising her voice. "Why do you even work at a ferris wheel if you hate children?" Then, quieter, she tells her dog: "Come, Ripper. The bad man doesn't think you're a good puppy."
She trots off in defeat, just quickly glancing around to see the reactions to her little outburst.
Apr 25, 2022 9:28 pm
While I feel your pain, I can also see where your dad is coming from. He wants you to be ahead of the game when it's time to think about law school. Logan takes a couple steps forward as the line moves. Looking around he wonders how Al and Johnny are doing.

I haven't had that much time to read any decent horror books either. Granted, there's a couple I want to check out, but I've always ran out of time. Moving forward as the line moved again, Logan resumes talking. I'm sure you saw the article in the paper...the one about Davey going missing?
Last edited April 25, 2022 9:29 pm
Apr 26, 2022 12:18 am
I can hold Ripper and wait while you ride and then when you're done, I can get on... Johnny offered. He wasn't sure if the wheel guy would go for that but it was the most diplomatic option.

Nate Curtis


Apr 26, 2022 7:12 am
Nate Curtis
"An article? sounds cool! I haven't seen it, no. You have to show it to me! I did hear Davey was found. Didn't know that was the Monster Hunters' work, too!"
He pats him on the shoulder, "You guys are becoming this town's superheroes!"
Apr 26, 2022 7:15 am
Alana's scene turns a few looks and causes a 'whatever' shrug from the Ferris Wheel man, but little else.
who is going with Lily's family (if anyone), and who is staying on the ground with Ripper?
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