Apr 23, 2022 8:33 am
Ae you arrive at the head office, you notice a gnome woman entering the building just before you. When you enter you find Talaraka talking with her.
"What is the meaning of this?" the woman asks angrily. She was pointing to a red coin, left to the places you pen-test by you. You recognize the woman as the local sheriff Ibabnin. She's a tough but trustworthy woman whom Kundaraks, especially Talaraka has a good history with. "Would you care to explain why was this thing lying around in a friggin murder case, eh?"
Talaraka, just when she opens her mouth sees you entering the room. "Good day to you too, Ibabnin. As my good friend Rauka can also explain, there has been an attempt to fraud us into this murder. It was just a regular pen-test, just that we have been infiltrated and the mission was given to Rauka from a false source."
"So you're tellin' me our friggin' security specialists have been infiltrated? What's next? Shields will start murdering people, eh?" She was obviously angry but she takes a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. "Listen. I believe I have taken this coin without anybody seeing. Apparently some girl has reported a smell-" She stops in thhe middle of the talk, slowly turning his head to Rauka. "I'm an idiot. Of course! Whatever. Guards were there pretty quick so I don't think anybody else were able to enter the building but one can never know in this city. The dead body belonged to one Hakhur of Clan Orothiar. Apparently he was the illegal child of the Orothiar council member Tutak. Well, nobody has confirmed anything but we got a letter from the man's body. It talks about a local gang threatening him to reveal his true identity. If anybody finds this letter, check out the Ratabands was his exact words, I guess. We haven't got the faintest idea what the hell is a Rataband."
As she says this word, Rauka's mind starts shouting danger! In your area of work, one must accustome oneself to the art of misdirection and hidden messages. Security systems usually contain false sources that lead to nowhere or alerts the owners should you temper with them. Something about that word bothers you. After a while you remember that it is an anagram of a word once was very popular in coded letters, both to indicate there is more to that text and serve as a password. If anything, you are almost sure that this letter found in the man's corpse contains more information than these guards were able to extract from it.


Matron Talaraka

As she says this word, Rauka's mind starts shouting danger! In your area of work, one must accustome oneself to the art of misdirection and hidden messages. Security systems usually contain false sources that lead to nowhere or alerts the owners should you temper with them. Something about that word bothers you. After a while you remember that it is an anagram of a word once was very popular in coded letters, both to indicate there is more to that text and serve as a password. If anything, you are almost sure that this letter found in the man's corpse contains more information than these guards were able to extract from it.